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Official Islamic Thread


Hate hippies lol

Artist: Swing Out Sister
Song: Where our love Grows [Acapell]
Year: 2004
Album: Where our Love Grows

I was listening to that song,..when i realized that! hehe


so, how do you want to include this in our discussion??

Here is what God says:

[49:13] O people, we created you from the same male and female, and rendered you distinct peoples and tribes, that you may recognize one another. The best among you in the sight of GOD is the most righteous. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant.

[11:118] Had your Lord willed, all the people would have been one congregation (of believers). But they will always dispute (the truth).

The western world has the technology, medicine, etc. The Middle East has the oil. Africa needs food and medicine. Every part of the whole has something that the other part needs. Religion can unify us all together. (Islam) Unfortunately, it is not working right now. and according to God, people will always dispute till judgement day.


All i want to say is.....

Ill make it up to you, Do what i have to do,..and make it last...somewhere in my mind,...Ill will know ,...the sun will shiiiiiiiiiinnnnee...dont you know that TRUE LOVE IS HERE TO STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! WHERE OUR LOVE GROOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWSSS!!!!


GOD LOVES ME AND EVERYONE AND THING IN UNIVERSE (except Satan)!!!!!! We are his creations!!!! He loves Us! He truly Does!!!!!!!



MeowMeow said:
All i want to say is.....

Ill make it up to you, Do what i have to do,..and make it last...somewhere in my mind,...Ill will know ,...the sun will shiiiiiiiiiinnnnee...dont you know that TRUE LOVE IS HERE TO STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! WHERE OUR LOVE GROOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWSSS!!!!


GOD LOVES ME AND EVERYONE AND THING IN UNIVERSE (except Satan)!!!!!! We are his creations!!!! He loves Us! He truly Does!!!!!!!

yes, He does. But are most people respecting that love? He has and is still giving us warnings, gave us many prophets and He has been telling us how to make sure that we respect that love and not abuse it.

Instead, people are ignoring these warnings and not respecting that love. Do you think God will keep loving these people if they don't change?

Many nations have been destroyed because they didn't follow God's command. Yet, God hasn't given up on humanity. He knows that in the end His people will triumph over His enemies.

He has given us so much time and so many signs before the day of judgement.

Think of it as an exam, and the teacher decides to give you the answer key. God is that teacher and He is practically giving you all the answers and the guidelines. Are you going to turn down the answer key? He has given you the Quran, the answe key and yet people are turning it down. :(


Gods love is constant like gravity, anyone anywhere can go towards it if they want to.

I refuse to beleive that he creates us just to damn us, or condemn us. Even people who are born with defects are perfect in the eyes of God, because that is how he chose to make them. There are some things out of our hand, but love is very powerful. Most powerful positive force ever. We need love, and we need it more then ever!

If we had love,..we wouldnt feel so lonely, fight, and hurt each other. We would take care of each other, and part of that is acknowledging everyones self worth, no matter who you are, whether jew, christian, muslim, bhuddist, hindu man , woman, child.

I think i am finally understanding love,...from all my years of not feeling love


The black christians during slavery were the closest to God, and reflected Gods love better than any other christian group that i know of! During times of great opression.

Did you also know that the constitution and seperation of powers was borrowed from the native americans?

Remember in End of Eva, why it was finally revealed why Shinjis dad was such an ass??

Im getting love...

And let us take the moment to all of those who are poor and humble, who try to serve God the best way they can, but have no voice....Nay when they die,..they will be among the righteous, and shall be rewarded for their good deeds. All those who opressed them and took advantage of them will be brought to justice.


Armitage said:
Thanks a lot. This thread has taught me that since I've heard about Islam, I am certainly going to hell. That's really nice of you guys. Why couldn't you just keep it a secret instead of damning me to eternal hellfire?
I've always found spoilers quite liberating, personally.

Tomorrow you have no idea what kind of hijinks I'm getting up to!
I've been following the discussion, and several of you have used the phrase "Associating others with God" is the greatest sin. I don't understand, what is meant by this?
It doesn't make sense that God would create us, hide his own existence, then punish us for not believing. He probably wouldn't even care. That type of vanity is reserved for the dumbest of us humans.


Lucky Forward said:
I've been following the discussion, and several of you have used the phrase "Associating others with God" is the greatest sin. I don't understand, what is meant by this?

"Associating other with God" means saying that he has a son, brother, etc.. and saying that God has another equal. a.k.a idolatry

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire

I read a while back about an Muslim Indian female Tennis Player that got in trouble with the Islamic Community over there, cuz she's dressed "inappropriatly" to play(standard Tennis gear).

And in Iran, some sports Woman cant play cuz of the same reason(or they can, but not in front of man?, or they have to cover up still?)

so the Question is: Really? Are some Sports, Jobs or Activities no-noes for women cuz of the modesty thing?


~Devil Trigger~ said:

I read a while back about an Muslim Indian female Tennis Player that got in trouble with the Islamic Community over there, cuz she's dressed "inappropriatly" to play(standard Tennis gear).

And in Iran, some sports Woman cant play cuz of the same reason(or they can, but not in front of man?, or they have to cover up still?)

so the Question is: Really? Are some Sports, Jobs or Activities no-noes for women cuz of the modesty thing?

yeah, you are talking about Sania Mirza. I had no idea she was muslim until last year.

In my opinion, if you are a muslim woman some sports might not be appropriate for you.


Nice job guys, nice to see you've done Allah's job for Him and decided who is to go to Heaven and Hell and in the process managed to tell every non-Muslim in NeoGAF that it doesn't matter how much good they do because they're still going to hell. Now they won't have any qualms about exercising their strange violence, paedophilia and (in Count Dookake's case) sister fantasies.


DSWii60 said:
Nice job guys, nice to see you've done Allah's job for Him and decided who is to go to Heaven and Hell and in the process managed to tell every non-Muslim in NeoGAF that it doesn't matter how much good they do because they're still going to hell. Now they won't have any qualms about exercising their strange violence, paedophilia and (in Count Dookake's case) sister fantasies.
No one has done such a thing...we nearly stated what Allah (swt) said in the Quran.

“Those who have disbelieved and died in disbelief, the earth full of gold would not be accepted from any of them if one offered it as a ransom. They will have a painful punishment, and they will have no helpers.” (Quran 3:91)

Or at least that's what I was trying to say.

Edit: I'm not trying to direct it towards anyone. We must respect what others believe. That's why I don't go out and tell people they're worshiping the wrong person etc. I'm just following what the Quran says. :)


Linkhero1 said:
No one has done such a thing...we nearly stated what Allah (swt) said in the Quran.

Or at least that's what I was trying to say.

Its fairly simple, anyone who does anything good will get rewarded for it, anyone who does anything bad will get punished for it (unless they are forgiven). (See the last 2 verses of Surah Zilzal.)

Now I would suggest that non-Muslims would be rewarded for everything that they do good in this world only, whereas Muslims can be rewarded either in this world or in the Hereafter.

There is no doubt that as Allah is Just, He will reward every good action no matter by who it is performed, and same with the punishment. The only question is where the reward is given, in this world or the next.


DSWii60 said:
Its fairly simple, anyone who does anything good will get rewarded for it, anyone who does anything bad will get punished for it (unless they are forgiven). (See the last 2 verses of Surah Zilzal.)

Now I would suggest that non-Muslims would be rewarded for everything that they do good in this world only, whereas Muslims can be rewarded either in this world or in the Hereafter.

There is no doubt that as Allah is Just, He will reward every good action no matter by who it is performed, and same with the punishment. The only question is where the reward is given, in this world or the next.
I agree. But there is one sin that is unforgivable. Also if they commit a sin and repent to Allah (swt) then they'll get forgiven. I don't want to talk about this and I want to change the subject :p

What do you guys think of the Dajjal?


DSWii60 said:
One additional question to LinkHero's: Is the Dajjal a person, a group of people or *insert alternative here*?
It depends on which Hadith you follow. For me it says the Dajjal is a man who will have a group of followers, people who will believe he's God. Also it says that the Dajjal will have one eye, one eye works the other doesn't, and the word Kafir (sp?) on his forhead.

Edit: It also says there will be 30 minor Dajjals, which probably all occurred a long time ago when there were pharaohs and kings.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
castle007 said:
yeah, you are talking about Sania Mirza. I had no idea she was muslim until last year.

In my opinion, if you are a muslim woman some sports might not be appropriate for you.

so Muslim women can do Track n Field, place Basketball, soccer...Tennis?

i mean is there a specific law in the Koran addressing women and activities they can and cant do or is this just people making it up based on some verses?


DSWii60 said:
Its fairly simple, anyone who does anything good will get rewarded for it, anyone who does anything bad will get punished for it (unless they are forgiven). (See the last 2 verses of Surah Zilzal.)

Now I would suggest that non-Muslims would be rewarded for everything that they do good in this world only, whereas Muslims can be rewarded either in this world or in the Hereafter.

There is no doubt that as Allah is Just, He will reward every good action no matter by who it is performed, and same with the punishment. The only question is where the reward is given, in this world or the next.

I'm sure you are familiar with the verse:

"Li'an Asharaktum Li Ahbitanna Amalakum"

Sorry, I couldn't look up the verse in English. I can't stay online for long. Just came to check up on you guys.



Hadji said:
I'm sure you are familiar with the verse:

"Li'an Asharaktum Li Ahbitanna Amalakum"

Sorry, I couldn't look up the verse in English. I can't stay online for long. Just came to check up on you guys.


I think the translation is "If you worhsipped idols and associated someone with Me, I will erase all of your deeds"

Is that what it is saying? I can't tell from the arabic-english :lol

And about the Dajjal, I will talk about him later :D

In an hour or so.


castle007 said:
I think the translation is "If you worhsipped idols and associated someone with Me, I will erase all of your deeds"

Is that what it is saying? I can't tell from the arabic-english :lol

And about the Dajjal, I will talk about him later :D

In an hour or so.
Oh yeah I read about that. God says that he will not accept the deeds of people who worshiped idols or associated anyone else with him.

Talk about the Dajjal NOW! :p

I don't really know why but when I read the Quran I feel all tingly and warm inside. I feel this way when someone reads it with a beautiful voice and I almost cry.


Hadji said:
I'm sure you are familiar with the verse:

"Li'an Asharaktum Li Ahbitanna Amalakum"

Sorry, I couldn't look up the verse in English. I can't stay online for long. Just came to check up on you guys.


Of course, shirk is an unforgivable sin. However it is debateable whether e.g. Jews commit shirk as they do not associate anything with G-d.


Nice job guys, nice to see you've done Allah's job for Him and decided who is to go to Heaven and Hell and in the process managed to tell every non-Muslim in NeoGAF that it doesn't matter how much good they do because they're still going to hell. Now they won't have any qualms about exercising their strange violence, paedophilia and (in Count Dookake's case) sister fantasies.

I think otherwise, please read what i have said.
And no mango you have not contradicted it.
Its sad that there is a lack of cohesion in our thinking among muslims.

As for the women in sports thing, i really dont think its a big deal. If women want to play, then go play, but the whole point of wearing those clothes is to suit that particular sport especially when your sweating. They can modify clothing to fit islams standards and the sports standards, there is no rule that says you cant.

Im going to bring up some other important points on evil, sin, hellfire....
since hadji, castle and link seem to think that almost everyone other than not being muslim is going to hell..

No wait, they are going to say "thats what the quran says, are you going to deny what God says in the Quran?"

My thoughts,..comming up tommorow.


many people will unfortunately go to hell. :(

According to hadith, out 1000, 999 will go to hell.


nine hundred and ninety-nine out of every one thousand will be in fire, but Muslims do not need to be afraid from this as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that Gog and Magog would represent the nine hundred and ninety-nine and he (peace be upon him) hoped that Muslims would represent half of the inhabitants of Paradise.


Btw, if at the day of judgement your your good deeds out weigh your sins but you didn't ask for forgiveness when you were alive, you will have to go to hell to be cleansed of these sins. And then you will go to heaven FOREVER.


Let us talk about Dajjal:

Physical Description: Of all the religions, Islam has the most details about the Anti-Christ!!

-He will be short
-His legs will be crooked.
-His hair will be twisted.
-He will be blind in one eye and the other one will be big and protruding almost like a grape

He will bring his own heaven and hell. His heaven is full of fire, and his hell is a pleasent garden. So, if he comes to you in your lifetime and you see his hell, pick it!!!

Warrior300 said:
I'm back guys!

awesome!! :D


castle007 said:
Let us talk about Dajjal:

Physical Description: Of all the religions, Islam has the most details about the Anti-Christ!!

-He will be short
-His legs will be crooked.
-His hair will be twisted.
-He will be blind in one eye and the other one will be big and protruding almost like a grape

Emerges at a place between Syria and Iraq.


As Warrior said, he will emerge between Syria and Iraq, and his emergance will be known when he is Isfahan, Iran.

There are soooooooooooooo many signs about the Anti-Christ:

There will be three hard years before the Dajjal (appears). During them, people will be stricken by a great famine. In the first year, Allah will command the sky to withhold a third of its rain, and the earth to withhold a third a third of its produce. In the second year, Allah will command the sky to withhold two thirds of its rain, and the earth to withhold two thirds of its produce. In the third year, Allah will command the sky to withhold all of its rain, and it will not rain a single drop of rain. He will command the earth to withhold all of its produce, and no plant will grow. All hoofed animals will perish, except that which Allah wills.” He (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam) was asked, ‘What sustains people during that time?’ He said, “Tahlil, takbir and tahmid (Saying, la ilaha ill Allah, Allahu Akbar and al-hamdulillah). This will sustain them just as food does.” [Sahih Al-Jami` as-Saghir, no. 7875]


castle007 said:
As Warrior said, he will emerge between Syria and Iraq, and his emergance will be known when he is Isfahan, Iran.

There are soooooooooooooo many signs about the Anti-Christ:

There will be three hard years before the Dajjal (appears). During them, people will be stricken by a great famine. In the first year, Allah will command the sky to withhold a third of its rain, and the earth to withhold a third a third of its produce. In the second year, Allah will command the sky to withhold two thirds of its rain, and the earth to withhold two thirds of its produce. In the third year, Allah will command the sky to withhold all of its rain, and it will not rain a single drop of rain. He will command the earth to withhold all of its produce, and no plant will grow. All hoofed animals will perish, except that which Allah wills.” He (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam) was asked, ‘What sustains people during that time?’ He said, “Tahlil, takbir and tahmid (Saying, la ilaha ill Allah, Allahu Akbar and al-hamdulillah). This will sustain them just as food does.” [Sahih Al-Jami` as-Saghir, no. 7875]

So in the modern day... What could cause that... Nuclear War or something along those lines... Cloud dusts causes the Earth to stop having produce... I am just guess around.

But this is very interesting. :)


Zapages said:
So in the modern day... What could cause that... Nuclear War or something along those lines... Cloud dusts causes the Earth to stop having produce... I am just guess around.

But this is very interesting. :)

hmm yeah, global warming...etc..


When you start filling your tummy with prayers and chants you might find it easier to convince people. Until then, stuff like this:

According to hadith, out 1000, 999 will go to hell.

Just makes you seem like kooks.


Armitage said:
When you start filling your tummy with prayers and chants you might find it easier to convince people. Until then, stuff like this:

Just makes you seem like kooks.
Gog and Magog are a large number of people that make up 99% of the human population. Millenia of being enclosed in another dimension, they began to multiply and multiply, until they reached this huge number. When they will be set free to roam the earth, then 999 out of 1000 are hellbound.


Armitage said:
When you start filling your tummy with prayers and chants you might find it easier to convince people. Until then, stuff like this:

Just makes you seem like kooks.

did you not read the rest of my post??


I fail to understand why Muslims think their religion is superior to others, but their founder lived by the sword unlike others like Jesus and Buddha. That, to me, is not a respectable way of life and not one I would call a prophet of God.

When the creator of a religion feels that killing in the name of God is justified, something is amiss.

Christ told Peter to lay down his sword, not to pick it up.


Dr_Cogent said:
I fail to understand why Muslims think their religion is superior to others, but their founder lived by the sword unlike others like Jesus and Buddha. That, to me, is not a respectable way of life and not one I would call a prophet of God.

When the creator of a religion feels that killing in the name of God is justified, something is amiss.

Christ told Peter to lay down his sword, not to pick it up.

But these enemies of mine who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here, and slay them before me.” (Luke 19:27)

Jesus said at one time: "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."Matthew 10:45

Jesus was not the hippie some christians make him out to be.

Muammad (saw) never said anything like that, in fact he brought all of his enemies together and asked them:

What would you do if you were in my position?

They said: We would surely slay you.

He said: I have forgiven you...

Muhammad(saw) was brave enough to lay down his own life for his people without having so called "divine origins and powers" .

A true Prophet of G-d.
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