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Official Madden Season 3 League Thread: The Imperial March (to the superbowl!)


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Shadax said:
Yes, I just have been out of town the past two weekends....I'll be around all weekend this weekend.

Gunstar, I was around until 10:30PM, I didn't hear from you at all. We can shoot for tonight, I'm free all night.

I posted on the forum at 10:17 PM EST yesterday and I was AIM you for 15 minutes before that. I am AIM you again right now but you are not responding!


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
man, I played horribly. Was lucky to make the final 28-21. One of these days, I'll figure out how to stop the quick RB to the side. Strange how I cannot get big lumbering Alexander to do that....

And that BS Moss "I'll break 2 tackles" scamper to the end zone... :lol :lol


I had ALL of the breaks tonight and you had none, but yet you had me bitting my nails at the end. And yeah, that 96 yard Moss TD was like something out of a cartoon, don't know what to say about that. :)

However, I did think your two INTs were some Harlem Globetrotter bullshit! I mean fuck, on the first Moss is 5 yards behind Taylor so I put some air under the ball, and Taylor starts some Crouching Tiger Hidden Seahawk move, catching the fastest WR in the game an leaping 17 feet in the air to stop my first drive. Then, at the end of the first half, your #2 CB some how manages to bump both Robinson and Burleson at the line and then picks off the lob over his head. WTF?!?! :lol :lol

Good game, I hope I don't see you in the playoffs. :)


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
well, I do have 3 pretty good CB's, rating wise at least. Taylor is a high 80 (88-89) so...he has a chance...maybe. What killed me, other than the obvious, were those RB to the side moves (why those were wide open all the time, I don't know) and the under routes of receivers.


CK used to do it to me all the time, and it works like a charm until people overcompensate for it. :) Go unbalanced formation, run a dive and bounce it to the outside. The linebackers get sucked inside and HELD.


Slo said:
CK used to do it to me all the time, and it works like a charm until people overcompensate for it. :) Go unbalanced formation, run a dive and bounce it to the outside. The linebackers get sucked inside and HELD.

I don't know what you are referring to. RB to the side move? Is that the cutback or a pass out to the flats? If you're talking about calling a dive and running outside, I don't do it intentionally, I'm just following the blocks that open up for me. The right side of my line is stronger than the left, and my center, so naturally they get a better push, but against a superior d-line even they can't open up the intended holes, as was happening last night with Dskillz. My fullback would try to cut outside (for god knows what reason) and get sucked into blocking an LB, my only recourse is to take it inside the tackle, or hit it outside and hope the TE makes his block (on a play that is designed to go between the guard and center) which often he doesn't. And no, I don't believed the LBs get sucked inside and stuck, my LBs don't get stuck like that when a run is bounced outside. I had such success against Dskillz last night because my TE was hitting his block and I ran in that direction all night, with off-tackle runs, and slams between tackle and guard

Call it an exploit if you want, but it didn't work against DM, didn't work against FMT, hasn't worked in all the ranked games I have played against Malley (who has shut me down big time on the run in the passed few days), didn't work against Gunstar (who was actually spreading the line allowing the inside run, so of course it wouldn't work).

I'll tell you exactly how to beat my run: Don't play the conventional 4-3 or 3-4.

Besides, you had a better rushing average than I did up until this week, and Fifty is way up above us. As you have experienced in both of our games, I tend to break a long run or two and that inflates my numbers per game. Also consider that unlike most people, I use playmaker blocking and I can win one on one situations in the open field. Let's also consider the fact that I ran well last season with the Giants, ending up in second place for rushing yards, with Tiki Barber as my RB. I can count the RB dives in the Giants playbook on one hand, and none are effective, including the Goalline plays (against like Quarter D :(). Diving with Tiki is just not an option. It's only natural that with a slightly better O-Line and FB I should run slightly more. Even though FMT taught me the move, and MrBob uses it too (the cutback with the juke button) I'll make sure to run into traffic more if it helps you guys against me.


WHOA WHOA WHOA! That was meant as a compliment, not an insult. :) Immitation is the sincerest form of blah blah mcblah. In all of our games together prior to the leagues I noticed that I was getting absoultely KILLED by Barber bouncing plays to the outside because my LBs came in and got sucked into the blocks, Tecmo Bowl style. Half my running game is based on that idea, so don't take offense please.

Sometimes I think you're taking the things I say the wrong way on purpose CK. I've got no beef with you, no need to be so defensive.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
maybe I should attempt to learn the dive/outside maneuve.

My downfall lately is "no time" to play madden. It's Gt4, 24, working a hell of alot more OT, and my father's health. Just too much going on to concentrate on much of anything.

I mean...I lost to Ror.



Lonestar said:
maybe I should attempt to learn the dive/outside maneuve.

My downfall lately is "no time" to play madden. It's Gt4, 24, working a hell of alot more OT, and my father's health. Just too much going on to concentrate on much of anything.

I mean...I lost to Ror.


You're gonna lose to me too, so better get prepared. :D


Edit: scanned over your post quickly, didn't notice the part about your Dad. I hope he recovers quickly!


You now belong to FMT.
sorry to hear about your pops Lonestar, and RORS... when do you want to get our game in ?? for this upcoming weekend..


Malleymal said:
sorry to hear about your pops Lonestar, and RORS... when do you want to get our game in ?? for this upcoming weekend..
If you wanna play on the weekend that's great. You set the time. I'm flexible all day Sat and Sunday. Maybe I can play you and Shadax back to back.

Sorry to hear about your father, Lone. Best wishes.

Also, I told you the stats lie. :p The time came and you choked it away, my friend. :D
i will be back strong in season 4 (with whichever team is selected for me, it literally has to be an improvement over the 49ers :D )

good season but i just didn't get the bounces i'm used to. all of my losses were by single digits, and 4/5 were by single scores. boo urns to you john madden!


Ramirez, I told you you could do it! You're my boy Blue!

It's not over for FMT, although he says it is. I could lose twice in a row, and he could win twice in a row...but since he's already thrown in the towel....Paper Champ, I told you guys. He just lacks the heart.

FMT has a great defense, and he knows that team like the back of his hand, so while it's true that any team is statistically better, that doesn't mean he'll play better with them. :)


You're neglecting the fact that he has three games left though, FMT. That completely slipped my mind when we spoke yesterday.

In order to facilitate your entry into the playoffs, I am casting a HEX on Fifty! Ooga-Chaga-Ooga-Chaga

Slo I can play tomorrow, same as last week.


Matrix got a life! Either that, or he's really the father of his sister's baby.....that would explain the inordinate amount of time he has spent babysitting his "nephew". We're on to you!


Fifty said:
Matrix got a life! Either that, or he's really the father of his sister's baby.....that would explain the inordinate amount of time he has spent babysitting his "nephew". We're on to you!


"Matrix...you ARE the baby's father."


Malleymal said:
rors.. are you around now??
oops didn't even see this and I was checking this thread earlier. Yeah, I'm around. Funny thing is, I'm taking care of my nephew as we speak. :lol

I'm available to play if you're still around, though. He'll be out for a while since he didn't sleep all night/morning. And by the time he wakes up, his mom will be here to pick him up.:D


You now belong to FMT.
Rorschach said:
I'm available to play if you're still around, though. He'll be out for a while since he didn't sleep all night/morning. And by the time he wakes up, his mom will be here to pick him up.:D

Hmmm... another "Nephew" , lol.. I am here but got a guy from sears downstairs fixing my microwave, and I have to help him put the damn thing back in the wall since his partner wasnt available today. so once he is done , its on... I will write on here as soon as I am done, do u have an AIM name??


Malleymal said:
Hmmm... another "Nephew" , lol.. I am here but got a guy from sears downstairs fixing my microwave, and I have to help him put the damn thing back in the wall since his partner wasnt available today. so once he is done , its on... I will write on here as soon as I am done, do u have an AIM name??
Yeah, forums are going real slow today. AIM would be better :p "hawakubo"


GG Malleymal sorry about the pauses and I was kinda out of it towards the end because the kid's mom kept calling. The long pause was when she finally got here to pick him up.


You now belong to FMT.
yea man gg, no problem about the pauses, i remembered you saying that you had a little one over there... THe fumbles in the game were ridiculous... Rain is not my friend in this game at all. i think I have bog next... shit


Malleymal said:
yea man gg, no problem about the pauses, i remembered you saying that you had a little one over there... THe fumbles in the game were ridiculous... Rain is not my friend in this game at all. i think I have bog next... shit
Yeah...I was thinking "Why does he keep running it back in the rain with 4 guys on him?" :p

That Holmes fumble was bs, though. Dunno how it popped out. I didn't even use the b/w buttons.

I think Bog just = free win. I haven't seen anyone try to contact him for a few games now. He's my last game. :(


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Fifty said:
Matrix got a life! Either that, or he's really the father of his sister's baby.....that would explain the inordinate amount of time he has spent babysitting his "nephew". We're on to you!


Sadly the baby has acid reflux so my sis has needed extra help since her husband works all day.I happen to do work at home,so I'm able to help her.


You now belong to FMT.
Rorschach said:
I think Bog just = free curse.


and yea , priests and richardsons fumbles were crazy, i was scared to do ANYTHING whatsoever... I would put together a serious drive and then just hand you the ball. i hope i dont see anymore rain the rest of the season...


Rorschach said:
I think Bog just = free win.

As is Maverick I think. Maverick? You out there? I'm free anytime starting now through this weekend to play.

And Rorschach, don't forget that "L" you're going to get against me, we need to play our game! ;P


What makes it funny is that Bog can post in the Wrestlemania thread,but can't post in this one and at least tell us he doesn't want to play,whatever :lol


Shadax said:
As is Maverick I think. Maverick? You out there? I'm free anytime starting now through this weekend to play.

And Rorschach, don't forget that "L" you're going to get against me, we need to play our game! ;P
That's gonna be a W, sorry.

I regret to inform you that you're gonna be my season ending redemption game.

As for a time, pick any time sat/sun. I'm headed out the door now, but I'll read it when I get home. Any time from 12am Saturday to 1pm Monday. Day, night, evening, morning, afternoon, grave yard hours. I hope there's an hour in there where we can play this game. :p


Ramirez said:
What makes it funny is that Bog can post in the Wrestlemania thread,but can't post in this one and at least tell us he doesn't want to play,whatever :lol

I know :lol Why not just say it? Well they'll have a heck of a time trying to play Madden 2006 now that they've been blacklisted!
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