That'll tough cause i was gonna start traveling late tonight. Would you be available to do Friday? I'll be out of town but i'm willing to bring my copy of Madden with me.Ferny - I can play after 10pm EST tonight, is that doable?
That'll tough cause i was gonna start traveling late tonight. Would you be available to do Friday? I'll be out of town but i'm willing to bring my copy of Madden with me.Ferny - I can play after 10pm EST tonight, is that doable?
That'll tough cause i was gonna start traveling late tonight. Would you be available to do Friday? I'll be out of town but i'm willing to bring my copy of Madden with me.
Yeah I can do Friday
No Thanksgiving for me so I can play whenever (even Saturday or Sunday)
What, do you hate America commie?
America Jr Thanksgiving is in October
This explains everything
This explains everything
Actually if I was going to act Canadian I would've just kept my mouth shut and let Trash fuck me in the ass.
I haven't opened my Hitman yet but did see that silly commercial with all the costumes. Is it true that one of the 'stealth' moves is covering your face?
Some of you play such turd games.
Yeah let's play the same 16 player team deathmatch over and over and over
I've only played a couple hours so far, haven't run into the face covering stealth aspect yet. But if you heard about it it's probably true.
We all do. It's called Madden.
Who plays 16 player team deathmatch over and over? That sounds awful too.
What's 343 added to Halo except for making people mad on how they handle spawning. Pay 60 dollars for 343 to ape Bungie and make an inferior experience, enjoy. The Halo franchise peaked with Reach. It's over for Halo. Hopefully MS has a plan B.
At least Planetside 2 is trying some new things.
What's 343 added to Halo except for making people mad on how they handle spawning. Pay 60 dollars for 343 to ape Bungie and make an inferior experience, enjoy. The Halo franchise peaked with Reach. It's over for Halo. Hopefully MS has a plan B.
At least Planetside 2 is trying some new things.
You are the last person anybody should listen to when deciding the quality of a MP FPS.
I need to get back on BLOPS and H4. Life is taking over right now![]()
You mean just BLOPS because you'd rather play that than hang out with Madden Bros.
Halo fucking sucks.
Half true
It was double xp weekend! And I got in dat COD rhythm.
You're ashamed of us. Just admit it. You leave us hanging in NHL and you refuse to play with us in Halo.
Why would I not want to play halo with you?
McNei1y got dat work
What a strange coincidence that the people saying it sucks are turrible at the game!
I still own Halo 4. I'll play and suck online! I just take exception to Planetside 2 being trash when the game is being held in a positive light everywhere and SOE tried new things. 343 didn't even improve the Halo formula. Unless adding CoD style perks is an addition, but it's not an original idea. Halo 4 is a risk free game. BLOPS 2 has more original ideas.
Half true
It was double xp weekend! And I got in dat COD rhythm.
What a strange coincidence that the people saying it sucks are turrible at the game!
EAD all of you!
Ez I was giving you shit
I need a mic mayne that works with my monitor setup. That's half the fun. I may get one on BF. Also may have to get a second TV. It's to the point where playing on my LED is unbearable. I can do ok in H4 since it's 30 fps. But in BLOPS I look like FMT.
DAW how is the input lag on your new plasma?
What's 343 added to Halo except for making people mad on how they handle spawning. Pay 60 dollars for 343 to ape Bungie and make an inferior experience, enjoy. The Halo franchise peaked with Reach. It's over for Halo. Hopefully MS has a plan B.
At least Planetside 2 is trying some new things.
It's too bad PSABRCCKMB is so awesome or I would buy blops. On Vita it's so fuckin raaaaaaaad
Cb said it sucked
Didn't even bother responding to MrTroll.
CB is the ultimate authority on psasbr. He has watched over 120 seconds of YouTube footage. Why did I play for 2 hours last night![]()
CB is the ultimate authority on psasbr. He has watched over 120 seconds of YouTube footage. Why did I play for 2 hours last night![]()
wasn't the warhawk team the same as the starhawk team? They're done?
That cg trailer for psbra is pretty funny, whoever made the "celebrity apprentice" comment was pretty spot on.
Cb said it sucked
Didn't even bother responding to MrTroll.
Seems good. Although anything is better to me than the old DLP I was rocking!EAD all of you!
Ez I was giving you shit
I need a mic mayne that works with my monitor setup. That's half the fun. I may get one on BF. Also may have to get a second TV. It's to the point where playing on my LED is unbearable. I can do ok in H4 since it's 30 fps. But in BLOPS I look like FMT.
DAW how is the input lag on your new plasma?
If Luke were playing it with him CB would think it was the best game ever.
Because you have awful taste in videogames?
Hey I bet you can't wait till the DLC hits, right? So the no name from star hawk can join the rest of the shitty sony mascots (and Big Daddy for no reason) and your two favorite games can join forces!
Also I find it funny Sony would put that guy in the game when they shitcanned the team that actually made star hawk. Slim pickings on the PlayStation front. I guess that's why they put that fucking cat in everything.