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Official Jan 2008 NPD Thread - HW Shortages + Spectacular SW


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
spwolf said:
so much for all of us laughing at iSuppli numbers :lol


seattle6418 said:
every retail musing we heard of got owned.
You mean those 360 shortage musings that people (Snah) were denying even after Microsoft gave a press release about it? I'd say they proved accurate.


the funniest thing about this thread is not the peeps going "omgz, teh empire am strikes back!!" but those quick to cry "bububu but, hardware shortagez!!" :lol


avaya said:
Warner bump.

I don't see the warner thing being a seller till later this year. They aren't actually exclusive till MAY is it? When Batman Dark Knight and shit hit Blu Exclusive you could see a bump.
Obviously we can't pull too much out of the DS/Wi/360 HW. There was stock (or else there wouldn't be sales0, but there were shortages abundant.

PS3 is more interesting. It seems to show a new level of support for a non-holiday level. PS2 is still kicking strong with little SW and a price point it's held forever. PSP holding steady.

And for SW:

Holy shit! The numbers are spectacular. Burnout is a bit of a disappointment, and Super Mario Galaxy fell hard. But COD 4, GH3, Wii Play, and Rockband just keep going. Don't forget that GH3 is pretty well spread across the 2 skus. With and without the guitar.


I'm actually surprised at how close the numbers were, all systems were within 50k of each other. I don't think something like that has ever happened before has it?

Looks like 360 wasn't the only console hit by shortages, seems to have affected the Wii and DS pretty badly too. Still good news for Sony fans.
Busaiku said:
Aren't those numbers actually up from MP2?
I remember hearing that last month (or maybe 2 months ago).
I think I've heard that before, either way it's still unacceptable for Nintendo to treat the Metroid series like that. With a better ad campaign and a better launch day I'm sure MP3 would be at the million mark here in the US alone, but then again hardcore games are for the most part a thing of the past on Nintendo home consoles.
Fredescu said:
You mean those 360 shortage musings that people (Snah) were denying even after Microsoft gave a press release about it? I'd say they proved accurate.

no, the musings that made you believe that, despite shortages, it was wii>>>>>>360>>>>>ps3. just go back and read those threads


Guy Legend said:
Supply issues for the XB360 aside, it's also extremely noteworthy to see the PS3 eclipse the PS2, PSP, and even the DS.

Make no mistake, PS3 sales are very robust for January. Well above expectations.

Eclipse?! lol

What the hell at the hyperbole people? But of course, shortages aside the DS didn't sold more than the Ps3 because well, shortages aside.


seattle6418 said:
so basically, from what i learned so far:

pachter got owned;
other analists got owned;
everybody that posted in the predictions thread (including me) got owned;
*******.z got butt fucked;
every retail musing we heard of got owned.

that's got to be the first time such thing happens, hence the meltdowns and stuff. close numbers or not, nobody expected this.
I pretty much expected this. Except maybe I thought the Ps3 might have outsold everything due to it being the only thing in stock. I think the Wii raincheck program probably aided numbers for the month and saved it from a catastrophically low shortage.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
sonycowboy said:
Obviously we can't pull too much out of the DS/Wi/360 HW. There was stock (or else there wouldn't be sales0, but there were shortages abundant.

PS3 is more interesting. It seems to show a new level of support for a non-holiday level. PS2 is still kicking strong with little SW and a price point it's held forever. PSP holding steady.

And for SW:

Holy shit! The numbers are spectacular. Burnout is a bit of a disappointment, and Super Mario Galaxy fell hard. But COD 4, GH3, Wii Play, and Rockband just keep going. Don't forget that GH3 is pretty well spread across the 2 skus. With and without the guitar.

sonycowboy- can you give us NMH numbers?


PS3 sales was actually pretty damn strong without focusing on the competition, especially considering it's a four week month. I would think it was the Warner announcement that made a wave there.


Game-Biz said:
Question is: What's the PS3's bigger selling point? Its Blue-Ray player or its software?

I'm thinking it's the Blue-Ray player, even though the PS3 has some respectable software.

I have no idea why, though... Just a feeling.

I follow both gaming and movie forums, I can help here. If you're into gaming, the PS3's biggest selling point is the Blu-ray playback. If you're into movies, the PS3's biggest selling point is the games.

I'm serious, I've seen it all over the place.

Although, I will admit January was the official return your Toshiba HD-DVD player month, sponsored by Warner Brothers... I wouldn't be surprised if that turned into a few PS3 sales. ;)


Sonycowboy or anyone else have a percentage breakdown between the 40gb and 80gb ps3s sold? This would be interesting data, to see if the lower price point of the 40gb is paying off or people would rather still buy the 80GB system.
xaosslug said:
the funniest thing about this thread is not the peeps going "omgz, teh empire am strikes back!!" but those quick to cry "bububu but, hardware shortagez!!" :lol
lol apparently bashing sony shortage excuses last year was only a one-way street. but when 360 claims "shortage!" then HOLY MOLY IT MUST BE TRUE!111


CrushDance said:

This is only one months sales, and while i agree that it's great news for Sony. There's no need for 'empire strikes back' gifs and comments. Get a grip people!



Isn't the 80GB PS3 in demand and kind of hard to find? Maybe Sony needs a statement about being supply constrained for BC models, since MS seems to have Arcade and Halo boxes around.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
seattle6418 said:
every retail musing we heard of got owned.

What the hell are you talking about? 360, DS, and Wii shortages were mused. PS3 was in stock and mused as such.
sonycowboy said:
Holy shit! The numbers are spectacular. Burnout is a bit of a disappointment, and Super Mario Galaxy fell hard. But COD 4, GH3, Wii Play, and Rockband just keep going. Don't forget that GH3 is pretty well spread across the 2 skus. With and without the guitar.
I'm surprised that CoD4 is selling so well, it might even surpass Halo sales when it's all said and done. Also yea, SMG did fall a bit to much, but I think it will have very long legs since anyone who gives a shit about games other than Wii Sports and GH will pick this game up.




360 woulda outsold everything if it wasn't supplied.

wii did good but you know it ain't not supplied much either.

sony shit ain't no body want it and that why it's on the shelv and yet people only buy it becuz they have to spend money they want sumthin even though they cant get wat they want.

tis is really a pathetic NPD.


Draft said:
Shortages through February? Astounding. What happened? Did they get a shipment of fans that weren't loud enough?
There was a story(rumor?) a few days ago that one of the 360 manufacturers in China abandoned Microsoft.


seattle6418 said:
no, the musings that made you believe that, despite shortages, it was wii>>>>>>360>>>>>ps3. just go back and read those threads
I'm pretty sure you'll find the musings that relate to Jan were all "where are our damn 360s MS? Oh and we sold a couple of PS3s." I don't know about the prediction thread specifically, but I know a lot of people were predicting PS3>360 for Jan based on the musings alone.
xaosslug said:
the funniest thing about this thread is not the peeps going "omgz, teh empire am strikes back!!" but those quick to cry "bububu but, hardware shortagez!!" :lol
They are both equally pathetic
yet extremely entertaining!
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