Here's my weight loss story:
Starting in college, I'm a senior in college now, I gained a lot of weight. I'm 5'9". At the halfway point of Freshman year, I was a robust 191 lbs. Ouch. Horrible. I went on a quest to lose weight second semester, with mixed results. I was committed to the fact that with enough exercising, I didn't have to watch what I ate that much. This worked, slightly. I lost about 6 lbs over the second semester.
Sophomore year, I'm about 185 lbs, I start dieting and exercising. It's working all the way to 168 lbs. I did good. I wasn't lifting or anything, but I was eating clean and running a lot. However, Summer break hits, plentiful food, no walking to class, working, and other stuff happens. I don't work out much during the beginning of Junior year, and I balloon back up to 183. Horrible.
Luckily, I had been tracking my progress on an excel spreadsheet over the past year. Junior year, second semester, I see what happened. I look at the trend on a line graph, and see that the winter breaks and summer breaks kill me due to plentiful food at home and less exercise. I start my quest again. I'm at 182 lbs.
Thanks to my dieting experience from the previous year, I'm able to flip a mental switch and go back into dieting mode with ease. I start running and exercising a lot, with more effective techniques due to research. I drop a healthy 1.5 lbs a week due to clean eating and exercise. Eventually, summer comes and I'm a nice 169 lbs.
The next test comes with summer break, where I usually gain weight. I strive to break the habit and it works. I get a gym membership, lift some weights, run 4-5 times a week, play a lot of sports, and it works. Also, I got a full time internship, which helped my eating habits. I'd eat sandwiches for lunch at work, and I'd have snacks every 2 hours. I did it. I dropped to 161 by the end of the summer. A clean 30 lb weight loss from peak to trough. Nice.
Now, I've maintained a good 161-165 weight since then with increased muscle through weight lifting. I finally feel accomplished, but I'm not done. There's just a little left to go, and after Winter break is over, I'll be done.
If you guys have any detailed weight loss questions, ask away.