Well you own two of Wii's best games, so that's a decent start, but i don't think you can make a judgement on Wii's library since you haven't played Zelda, Metroid, Zack and Wiki, Resident Evil 4 and No More Heroes.
360 is superior software wise, definitely, but to say the Wii's library is "bad" is less opinion and more ignorance i would say.
Gears was a great looking game with enjoyable pop-and-stop mechanics but it was repetitive, emotionally bland, repetitive, generic and repetitive. For what it was, it was good fun. But GOTY? Ummm, well, everyone's entitled to their opinion. But it gets a massive LOL from me.
On the other hand Twilight Princess was a finely crafted, epic adventure with actual emotion in the story-telling, some of the best dungeons and bosses ever made, and some of the best cut-scenes and scenarios in the series.