Just thought I'd introduce myself in this thread- Been waiting on approval for 5+ months and wanted to post in this thread many times. Overall I'm impressed with most of the advice seeing that this is primarily a videogame forum, and I'm glad to see some T-Nation readers here. Currently I run a modified 5x5 kind of routine, where as I progress on some exercises I add weight, others additional reps, and others again additional sets. It keeps things fresh and enjoyable, which I think is key for sticking with working out over long periods of time. I think anything you like that you can do consistantly is better than any "super effective" cookie cutter routine that you despise, causing low effort/intensity and even quitting.
Anyways, currently running a slightly lighter overall workout because I had some back issues- therefore no squats, DL's, Pendlay Rows, or standing overhead presses, probably through the end of the year. Basically my overall strategy is putting compound movements at the beginning of the workout, then finishing with isolation.
Alternating Leg Barbell Lunges (heavy) 3-5x5 (normally would be squats)
Seated DB Shoulder Press 5x5 (normally would be Standing military press)
One Arm DB Row 5x5 (normally would be Pendlay Rows)
Donkey Calf Raises 5x8 or 4x10
Dips supersetted by Leg raises (roman chairs? whatever you want to call them)- I do these at bodyweight, usually 17-20 for dips, 12-15 for leg raises, 3 sets total
Wide grip overhand pullups 2 sets, first to failure ~12, second ~6
Arms- usually 3 sets of a bi/tri superset, whatever I feel like doing
Palms Facing Narrow Grip pullups- I usually try to add to the total number done each week. So one week I might do 4 sets of 8 (32) then do 5 sets of 7 the next (35). Currently at 8, 8, 8, 7, 7
Incline Bench 5x5
Upright Barbell Rows 5x5 (normally would be SLDL or DL, and go at the start of the workout)
Ab/Arm work, usually close reverse grip bench and DB curls, cable crunches, etc
Bench Press 5x5
Pullups- what I call "Ninja Warrior Pullups" done basically gripping a ledge (I use the connector on the cable station) with your fingers/palms at a 90 degree angle, usually 3 sets, then 2 sets normal pullups
Lunges (light) I mix this up, sometimes I'll do a huge pyramid starting with the bar and adding +10 each time, then working all the way down, sometimes 20 rep sets, etc.
Shrugs SS w/ skull crushers, pyramid shrugs, high rep skullcrushers 12+, 3 sets total.
Other assorted arm work (2-3 sets)
I'm currently 5'11" and just a shade under 200 lbs at around 16% bf. I've always carried some fat, and I was a swimmer as a kid, so go figure. I'm planning on getting down to about the 12% region this spring, which I figure is about as low as I can maintain without driving myself insane. Seriously, I can look at starches and gain weight. Currently my diet is pretty sound, just need to do some cleanup on the weekends. Most of my fat loss will come from adding cardio, rather than cutting food. So yeah, there you have it. Look forward to contributing something (mostly positive...mostly) to this thread.
And I deserve any "TLDNR" posts, didn't mean to write so much.