More thoughts -- It was already mentionned, but I can't believe Romero with the moronic cliches for his characters. The tough girl with a past, the pretty boy with a sad backstory (that was straight ouf of Team America), his ugly disfigured sidekick with witty humors and skills that makes him cool; the ambition latino guy and his dumb sidekick, Hopper who was doing his best impersonation of a James Bond Vilain (I was expecting him to break out in a "I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME BOND! MUAHAHAHAHA"). The big fat guy who is funny because he is fat and strong! Oh oh Comedy Gold here! And he's called Pillsbury! Huhu!
It didnt feel like at all like the other movies. Changing the name to Resident Evil 3 or some other name, it's just a regular summer blockbuster trying to cash in on the zombie craze.
Because that's pretty much what I think it is. A cheap cash-in on the zombie trend spawned by RE, 28 Days Later and Shaun. It felt incredibly generic, and there was nothing going for it.
No developpement, nothing, and the worst offender -- no build-up. There was so many things going at once (Hopper, the latino guy in the tank, the main guy's group, and zombies) that would go on for too long. I laughed when after what seems to be 20 minutes of random zombie hijinx and other filler material , we cut back to the main guy WHO IS STILL HANGING ON THE ROOF OF THE TANK TRYING TO UNLOCK THE MISSILES. Could they just STOP?!
What the fuck of amateur pacing is that?
And the scene where a zombie gets decapited and Big Daddy ends up holding his head? He goes NOOOOOOOARHGHGHGHGHHG while the zombie has this lame omgwtf look on his face. And then he kills him by stepping on the head. God..
More thoughts -- It was already mentionned, but I can't believe Romero with the moronic cliches for his characters. The tough girl with a past, the pretty boy with a sad backstory (that was straight ouf of Team America), his ugly disfigured sidekick with witty humors and skills that makes him cool; the ambition latino guy and his dumb sidekick, Hopper who was doing his best impersonation of a James Bond Vilain (I was expecting him to break out in a "I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME BOND! MUAHAHAHAHA"). The big fat guy who is funny because he is fat and strong! Oh oh Comedy Gold here! And he's called Pillsbury! Huhu!
It didnt feel like at all like the other movies. Changing the name to Resident Evil 3 or some other name, it's just a regular summer blockbuster trying to cash in on the zombie craze.
Because that's pretty much what I think it is. A cheap cash-in on the zombie trend spawned by RE, 28 Days Later and Shaun. It felt incredibly generic, and there was nothing going for it.
No developpement, nothing, and the worst offender -- no build-up. There was so many things going at once (Hopper, the latino guy in the tank, the main guy's group, and zombies) that would go on for too long. I laughed when after what seems to be 20 minutes of random zombie hijinx and other filler material , we cut back to the main guy WHO IS STILL HANGING ON THE ROOF OF THE TANK TRYING TO UNLOCK THE MISSILES. Could they just STOP?!
What the fuck of amateur pacing is that?
And the scene where a zombie gets decapited and Big Daddy ends up holding his head? He goes NOOOOOOOARHGHGHGHGHHG while the zombie has this lame omgwtf look on his face. And then he kills him by stepping on the head. God..
Oh right. Go watch the movie and come back. The zombies looks like Doom Monsters instead of zombies, complete with the angry screaming. They were overdone. Before you sue the argument that they look like that because of decay, well decaying bodies don't have huge bloated faces and angry monsters faces. What made the night/dawn/day zombies work is that they had little to no make up, except for random zombies that had been headshot or fucked up up before dying. Most were covered in blood and that's it.
They still looking human, and THEY HAD NO EMOTIONS. This is what was so great about them. They had NO facial expressions at ALL. They were just there and went for you without looking angry and yelling ARHGHGHGHGH like idiots. They were just too expressive, which goes against the fact that they are dead.
That's what made them more human, they still looking like us, and not like extras from a sci-movie about mutants from mars.
Naked Shuriken, did you watch Day? They looked much more ghoulish than the ones on Land. Jesus, how can I take your criticism seriously if you haven't paid attention to the last films. The ones in land were so made up. Bub was practically a mask, it covered his face comepletely. Also all the zombies in day were so exagerrated. They had huge brows, and no eyebrow hair. Also their teeth were so contorted, and all their lips plumped out. Look at the zombie that bites Miguel in Day, and tell me that isn't overthetop.
You really don't know what you are saying.
I've seen Land again, and enjoyed it more my second time. It is still the lesser of the saga.
Most of what I wanted to say has been said already, so I'll keep it brief. I liked the movie because it was a Romero zombie film; but overall I was disappointed with it. I felt the film was too short, lacking in character development, and overall poorly executed. I think the film will gross enough (It hasn't hit overseas yet) in both the box office and DVD sales that it will warrant a sequel, and that this film was George knocking the rust off, getting his "legs" back so to speak.
I really wanted to like this film. Perhaps I'll look at it differently the next time I see it. This won't be my favorite film of the summer, but it might crack the top ten.
How anyone can praise this film is beyond me. The movie sucked. So many truly cool things could have been done with that setting, with the tower and town and all, but weren't. The hollow plotline was the worst.
This movie was done better 25 years ago when it was called Damnation Alley, and that wasn't even about zombies. Coming to think of it, neither was this movie.