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Official Islamic Thread


MeowMeow said:
Remember how we established the fact that God is knower of all things, and he is the best judge out of all the judges? How everyone will be treated fairly and equally and nothing will be wronged, and any atoms worth of Good deed will be wiegh as well as bad acts and sin REGARDLESS OF WHO YOU ARE? So to say well jews and christians are not gonna go to heaven because of this and that, or bhuddists and hindus or polythiests are not gonna go to heaven because of x and y is not a very good argument.

Lets create some scenerio.

Person X is muslim. Follows all the five pillars of Islam. Knows the Quran well, but only puts on a show to decieve others. He is a deciever, a backstaber. Lies to get his ways. Has killed innocent people seceretly. However he does believe in God, and prophet muhammad being the last messanger.

Person Y is a Christian. Beleives that Jesus is the son of God, and is the saviour. Follows the ways as prescribed in the Bible. Does good deeds, helps the poor and needy, is non judgemental, honest, kind and trust worthy. He doesnt beleive muhammad is a prophet, but respects the religion of islam, and gets along fine with muslims. Acknowledges that they believe in the same God.

Person Z is a Hindu. Does the same acts of Good as person Y, but does so according to her religion. Respects other religions, but she beleives strongly in her faith and will not change.

Who is most likely going to hell?
Person X
Person Y
Person Z

This will be interesting to hear your responses...

believe it or not, I was going to make the exact same post!! That was what I was referring to when I said that I wasn't done yet. :lol

edit: my answer is 19 replies down


Hey man. I haven't seen you on AIM in a minute. The readings have been going well. I've taken a break and I should get back to reading the Qur'an sometime this week, perhaps tonight.

Thats good keep up the readings, i havent had time to go to AIM because i have been extremely busy with school. I am writing this while im doing 3 projects lol.
If you got any questions let me know. :)


Hadji said:
Doesn't everyone that ascribes themselves to a sect see themselves as the exclusive holders of the truth?

Exclusive? No. Does each sect believe their version of Islam to be completely true? Yes.
But for you to call Shiism unislamic is a different issue. This isn't Wahabism we're talking about. Shias and Sunnis should both be regarded as Muslims because they both follow the 5 pillars of Islam, they both believe in one God, and they both believe that Mohammed was his messenger. Any differences are minute within the grand scheme of things, and those who try to say otherwise are either disingenuous or ignorant of each sect.


CHYME said:
But for you to call Shiism unislamic is a different issue. This isn't Wahabism we're talking about. Shias and Sunnis should both regarded as Muslims because they both follow the 5 pillars of Islam, they both believe in one God, and they both believe that Mohammed was his messenger. Any differences are minute within the grand scheme of things, and those who try to say otherwise are either disingenuous or ignorant of each sect.

Oh? And "Wahabbis" believe in mutiple gods and deny Mohammed (pbuh)?

MeowMeow said:
Lets create some scenerio.

Person X is muslim. Follows all the five pillars of Islam. Knows the Quran well, but only puts on a show to decieve others. He is a deciever, a backstaber. Lies to get his ways. Has killed innocent people seceretly. However he does believe in God, and prophet muhammad being the last messanger.

Person Y is a Christian. Beleives that Jesus is the son of God, and is the saviour. Follows the ways as prescribed in the Bible. Does good deeds, helps the poor and needy, is non judgemental, honest, kind and trust worthy. He doesnt beleive muhammad is a prophet, but respects the religion of islam, and gets along fine with muslims. Acknowledges that they believe in the same God.

Person Z is a Hindu. Does the same acts of Good as person Y, but does so according to her religion. Respects other religions, but she beleives strongly in her faith and will not change.

Who is most likely going to hell?
Person X
Person Y
Person Z

castle_007 said:
I was going to make the same arguement you did about the bad muslim and the good christian. And my answer was going to be that the good christian was more likely to go to heaven.

Not according to the Qur'an, for:

4:116 - Surely Allah does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him, and He forgives what is besides this to whom He pleases; and whoever associates anything with Allah, he indeed strays off into a remote error.

Easy! Y and Z are most likely to go to hell.


Himuro said:
One thing I'd like to note while reading this thread is related to smoking. I've noticed a lot of Muslims who smoke. In fact, I recall reading in a recent book about Islam I read that smoking isn't haram by Islam law. The funny thing is that marijuana is, when it is far less harmful, and even has health benefits. I'm just in need of clarification is all; I've noticed various groups of people have different views on the subject. More liberal Muslims are fine with smoking and marijuana while the more conservative ones say that it isn't allowed - especially if they are of Arabian descent, although I noticed a whole slew of people smoking cigs right outside the mosque when I was visiting home for Christmas break.

Then again the book I read was published around 2002. Perhaps there has been an official ruling since?

Well, I can't speak for Sunnis, but when the first reports of smoking being harmful reached Shia scholars, they issued fatwas saying that it was haram for anyone to take up smoking and those that already smoke should try to give up, but of course if that wasn't possible, then they were allowed to continue.

So basically, it is haram to smoke unless of course you were already addicted before you knew about the health issues.


Himuro said:
Then again the book I read was published around 2002. Perhaps there has been an official ruling since?

Shaikh Al Munajjid's opinion on smoking taken from islam-qa.com

There is no disagreement among the physicians and sane people that smoking is harmful for health. It is one of the major causes of lung cancer and other diseases. It is also one of the major causes of death. Since, it is known that the Islamic law prohibits everything that is harmful for a human being. Allah said (interpretation of meaning):
"Do not kill yourself. Allah is Merciful unto you." (Surat al-Nisaa' 4:29)

In addition, His Prophet SAWS (peace be upon him) said:

"There is no harm or causing of harm (in Islaam)." (Arabic "laa darar wa laa diraar")

He SAWS (peace be upon him) also said:

"A person will not be able to move on the Day of Judgment until he is asked about ... his body as to what he engaged it in."

Smoking also goes against the saying of the Prophet SAWS:

"Your body has a right on you."

Armitage said:
Are you shitting me.

Not at all. Think of it this way...

From MeowMeow's example, we are given two different types of people. One that worships his creator in a good way, but treats the creation badly, and the other that treats his creator badly, but treats the creation in a good way.

Basically, one owes his creator more than one owes his equals in creation.

That is the logical evidence. The textual evidence is the verse I quoted.


Hadji said:
Oh? And "Wahabbis" believe in mutiple gods and deny Mohammed (pbuh)?

No, but much of their message is completely anti-Islamic, and somewhat similar to a certain poster on this board. :/

Say, Hadji....you're not Wahhabi, are you? :D


CHYME said:
No, but much of their message is completely anti-Islamic, and somewhat similar to a certain poster on this board. :/

Say, Hadji....you're not Wahhabi, are you? :D

Hah. That is similar to asking a North Korean if he is from "the axis of evil". Or would you like it if someone asked you if you are a "Rafidhi"?

I don't call myself a "Wahhabi". However, I have noticed that every Sunni that Shi'ites dislike are branded with the term... that or a "Nasibee".

Anyways, if that is a serious question, then you'd need to define "Wahabism" since I'm not aware of a specific definition tied to the word.


Himuro said:
I could be wrong but I swear the mosque I went to was Shia. I didn't bother asking because I didn't think it was important.

One funny thing about that mosque is that I didn't see ANY specific place for the women to pray. In fact, I didn't see one woman there. There the wash room, and the gigantic prayer room which was full of men. The weird thing is that the church's website advertised a women's section for prayer. Curious. This was on Eid, of all days, too!

Just because something has been prohibited doesn't mean people won't do it. For example, alcohol is prohibited, but some Muslims still drink.

Strange that you didn't see any women, seperate entrances perhaps? At my local mosque, men enter from the back and women from the front into completely seperate adjacent halls. But even then, we still see women outside.

Anyway, back to revision, I keep wanting to post more so I don't have to revise :D


Hadji said:
From MeowMeow's example, we are given two different types of people. One that worships his creator in a good way, but treats the creation badly, and the other that treats his creator badly, but treats the creation in a good way.

Basically, one owes his creator more than one owes his equals in creation.

That is the logical evidence. The textual evidence is the verse I quoted.

You're dense. Worshiping your creator is more than just praying or recognizing one God. I don't think you realize that at all.


CHYME said:
You're dense. Worshiping your creator is more than just praying or recognizing one God. I don't think you realize that at all.

Ooo! This should be good!

First of all, I never restricted worship to prayer and recognizing one God. You are wrong for assuming that.

Would you care to take a jab at MeowMeow's question? Do you believe that Allah (swt) would forgive those that associate others with Him?


Hadji said:
Hah. That is similar to asking a North Korean if he is from "the axis of evil". Or would you like it if someone asked you if you are a "Rafidhi"?

I don't call myself a "Wahhabi". However, I have noticed that every Sunni that Shi'ites dislike are branded with the term... that or a "Nasibee".

Anyways, if that is a serious question, then you'd need to define "Wahabism" since I'm not aware of a specific definition tied to the word.

From Wikipedia:

[Wahhabism (Arabic: Al-Wahhābīyya الوهابية) or Wahabism is a name applied to the conservative 18th century Salafi Islamic movement attributed to Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, an Islamic scholar from what is today known as Saudi Arabia, who became known for advocating a return to the beliefs and practices of the first three generations of Islamic history]

[and is the dominant form of Islam found in Saudi Arabia, and Qatar]

[The term "Wahhabi" (Wahhābīya) was first used by opponents of ibn Abdul Wahhab and is considered highly derogatory and rarely used by the people it is used to describe, who prefer to be called "unitarians" (Muwahiddun).]

[The Qur'an and Hadith are treated as fundamental texts]

[A study by the NGO Freedom House claimed to find wahhabi publications in a number of mosques in the United States preaching that Muslims should not only "always oppose" infidels "in every way," but "hate them for their religion ... for Allah's sake," that democracy "is responsible for all the horrible wars of the 20th century," and that Shia and other non-Wahhabi Muslims were infidels.]


Himuro said:
Of course. It's just that I have been told by some that smoking ISN'T haram, hence the confusion. :D

Well as you can probably see from this thread, Muslims have widely varying points of view on many subjects.


CHYME said:
From Wikipedia:

[Wahhabism (Arabic: Al-Wahhābīyya الوهابية) or Wahabism is a name applied to the conservative 18th century Salafi Islamic movement attributed to Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, an Islamic scholar from what is today known as Saudi Arabia, who became known for advocating a return to the beliefs and practices of the first three generations of Islamic history]

[and is the dominant form of Islam found in Saudi Arabia, and Qatar]

[The term "Wahhabi" (Wahhābīya) was first used by opponents of ibn Abdul Wahhab and is considered highly derogatory and rarely used by the people it is used to describe, who prefer to be called "unitarians" (Muwahiddun).]

[The Qur'an and Hadith are treated as fundamental texts]

[A study by the NGO Freedom House claimed to find wahhabi publications in a number of mosques in the United States preaching that Muslims should not only "always oppose" infidels "in every way," but "hate them for their religion ... for Allah's sake," that democracy "is responsible for all the horrible wars of the 20th century," and that Shia and other non-Wahhabi Muslims were infidels.]

A few comments about the article Chyme...

There are some truthful statements in there about "Wahabism". Like the fact that they do "advocate a return to the beliefs and practices of the first three generations of Islamic history" and that "The Qur'an and Hadith are treated as fundamental texts."

However, I disagree with pretty much everything else in the NGO Freedom House paragraph. Yes, and that includes that other "non-Wahhabi Muslims were infidels".

So, I guess I am not a "Wahhabi" then.

DSWii60 said:
Well as you can probably see from this thread, Muslims have widely varying points of view on many subjects.



Hadji said:
Ooo! This should be good!

First of all, I never restricted worship to prayer and recognizing one God. You are wrong for assuming that.

Would you care to take a jab at MeowMeow's question? Do you believe that Allah (swt) would forgive those that associate others with Him?

Let's see...

MeowMeow said:
Person X is muslim. Follows all the five pillars of Islam. Knows the Quran well, but only puts on a show to decieve others. He is a deciever, a backstaber. Lies to get his ways. Has killed innocent people seceretly. However he does believe in God, and prophet muhammad being the last messanger.

So basically, he prayed, fasted, recognized God, donated some money, and went to Mecca. Besides that, he might as well have been the devil himself.

Hadji said:
From MeowMeow's example, we are given two different types of people. One that worships his creator in a good way, but treats the creation badly, and the other that treats his creator badly, but treats the creation in a good way.

One that worships his creator in a good way? Worshipping God is more than following the 5 pillars of Islam. Surely, killing innocent people isn't worshipping "his creator in a good way." Being deceitful and a backstabber isn't worshipping "his creator in a good way." Worshipping God is to follow what he's said in the Quran, first and foremost.

I'm not assuming anything. You said that person X, in this case, was worshipping his creator in a good way. For that to be the case, worshipping God has to be limited to, in this case, the 5 pillars of Islam, which, in short, is close enough to praying and recognizing one God.

Of course, I couldn't say definitively whether anybody was going to hell, but if Islam is to make any sense for me, "person X" would go to hell far easier than the other 2.


Hmmmm, after further consideration, I am going to change my answer. I don't think any of them will go to heaven. But God is the only one that knows.

The muslim is a very bad muslim. Killing innocents and lying and deceiting is a guarantee.

The Christian is a good person, BUT, he DOES believe in the trinity and he DOESN'T believe that Mohammad is a true prophet.

The Hindu, well a hindu can worship anything, so for this example, it is really vague what he believe in. But you mentioned that he is just like person Y who rejected Islam and Mohammad as the last prophet


castle007 said:
Hmmmm, after further consideration, I am going to change my answer. I don't think any of them will go to heaven.

The muslim is a very bad muslim. Killing innocents and lying and deceiting is a guarantee.

The Christian is a good person, BUT, he DOES believe in the trinity and he DOESN'T believe that Mohammad is a true prophet.

The Hindu, well a hindu can worship anything, so for this example, it is really vague what he believe in. But you mentioned that he is just like person Y who rejected Mohammad.

You heard it here first! Christians cannot enter the paradise, no matter what good they do on this earth!


CHYME said:
So basically, he prayed, fasted, recognized God, donated some money, and went to Mecca. Besides that, he might as well have been the devil himself.

MeowMeow, has already established that this person is indeed a Muslim and not the devil.

One that worships his creator in a good way? Worshipping God is more than following the 5 pillars of Islam. Surely, killing innocent people isn't worshipping "his creator in a good way." Being deceitful and a backstabber isn't worshipping "his creator in a good way." Worshipping God is to follow what he's said in the Quran, first and foremost.

Being deceitful, backstabbing, and killing innocent people all fall under the things that Allah (swt) forgives according to the verse. Associating others with Allah (swt) has no room for forgiveness.

Of course, I couldn't say definitively whether anybody was going to hell, but if Islam is to make any sense for me, "person X" would go to hell far easier than the other 2.

You are right. Islam doesn't make sense to you.

castle007 said:
Hmmmm, after further consideration, I am going to change my answer. I don't think any of them will go to heaven.

Yes, this answer coincides more with Islam than your first. It appears to us that none of them will go to heaven, but it is still possible for Allah (swt) to forgive the Muslim since his sins don't include shirk.

...Allah knows best.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


/proceeds to holy war


castle007 said:
Hmmmm, after further consideration, I am going to change my answer. I don't think any of them will go to heaven.

The muslim is a very bad muslim. Killing innocents and lying and deceiting is a guarantee.

The Christian is a good person, BUT, he DOES believe in the trinity and he DOESN'T believe that Mohammad is a true prophet.

The Hindu, well a hindu can worship anything, so for this example, it is really vague what he believe in. But you mentioned that he is just like person Y who rejected Mohammad.
I agree. Associating others with Allah is unforgivable and the greatest sin one can commit.


Hadji said:
MeowMeow, has already established that this person is indeed a Muslim and not the devil.

Being deceitful, backstabbing, and killing innocent people all fall under the things that Allah (swt) forgives according to the verse. Associating others with Allah (swt) has no room for forgiveness.

You are right. Islam doesn't make sense to you.

Yes, this answer coincides more with Islam than your first. It appears to us that none of them will go to heaven, but it is still possible for Allah (swt) to forgive the Muslim since his sins don't include shirk.

...Allah knows best.

So basically, I destroyed your claim that I'm making assumptions about you, and all you've got to say is that Islam doesn't make sense to me. Good job, dude. You're right, though, God knows best, not you.


CHYME said:
So basically, I destroyed your claim that I'm making assumptions about you, and all you've got to say is that Islam doesn't make sense to me. Good job, dude. You're right, though, God knows best, not you.

You didn't destroy "my claim". It is clear that Allah (swt) forgives every but shirk and it is in the Qur'an. You are contradicting the Qur'an for the sake of "being right" since you don't want to back down against a "Wahhabi".

Tell me, now that you've chosen to contradict the Qur'an for your own personal desires, where do you get your religion from?


From MeowMeow's example, we are given two different types of people. One that worships his creator in a good way, but treats the creation badly, and the other that treats his creator badly, but treats the creation in a good way.

Basically, one owes his creator more than one owes his equals in creation.

That is the logical evidence. The textual evidence is the verse I quoted.

Easy! Y and Z are most likely to go to hell.

I knew this would be your response Hadji, and that I had a suspicion that your rigid judgmental attitude is clouding you from the basic fact on what I stated before:

the fact that God is knower of all things, and he is the best judge out of all the judges? How everyone will be treated fairly and equally and nothing will be wronged, and any atoms worth of Good deed will be wiegh as well as bad acts and sin REGARDLESS OF WHO YOU ARE? So to say well jews and christians are not gonna go to heaven because of this and that, or bhuddists and hindus or polythiests are not gonna go to heaven because of x and y is not a very good argument.

The answer is we dont really know, but we can only infer (imo) the most likely person going to hell is person x, despite him beleiving In 1 God and Prophet Muhammad being his last messanger. Hadji your responses have been very baffeling. This whole hell fire concept is what turns people away from religion in the first place, especially from dumbasses like you. It is not Gods nature to simply send them to hell without evaluating a persons entire life and his/her conductance. You are not God Hadji. You may say "I know im not God" But you act like you speak for God when infact you dont. So please stop with your nonsense. I have finally discovered your bullshit logic.

So basically, he prayed, fasted, recognized God, donated some money, and went to Mecca. Besides that, he might as well have been the devil himself.

The point I was trying to make from before was:

There is a difference between prayer, and acts of good will, and intentions of good will. People like to hide behind religion by giving a false image of how pure and good they are by praying, giving a rigid strict view of themselves, and showing how indestructable they are. But when it comes to a person who conducts wrong, or was wronged in some way shape or form, rather than giving guidance through grace and love, and giving them hope, we automatically label them as a person who is going to hell.

Those who pray and do ACTS of good, are the best among God, and only God knows who are God fearing and who are his faithful servants. Please stop this nonsense Hadji

Chyme, please for the love of Allah dont listen to Hadji.
And for the smoking thing, smoking is just as destructive as alcohol (even more so)
i dont think people smoked at prophet muhammads time, but i know if he was aware of it he would not allow it. Methamphetamines are not mentioned in Quran, but just because its not mentioned in Quran doesnt necessarily mean its ok to take.

It baffeles me is that you cant seem to have the ability in whats important and what is not important, and not understanding the forgiving, compassionate, loving nature of God, considering that before every chapter it states "In the name of God, the most benefitial, the most compassionate, merciful"

He is also referred to as most loving. He loves you more than your own parents (that is if you feel that your parents truly love you)


Hadji said:
MeowMeow, has already established that this person is indeed a Muslim and not the devil.

Being deceitful, backstabbing, and killing innocent people all fall under the things that Allah (swt) forgives according to the verse. Associating others with Allah (swt) has no room for forgiveness.

You forgot something.

IF you do all these things and then you die without asking for forgiveness. Your resume won't be looking good on the day of judgement.

But if you do them and honestly repent and ask God's forgiveness then you have a chance at going to heaven. Murder is considered a major sin and if you want to go to heaven the only to do it is through asking for special forgiveness from God. God is merciful and if you truly repent, He won't shy away from forgiving you.

"Surely, Allah does not forgive associating anything with Him, and He forgives whatever is other than that to whomever He wills." (al-Nisa 4:48 and 116)


MeowMeow said:
The answer is we dont really know, but we can only infer (imo) the most likely person going to hell is person x, despite him beleiving In 1 God and Prophet Muhammad being his last messanger.

You may say "I know im not God" But you act like you speak for God when infact you dont. So please stop with your nonsense. I have finally discovered your bullshit logic.

Tell me "hadeeth rejector", now that you have rejected both the hadeeth and the Qur'an, where do you get your religion from?


castle007 said:
You forgot something.

IF you do all these things and then you die without asking for forgiveness. Your resume won't be looking good on the day of judgement.

But if you do them and honestly repent and ask God's forgiveness then you have a chance at going to heaven. Murder is considered a major sin and if you want to go to heaven the only to do it is through asking for special forgiveness from God. God is merciful and if you truly repent, He won't shy away from forgiving you.

"Surely, Allah does not forgive associating anything with Him, and He forgives whatever is other than that to whomever He wills." (al-Nisa 4:48 and 116)

I agree.


castle007 said:
You forgot something.

IF you do all these things and then you die without asking for forgiveness. Your resume won't be looking good on the day of judgement.

But if you do them and honestly repent and ask God's forgiveness then you have a chance at going to heaven. Murder is considered a major sin and if you want to go to heaven the only to do it is through asking for special forgiveness from God. God is merciful and if you truly repent, He won't shy away from forgiving you.

"Surely, Allah does not forgive associating anything with Him, and He forgives whatever is other than that to whomever He wills." (al-Nisa 4:48 and 116)
We must all REPENT! I hope to go to the Hajj within the next five years InshaAllah. I'm only 18 right now too :p


Hadji said:
You didn't destroy "my claim". It is clear that Allah (swt) forgives every but shirk and it is in the Qur'an. You are contradicting the Qur'an for the sake of "being right" since you don't want to back down against a "Wahhabi".

Tell me, now that you've chosen to contradict the Qur'an for your own personal desires, where do you get your religion from?

Actually, I did destroy it. Anyone who understands English can see that. I'm not contradicting the Quran by saying that person X is more likely to go to hell than the other 2. I know that associating others with God is a sin and is not forgiven, but do you realize that good deeds can offset bad deeds? Do you realize than there's a balance between good and bad? No one is 100% good.

:lol @ personal desires. Personal desire to find logic in Islam? How petty of me.


Actually, I did destroy it. Anyone who understand English can see that. I'm not contradicting the Quran by saying that person X is more likely to go to hell than the other 2. I know that associating others with God is a sin and is not forgiven, but do you realize than good deeds can offset bad deeds? Do you realize than there's a balance between good and bad? No one is 100% good.

@ personal desires. Personal desire to find logic in Islam? How petty of me.

Im not sure if your muslim, but you seem to get what I was trying to say. Thank Allah all mighty!!!

And yes, person x still has a chance of going to heaven if he prays for forgiveness, repents, and try to UNDOs all the wrongs he has done. There is always a chance for everyone. Gods love, mercy and forgiveness is always there and is constant, in the same manner gravity is constant. If you drop a piano from a 3 story building, you cant blame gravity. Same thing for any person, you cant blame God or the dumb devil for your bad deeds, doing good, helping others, loving one another is the best thing you can do, and God loves to forgive and shower people with blessings much more so then simply sending someone to hellfire.


[4:48] GOD does not forgive idolatry, but He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who sets up idols beside GOD, has forged a horrendous offense.

[4:116] GOD does not forgive idol worship (if maintained until death), and He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who idolizes any idol beside GOD has strayed far astray.

It is right there!!!!

I may not be able to judge people, but God does!!!! And this is what he is saying


MeowMeow said:



I forgot that you are gay. Repent now!!!!! :D

Oh Hadji, we are lonely here :(


[4:48] GOD does not forgive idolatry, but He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who sets up idols beside GOD, has forged a horrendous offense.

[4:116] GOD does not forgive idol worship (if maintained until death), and He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who idolizes any idol beside GOD has strayed far astray.

That still doesnt explain the conductance of ones behavior and deeds.

An idol worshipper who does good in the same manner as a muslim is automatically going to hell.

A muslim who beleives in one god and not a idol worshipper who does every sin you can think of has a greater chance of going heaven?



I am 100% Sunni.





MeowMeow said:
That still doesnt explain the conductance of ones behavior and deeds.

An idol worshipper who does good in the same manner as a muslim is automatically going to hell.

God will forgive their minor sins and he will factor in the fact they were good people. But then BAM, the major sin factors in and this one happens to be SHIRK. That sin outweighs all other deeds combined!!! According to the verse, this sin won't be erased!

A muslim who beleives in one god and not a idol worshipper who does every sin you can think of has a greater chance of going heaven?

Yes, because he believes in God and doesn't associate anyone else with Him. But he has to repent and he has to ask for forgiveness from God.


CHYME said:
Oh, ok. n/m

Did you take offense to that? :lol

To be honest, I am not sure. :lol I think I was just surprised that you came to that conclusion after all these discussions.

And I don't agree with some of their beliefs.


Castle, why dont you tell the hindus, the bhuddists, the native americans that they are waisting their time being alive and might as well kill themselves right now? I mean all the good things they have done is not really going to count for anything.


castle007 said:
Yes, because he believes in God and doesn't associate anyone else with Him. But he has to repent and he has to ask for forgiveness from God.



MeowMeow said:
Castle, why dont you tell the hindus, the bhuddists, the native americans that they are waisting their time being alive and might as well kill themselves right now? I mean all the good things they have done is not really going to count for anything.

as long as you have heard of Islam and its true message and you rejected it, you have no excuse.

And this was from a hadith.


MeowMeow said:
Castle, why dont you tell the hindus, the bhuddists, the native americans that they are waisting their time being alive and might as well kill themselves right now? I mean all the good things they have done is not really going to count for anything.

Or better yet, take matters into your own hands and kill the infidels!


MeowMeow said:
Castle, why dont you tell the hindus, the bhuddists, the native americans that they are waisting their time being alive and might as well kill themselves right now? I mean all the good things they have done is not really going to count for anything.
Have you ever read the Quran? Seriously I'm surprised that you still do not understand that Associating others with God or worshiping Idols is the BIGGEST sin one can commit. Why do you think Prophets were sent to humans? Why do you think Allah sent us the Quran?


castle007 said:
as long as you have heard of Islam and its true message and you rejected it, you have no excuse.

And this was from a hadith.

And ahadeeth are fundamental sources alongside the Quran.
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