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Official Jan 2008 NPD Thread - HW Shortages + Spectacular SW



Unconfirmed Member
Speevy said:
I will bet your account on Sony outselling Microsoft in February.

So Perma ban bet then for Feb. NPD. I say 360 beats the PS3 but I am sure you are saying Sony vs Microsoft. Anyone want to take that bet?
schuelma said:
Reggie speaks:

"We had effectively had no stock into market in that time period because we pulled all the stops to move production into the peak holiday time period," Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime told Reuters.

Nintendo planned to increase Wii shipments to support the launches of big games like "Super Smash Bros" and "Wii Fit" coming out over the next couple months, Fils-Aime said.
Never ever trust Nintendo when it comes to release dates.


_mo said:
Serious question here. Would the majority of people set on purchasing a 360 actually settle for a PS3 because of supply constraints? I admit I'm hopelessly out of touch with the mainstream gamer.

Settle for a PS3? There is no settle. There is only utter contentment.
Dot50Cal said:
Look. I'm a big PS3 fan and went into this generations as a huge Nintendo fan, and now PS3 takes up most of my time compared to Wii/DS and I'm thinki9ng of getting a PSP.

But just because I favor one system over the other right now does not mean that I''ll start partying up and down about ONE MONTHS SALES. Especially when if they were to be compared, Wii would destroy PS3 any day of the year and 360 would beat the PS3 as well.

Both 360 and Wii were supply constrained, 360 not so much as MS is just cooking something up.

No way can we say this is a permanent jump until after several more months of PS3 defeating 360. Yes the PSP and PS3 have a lot of major games and such coming which will more than likely push the systems even more.

But right now, the system software sales are small(albeit due to userbase). Can you be happy? yes. But no way is this console war even close to being over. Also if the PS3 can come back from the bottom, so can any platform.

Wait and see.
Hardware shortages is such a pitiful excuse. Sony is forwardly momentum-ing above the xbox brand. :D I wouldn't be surprised if Xbox 360 doesn't outsell them again.

The bigger software sales is such a crappy excuse as well. Just because PS3 has no top 10 games, doesn't mean that software sales arent as good as xbox 360 games.


Shepherd said:
So Perma ban bet then for Feb. NPD. I say 360 beats the PS3 but I am sure you are saying Sony vs Microsoft. Anyone want to take that bet?

good grief, stop posting. you're not understanding a word he's saying.


Shepherd said:
So Perma ban bet then for Feb. NPD. I say 360 beats the PS3 but I am sure you are saying Sony vs Microsoft. Anyone want to take that bet?

No, I'll bet your account that the PS3 outsells the Xbox 360. I should have been more clear.


Shepherd said:
So Perma ban bet then for Feb. NPD. I say 360 beats the PS3 but I am sure you are saying Sony vs Microsoft. Anyone want to take that bet?

not smart dude. MS is already talking down February, saying 'wait till March' :lol


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I'm gonna call B.S on those NMH numbers until we get some official word.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Can any of you saying the PS3 only did well because the X360 and Wii were supply constrained give an explanation for why the PS3 did 30% better than SimExchange expected?

EDIT: Removed NPD and replaced it with SimExchange. Now my post looks weak. :lol
schuelma said:
242K as of 3-4 weeks ago.


So it should be around 250k now, and probably max out at 300-350K.

So we're looking at, currently, 550 K for USA + Japan. The game has also been doing quite well in Europe, so I think that when it's all said and done, the game will have passed 1 million, which would be very good for a low-budget spin-off that had a medioscre reception.


Unconfirmed Member
Odysseus said:
good grief, stop posting. you're not understanding a word he's saying.

So sorry to upset you. Maybe you could explain it to me?


Speevy said:
I will bet your account on Sony outselling Microsoft in February.

GDC could very well support that claim. We'll see. I think that immediately after GDC we'll be able to say for sure. So I'll make my bet then. :D


Speevy said:
No, I'll bet your account that the PS3 outsells the Xbox 360. I should have been more clear.

Oh shi... :lol Good luck with that. I have saved your post for future reference. But usually you can only bet what belongs to you. His account is not yours to bet with.

Bet your account too.


Pai Pai Master said:
IGN Boards -> GAF -> IGN Boards?

To clarify the original source was a mod on the IGN boards. I posted NMH numbers here. I figured GetCubed is telling the truth. Now there is some doubt about those numbers so I'm waiting for a confirmation.

The IGN Boards quote is funny because a GAFer saw the NMH numbers on this board and decided to inform the IGN Boards of the news on GAF.:lol The user didn't realize the original source and that I post on both boards.
_mo said:
Serious question here. Would the majority of people set on purchasing a 360 actually settle for a PS3 because of supply constraints? I admit I'm hopelessly out of touch with the mainstream gamer.

early 2007? probably not

now? quite possibly. $400 price with blu-ray/harddrive included. quality selection of games and the prospect of MGS4/Resistance2/GT5 et al coming this year and next. and the whole thing about warner and the "death of hd-dvd" that you keep hearing about on that cnn-doohickey :D


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
TSA said:
Anyone know how that GameStop Rain check program turned out?

Some units were shipped as early as late December.

I doubt that many rainchecks, if any, were counted in this NPD.
ZealousD said:
What the hell are you talking about? 360, DS, and Wii shortages were mused. PS3 was in stock and mused as such.

exactly. it was mused that ps3 was readilly in stock and only a few 80 gigs were moving. that's why I was surprised to see selling it so well. evey musing thread reported the shortages and always promptly said something along the lines: "we got 20 wiis this week, sold in a few hours" or "got a few 360's, sold in a few hours".

once again, this is just my POV, it's not the undisputable truth, but i was under the impression that even with the shortages, PS3 would still be 3rd with less than 200k units sold, that's all.


poor, homeless and tasteless
avaya said:
Why does Nintendo struggle to meet DS demand? Is that system really that hard to manufacture? It's demand is so high they should be getting more manufacturers onboard.

Same for Wii.

Unless this is part of a strategy.

Nintendo is making the 2 fastest selling console in history with record production and sales numbers to back it up and people still think that Nintendo is faking it. :lol


If I were a betting man I'd bet on PS3 still outselling 360 in Feb, and then 360 outselling PS3 in March by more than 100k. But I'm not a betting man.


Speevy said:
No, I'll bet your account that the PS3 outsells the Xbox 360. I should have been more clear.

Hmm... Maybe he won't read the post carefully and agree!! :p

Too all you Burnout Paradise haters... YOU SUCK

Seriously though, the hate this game has garnered makes absolutely no sense, don't judge the game based on the demo. Its frikkin awesome...

For only being available for ten days, 144K sales on 360 and probably around 110K on PS3 (guesstimate) is not bad at all!


Shepherd said:
So sorry to upset you. Maybe you could explain it to me?

1) he was being sarcastic with the "irrefutable proof" bit
2) he offered to put your account on the line in a mock bet. not his.
3) you're in meltdown mode. it's readily apparent.
CrushDance said:
Look. I'm a big PS3 fan and went into this generations as a huge Nintendo fan, and now PS3 takes up most of my time compared to Wii/DS and I'm thinki9ng of getting a PSP.

But just because I favor one system over the other right now does not mean that I''ll start partying up and down about ONE MONTHS SALES. Especially when if they were to be compared, Wii would destroy PS3 any day of the year and 360 would beat the PS3 as well.

Both 360 and Wii were supply constrained, 360 not so much as MS is just cooking something up.

No way can we say this is a permanent jump until after several more months of PS3 defeating 360. Yes the PSP and PS3 have a lot of major games and such coming which will more than likely push the systems even more.

But right now, the system software sales are small(albeit due to userbase). Can you be happy? yes. But no way is this console war even close to being over. Also if the PS3 can come back from the bottom, so can any platform.

Wait and see.
This is a much needed reality check, all the Sony backers need to read this.


mozfan12 said:
I guess this is more of a symbolic win for sony. Yeah they sold 30,000 more than 360 but in December 360 sold about 400,000 more than Sony.

It is a shame Microsoft's perfect storm petered out after a month.
DenogginizerOS said:
Can any of you saying the PS3 only did well because the X360 and Wii were supply constrained give an explanation for why the PS3 did 30% better than NPD expected?
Careful. It's 30% better than SimExchange expected. I don't believe NPD publicly releases their predictions (since selling them is their bread and butter).
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