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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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Captain Glanton said:
--If you want to have large inner thighs, squat with a wide stance. I do all my squatting with a wide stance, squatting back, and my inner thighs are enormous. Seriously, the inside legs of my jeans rub white really fast, and if I walk in shorts even a mile or so, I'll start to chafe.

What does a narrower stance workout? Outer portion of the legs, I'm assuming?
Soka said:
What does a narrower stance workout? Outer portion of the legs, I'm assuming?

Quadriceps, mainly the front of the thigh.

One thing to note with a narrow stance squat is that some people find it harder to balance, so try it with a lighter weight initially.


I have no idea what my BMI is, to be honest.
There's no where around here that I could figure it out.

I'm 5'10'1/2 and 190lbs.

However... most of that is muscle. I did karate for 6 years, and most of it was grappling and sparring, so I'm pretty in shape.

I just want to tone up a bit, and I have no clue how.
I've been pretty much the exact same for the past 5 years, and I seem to be stuck here. :lol
Immortal_Daemon said:
I have no idea what my BMI is, to be honest.
There's no where around here that I could figure it out.

I'm 5'10'1/2 and 190lbs.

However... most of that is muscle. I did karate for 6 years, and most of it was grappling and sparring, so I'm pretty in shape.

I just want to tone up a bit, and I have no clue how.
I've been pretty much the exact same for the past 5 years, and I seem to be stuck here. :lol
My BMI is 30.7, which is obese. Oh no!

Do you still grapple for karate? If not, how long has it been since you quit? For years after I quit exercising I still looked pretty athletic, but when I got back into it seriously I learned that looks deceive.


Opus Angelorum said:
@ Immortal

So I'm assuming you are quite heavy set, but lack overall definition?

Not heavy set at all, actually.

Most of my weight is from leg muscle (you'd be surprised what 6 years of martial arts can do).

I just have slightly enough fat on me that I lack definition in my core.

So I'm looking for whatever the heck would be the best way to get rid of it without getting super bulky, cause I like my size other than the core fat.
Immortal_Daemon said:
Not heavy set at all, actually.

Most of my weight is from leg muscle (you'd be surprised what 6 years of martial arts can do).

I just have slightly enough fat on me that I lack definition in my core.

So I'm looking for whatever the heck would be the best way to get rid of it without getting super bulky, cause I like my size other than the core fat.
Getting those core muscles to show and look tight is mostly a matter of diet. Do some fat burning exercises [HIIT or steady state cardio, but grappling is as good as you'll find for fat burning, actually] and watch your diet, and if you have the muscle base it should show through quickly. If you want specifics about the fat burning or diet, check the OP or let us know what you know and what you need to know.
Mr. Snrub said:
Squats will be fine for your back. Which discs did you injure? As long as you maintain proper form, your spine will be okay: keeping your back tight locks your spine into place and acts as a cushion to any shearing forces.

Just to add to this post, I've found that tightening your glutes while squatting is a good way of preventing your back from arching too much. Tightening your glutes is pretty much a good idea during all exercises, it seems like.


there is joy in sucking dick
I totally whipped my butt into pain today ;_;

and Tap Water + Protein Shake = :X

I need to buy some Poland Spring STAT


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
BMI says I'm overweight too....173lbs at 174cm, BMI 26.3. Time to stock up on slimfast I guess.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
perryfarrell said:
Just to add to this post, I've found that tightening your glutes while squatting is a good way of preventing your back from arching too much. Tightening your glutes is pretty much a good idea during all exercises, it seems like.

The only problem with tightening my muscles so that my "locked spine acts as a cushion" is that I no longer have that cushion (the disc) because it was surgically removed.

I'll just start watching videos that help teach people the right form and pay close attention to that.


Soka said:
Before anyone starts panicking, this in no way is even remotely scientific. You cannot determine body fat % purely by weight and height.

I think Glanton posted it for laughs but I have a feeling some people might not get that!

Ya, totally posted for laughs. As I suggested, a skinfold test put me at 8.4% bodyfat.

BMI is absurd.


Boogie said:
Ya, totally posted for laughs. As I suggested, a skinfold test put me at 8.4% bodyfat.

BMI is absurd.
You keep telling that to yourself, fatass.
All of you, FATASSES!
The internets hath spoken.
Do not doubt the internets.
It can see how fat your fingers are by the way you type on your keyboard.


Chichikov said:
You keep telling that to yourself, fatass.
All of you, FATASSES!
The internets hath spoken.
Do not doubt the internets.
It can see how fat your fingers are by the way you type on your keyboard.

Don't make me post half-naked posed pictures of myself, tovarisch.


Boogie said:
Don't make me post half-naked posed pictures of myself, tovarisch.
Pffft pictures.
I'm talking about a web page with some javascript on it.
It's like multiply the numbers or some shit.

Yeah right, this is science.


Chichikov said:
Pffft pictures.
I'm talking about a web page with some javascript on it.
It's like multiply the numbers or some shit.

Yeah right, this is science.

You're right. I should not argue with the wisdom of teh internets.


Ok, quick question here. I have a pretty good general knowledge about working out, gaining muscle mass and such but I wanted to get a quick opinion on this.

Obviously if you want to burn fat, you need to get your metabolism higher and I've been told if you can kick start your metabolism in the morning, then it carries you through the day. The reason this is important for me is that I work as a 3D Artist, so I'm sitting behind a computer/sketch pad from 9 am to 5 pm. I mean the most exercise I get at work is walking to the water cooler.

When I get home, I usually make myself dinner and then go to the gym for about an hour to and hour and half, doing mostly weight lifting with a small amount of cardio first to get my heart rate going. Right now I'm trying to put on muscle, but also trying to loose the last bit of fat that seams to hang around my abs. I have a six pack, but it seems to be damn near impossible for get a as defined as I want. With my work, I can't help but feel my metabolism during the day is at a crawl so I've been thinking of getting up 30 mins earlier in the morning to some cardio(not really running, but HIT such as kickboxing, sprints, suicides, etc...)

My question is, if I do cardio in the morning, about 30 mins worth everyday and then weight lifting at night, am I sabotaging my muscle gains or should I be good? By the way, I eat about 2700-3000 calories a day with a combination of oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, lean chicken, eggs, and fat free dairy.

Also, if I work out later in the evening(my gym gets packed around 7-8), and get done with my workout around 9-10 pm and then go to bed at midnight-1am, is that ok or am I not giving my muscles enough recovery time while I'm awake?

Thanks guys.


Not Banned from OT
here is my tally so far on day one of my vacation.

8 beers so far and working on more.
Burgers and fries from local resteraunt.
Ice cream cone from McDonalds.
Bowl of rocky road ice cream
2 lean pockets.

My knee is feeling much better a good buzz will do that I guess lol.
404Ender said:
The only problem with tightening my muscles so that my "locked spine acts as a cushion" is that I no longer have that cushion (the disc) because it was surgically removed.

I'll just start watching videos that help teach people the right form and pay close attention to that.

Go to Mark Rippetoe's forum that I suggested earlier, and look at all the of "Squat Form Check" or what have you on the site. You can see him telling people what looks good, what looks bad, and what looks terrible. He's a pretty up front guy, so don't be offended, but having the videos there to watch what people are doing (usually) wrong, helps.
perryfarrell said:
Just to add to this post, I've found that tightening your glutes while squatting is a good way of preventing your back from arching too much. Tightening your glutes is pretty much a good idea during all exercises, it seems like.

Good. Tightening your glutes can be a good cue to keep muscular tension, which is important in protecting/stabilizing your muscles. Tighten your abs, as well, for lower back support.
Immortal_Daemon said:
I go to the gym for an hour each day.

I have a pretty standard schedule:

* Stretch out (doesn't count as part of the hour)
* Run half a mile to get the heart pumpin.
* Light arm lifting
* Light leg lifting
* Core training (usually sit ups and those twisted sit up things that work the obliques)
* Run another half mile, or more if I can manage
* Heavy arm lifting
* Heavy leg lifting
* Core training
* Finish it off with 2000 meters of rowing

Now, I'm pretty darn happy with my arms and legs but I have a few questions:

I don't have much of a stomach, but I don't have a six-pack either. Should I continue running to lose the remaining fat, or would it be more beneficial to up the sit up count?

Also, how in the world do you work out the inside of your legs, near the groin (in before sex jokes)? Since I had to quit karate, my inside leg muscles are severely weakened compared to what they used to be.

I'm curious why you're doing heavy leg work later in your routine, where you're more likely to be tired and your form is more likely to break down. Why not do the heavy work first?

Inside of your leg? Do back squats, low bar position, sticking your butt back. This activations the hamstrings and those "inner thigh" muscles. My quads haven't gotten much bigger doing them this way, but my thighs chafe more than ever now.
Captain Glanton said:
--The six pack is largely a matter of fat loss, not muscle building. If you get your abs too strong [like me] you can have some definition, but too far out.

--If you want to have large inner thighs, squat with a wide stance. I do all my squatting with a wide stance, squatting back, and my inner thighs are enormous. Seriously, the inside legs of my jeans rub white really fast, and if I walk in shorts even a mile or so, I'll start to chafe.

Oh man, glad you have this too. Thigh chaffing is a pain. The only other immediate person I know who has this problem is my girlfriend, and thats from her ass and thighs wearing out her denim pants. They're big.


Mr. Snrub said:
I'm curious why you're doing heavy leg work later in your routine, where you're more likely to be tired and your form is more likely to break down. Why not do the heavy work first?

Inside of your leg? Do back squats, low bar position, sticking your butt back. This activations the hamstrings and those "inner thigh" muscles. My quads haven't gotten much bigger doing them this way, but my thighs chafe more than ever now.

I've messed around with the schedule before I settled on that, and it just seems to work pretty well for me.

The initial light stuff is kinda like a warm up, which leads into the big stuff.

Again though, I'm up to suggestions.


I had a pretty scary experience today where it felt like my shoulder popped when I doing some plate raise/truck drivers, an exercise that has you hold a weight plate up to your chest with fully extended arms and then rotate it left and right like a steering wheel.

This right shoulder of mine seems to be problem. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that one shoulder is lower than the other.
I ran my sprints tonight. As I said sometime before, the log I'd been carrying disappeared. To substitute, tonight I sprinted down the field, then either did 15 jump squats or lunged back down the field again [alternating with each set/sprint]. Very good workout.

Mr.City said:
I had a pretty scary experience today where it felt like my shoulder popped when I doing some plate raise/truck drivers, an exercise that has you hold a weight plate up to your chest with fully extended arms and then rotate it left and right like a steering wheel.

This right shoulder of mine seems to be problem. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that one shoulder is lower than the other.
Don't push your shoulder too hard if you're having problems with your rotator cuff. There are lots of shoulder exercises you can do to rehab the joint, but don't overdo it and don't just think you're being a wimp for stopping if it doesn't feel right. You will spend your life recovering from it [I know whereof I speak].

Immortal_Daemon said:
I've messed around with the schedule before I settled on that, and it just seems to work pretty well for me.

The initial light stuff is kinda like a warm up, which leads into the big stuff.

Again though, I'm up to suggestions.
If it were me, I might do this:

--Light Legs [warmup]
--Heavy Legs
--Heavy Upper Body
--Run 1/2 Mile Hard
--Light Upper Body
I have a few questions for the knowledgeable people here.

First of all, I'm interested in improving my anaerobic fitness level with an exercise that's also good cardio (i.e. an exercise that promotes heart health). But I don't want this exercise too burn too many calories, and I also don't want this exercise to interfere with muscle growth. Any tips? Maybe intervals?

Second of all, I have a question about diet. I'm currently lifting weights to gain strength, and I've finally started looking at my diet. My past diet appears to have been very carb-heavy (but it never made me gain fat), so I'm adding protein. I'm at 3000 calories a day roughly. (I think I'm an ectomorphic bodytype: lean even with big carb intake, good aerobic abilities.)

What is a good ratio for calories from protein to calories from carbs to calories from fat?


Jealous Bastard
stumbled onto this great article on runner's world's website. i know most of you are lifters and looking to bulk up, but for the scant few of us who are runners, here's a link to the best food for runners.

was very happy to see the following:

"Look for whole-grain cereals that offer at least five grams of fiber and at least eight grams of protein. For example, one cup of Kashi GoLean cereal, which is made from seven different whole grains, including triticale, rye, and buckwheat, fills you up with a hefty 10 grams of fiber (that's 40 percent of the DV) and is loaded with heart-healthy phytonutrients. It also contains soy grits, supplying 13 grams of protein per serving."

thank you, jebus. this cereal is one of my favorites and i scarf it regularly, even without runner's world's advice.

another highlight in honor of demon:

"One egg fulfills about 10 percent of your daily protein needs. Egg protein is the most complete food protein short of human breast milk, which means the protein in eggs contains all the crucial amino acids your hard-working muscles need to promote recovery. Eat just one of these nutritional powerhouses and you'll also get about 30 percent of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin K, which is vital for healthy bones. And eggs contain choline, a brain nutrient that aids memory, and leutin, a pigment needed for healthy eyes."


That's a great list.
But people who want to lose weight or bulk up take note that it's seemed designed for the high energy demands of runners.
So if you only hit the weight room you may want to consider taking it easy on the complex carbs foods like the sweet potato, pasta and bread (I'm not saying don't eat them, I believe in a balanced diet, it just a question of emphasis).

And yeah, egg is totally worth repeating, great food that gets such a bad reputation.
I was feeling especially spry/angry for leg day today. So I did [all of these are back squats]: my five warm-up sets, 495 X 8, 475 X 6, and then I did a Tabata set with 315. Right before the Tabata set, I had a friend give me a big slap across the back, which actually helps me get focused.

After the Tabata set, I just stretched out flat on the deadlift platform for several minutes. The first time I tried to get up, I just flopped back down. It felt like my heart was going to explode.

Edit: My legs are rock hard right now. And I have burn marks on my shoulders from the bar on the Tabata set. :D


Jealous Bastard
well done. how many days straight do you do workouts?

after i read/posted that healthy food for runners list, i went today and got a bunch of roast beef at the local deli and made a sandwich on nutty wheat bread. life is grand.
I work out Tue [upper], Thu [lower, usually running sprints], Sat [upper], Sun [lower]. It really works well for me.

Nothing's quite like a good sandwich. My diet hasn't been all it could be lately, so I'm trying to lean down again. Once you've been lean, any flab just feels enormous.


in the last 10 days I have gained over 20 pounds:(

Been sick, and have just been eating sweets like a stuffed pig. I have to go to work tomorrow, and its already late, and I dont want them to see me like this... bloated and fat... maybe its psychological, but I feel so obese.

I had done so well, only eating lean foods, so I have quickly gained everything back, since my body was just craving for carbs and sugar and fat:/ dammit.

how much Can I loose in a 1 hour workout? if I really get the sweat going... how much can I save?


Captain Glanton said:
Don't push your shoulder too hard if you're having problems with your rotator cuff. There are lots of shoulder exercises you can do to rehab the joint, but don't overdo it and don't just think you're being a wimp for stopping if it doesn't feel right. You will spend your life recovering from it [I know whereof I speak

Can you give more details on shoulder exercises you use to rehab your rotator cuff. I injured mine somehow and after a while thought it was fully healed. It wasn't and I re-injured it. It's a nagging injury and I don't want to be stuck with it forever. I want to be able to play tennis and disc golf again.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Shoho said:
in the last 10 days I have gained over 20 pounds:(

Been sick, and have just been eating sweets like a stuffed pig. I have to go to work tomorrow, and its already late, and I dont want them to see me like this... bloated and fat... maybe its psychological, but I feel so obese.

I had done so well, only eating lean foods, so I have quickly gained everything back, since my body was just craving for carbs and sugar and fat:/ dammit.

how much Can I loose in a 1 hour workout? if I really get the sweat going... how much can I save?
Gained 20 pounds in a week and a half? Somehow I doubt that.


Just checking in. I have really been trying to keep up with my workouts, but I've moved, and haven't found a gym yet. Hopefully I will sign up for one next week. I have been doing high rep workouts in the apartment "fitness center"... haven't done any BP, DL, or Squat in almost a month. :(

Life has been too stressful to keep up with a workout.


Jealous Bastard
Dice Man said:
Life has been too stressful to keep up with a workout.

i don't know how i could deal with the stress of life without my workout. get back in the swing slowly but surely, old bean. you'll feel much better.


Captain Glanton said:
If it were me, I might do this:

--Light Legs [warmup]
--Heavy Legs
--Heavy Upper Body
--Run 1/2 Mile Hard
--Light Upper Body

Sounds good to me, I'll give it a go.


beelzebozo said:
i don't know how i could deal with the stress of life without my workout. get back in the swing slowly but surely, old bean. you'll feel much better.

I hear ya, I really need a barbell with lots of weight to let off some stress. It really is the best stress reliever.


beelzebozo said:
is this even physically possible?

thats what my weight says.

maybe some of it is bodily fluids?

for the last 10 days I have just been laying down.. not moving or anything. doing nothing but eating. ate for like 100 dollars a meal. only sweets and sugars. I totally went overboard. I still have massive diarreah. I currently live with my mom and she always complains that the toilet is inhabitible because of my problems out there. But I am scared of going to a public restroom. I litterly stayed inside for 10 days. I feel so fat.


I seriously feel like crap. I worked so hard, and now I wasted so much energy on hungering myself on a strict low carb diet. I have been living of plants and lean chicken for the past month. and then I just go overboard with cookies, soda and other kinds of crap. 10 days is a long time to eat yourself half to death.

im not denying that I have a eating problem but jesus christ. what about being a bit more supportive guys.

im not saying I gained 20 pounds of fat... some of it probably is just digistive system being full of farts and the fact that I have alot of water... all the pizza and bread from sandwhich probably holds back on it.

makes me annoyed.

also another question - how much cal do I burn by jerking off? and is it okay to jerk off before or after a workout? I heard that some athletics refuse to have sex before a big event because they say it lowers their performance in their sports. is that true?
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