Look, enough with this Wii is not commonplace or whatever. The damn media only see the numbers and could care less about what some of us think. You didnt think the damn Oscars, Good Morning America and all the rest of this media would care if the Wii didnt have the numbers they did now?
Now, I do feel for yall. My opinion about the wii/ds would get me banned anyway so I keep my mouth shut on that issue.
As a business man, I have to give my hands up to Ninty. However, as a creative person - imp a little leery. Ninty isnt the same as it was back in its SNES days - it doesnt have the same fire as it did back then. I consider the wii a sort of a backlash, somewhat brought to a head from 360's and Ps3's Multi-SKU's, high price points, HD confusion, and content deemed conteverisal (sp) for the majority of the top sellers in both HD consoles. How can you change the perception of two business men from Japan with Old Style Japanese Opera Music playing in the background showing the games for the most part? You can't and even if the ads suck to the eyes of most of you here - myself included; to those outside of video games, partly because of the past days with Ninty and a changing of the culture (thats domestic culture) from say Spears to Cyrus for an example, Wii seems perfect. It fits the new paradigm for both Japan and the States - away from the story based series of the 90's and into such games like Carnival and Fit and so on. And if it helps nearly 25 year old franchises get a shot in the arm, than so be it in Ninty's eyes.
As for the two games for the PSP, what did you expect? This little thing is...amazing. God Of War and in some ways CC are the true testaments of that format - note that even though EA has mostly left PSP production, The PSP has sold millions. Meaning you can succeed without huge western support hardware wise...
And thats what Sony is going to have to realize going ahead. EA can only be your friends for so long... before they smell money. I have to love (and some cases loathe) the Japanese devs. They stay behind you for LONGER than most girl friends stay with some dude that cant feed ya kids or keep the house - holding on to some hope that "it will get better"...knowing that it might not and he may have to think smaller in order to keep them with you. EA would have been gone LONG just like they did with the PSP if it was them. But the PSP is lucky that EA is more home based than handeld. How long after EA buys Take Two and they see if nothing much changes after MGS4 (which could happen) that they head to 360 as their major console? Or Wii?
If this gen goes to wii (which its becoming to be) it will be a rebuilding process for Sony and MS. I fell that in some ways if MGS4 doesnt do as hoped, they might concede and rebuild. Not that it failed, it faced too many promises and it couldnt keep up with it. But what they did make and already have are large amount of franchises that can be used for their TV, and Movie divisions - and have a large network already and a whole library of games. Nobody will take away what they have done for this business. Its just that where could they GO from THERE? Thats the point.
As for 360...they have so much money and even with that - its a shock that they have these many problems. They could have been something, but what they are connected to- MS... They need to split MS from X-Box. Thats it. It needs to become its own thing. In some ways it is but that MS stench that keeps it from becoming much better.
Im not in the business of sales ages. I had the GEN (MegaDrive for Yurop) even when it was dying - I wanted a Saturn but got a PS1, loved the GBA, and have a PS2 and PSP and plan to get a PS3 once MGS4 is out. Wii doing well is fine for growing the industry, but it makes no difference to me or what I like, and it shouldnt for the most of you complaining. I have made peace with this fact, how about you guys do the same?