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Official MLB 10 League: Zep's a No Show....again


Not sure why LJ has it out for me, but as I also enjoy playing the game, I figure what the hell, I might as well start a GAF league as well. If you've played me you know I'm a good player, but play fair and can take a loss without whining. Going to be 8 teams and all are welcome.

Settings will be as follows:

3 game series.
1 day to play them, but auto-resolve will be OFF, thus play your games whenever you can.
Sliders will be default - aka - what you play when you normally play online.
Fast play on
Zones off
Injuries on

So far it's me. Let me know if you want to be in my league. You can be in both LJ's and mine if you wish. There will be plenty of baseball to go around.

I'll send you league invite as soon as your reply. League can start as soon as tomorrow if we get everyone in.


LJ11 said:
So far we have:


Sanjuro/Live/DCX, you still want in?

I'm leaning towards a strict 3 day schedule, auto-resolve will be off so I can grant extensions as needed. Flex scheduling will be limited to 1 week ahead, unless you're going on vacation/away.

Rareside, I know you're reliable and all, but I received numerous complaints about your style of play during the course of the season. Thank you for participating, but I'm going to have to leave you out of this one. Hate to do it, but I don't have much of a choice.



On second thought, I disbanded the 2nd league already. Apologies to the few that had already joined, but there's no sense in further splitting GAF's tiny baseball community. We've already had two epic fails of online MLB The Show here. It's a shame MLB can't flourish here like a Madden can, but so it goes..

As for LJ, you and I both know I play straight. Our 3 game series proved it. I expected better from you. Classless and cowardly.


intangibles, motherfucker


rareside said:
On second thought, I disbanded the 2nd league already. Apologies to the few that had already joined, but there's no sense in further splitting GAF's tiny baseball community. We've already had two epic fails of online MLB The Show here. It's a shame MLB can't flourish here like a Madden can, but so it goes..

As for LJ, you and I both know I play straight. Our 3 game series proved it. I expected better from you. Classless and cowardly.

I'm pretty even handed actually. Try to compromise as much as I can, get feedback from anyone who's willing to give it before making a decision. That's actually my biggest mistake, probably should have gone with my gut on most decisions, and played with guys I know and/or like. There's a very cliquish aspect to many of GAF leagues, decided to open it up to more people, and not restrict it to guys I knew. My mistake.

Like I said, people had issues with the way you played, I'll leave it at that. I'm not going to say who said what, it's not my place. Some of it came out in this thread, others messaged me about it. Not really sure how I'm classless or cowardly. You didn't even give me a chance to reply to your PM before stirring the pot.

When you and I played, I had issues with the way you ran the bases and threw to first on line drives to RF. Some of it wasn't what I would call "sim," but it's the games fault more than anything.

I'm being honest when I say I had complaints, I let it slide, and gave you more opportunities. This isn't a dictatorship, people had issues and I'm acting on it. I thanked you for your participation, you were reliable, and helped the league move at a steady pace. Hard not to feel burned/pissed, but it's not personal.

Some of the fucks up in League 1.0 are due to San Diego's fucked up netcode, some of it was my own. I'll be better with addressing issues, and getting the league coordinated for 2.0.


LJ11 said:
When you and I played, I had issues with the way you ran the bases and threw to first on line drives to RF. Some of it wasn't what I would call "sim," but it's the games fault more than anything.

So you had issues with me running bases without going into specifics..I didn't early steal if that's what you're implying (if I did it might've been once by accident and no runs were scored). If you have or had issues be specific!! Being so vague is what makes you cowardly. There's no need to hide. You're better than that. That RF comment is at least specific, albeit ridiculous. Who hasn't thrown to 1st on a RF single?? The only issues I'm aware of were with Denog. We had some disagreements after a tight game, but we moved past them via PM. We would have played our 3rd game had you extended the deadline a day for us, but I had no problem taking the L.

Other than that, no one I've played in the league had a problem with me that I know of, but you sure do make it sound that way.

If you want to play with your good buddies in a league that's fine. But don't try to insinuate that I don't play a good/fair game when you know better. That's classless.
rareside said:
So you had issues with me running bases without going into specifics..I didn't early steal if that's what you're implying (if I did it might've been once by accident and no runs were scored). If you have or had issues be specific!! Being so vague is what makes you cowardly. There's no need to hide. You're better than that. That RF comment is at least specific, albeit ridiculous. Who hasn't thrown to 1st on a RF single?? The only issues I'm aware of were with Denog. We had some disagreements after a tight game, but we moved past them via PM. We would have played our 3rd game had you extended the deadline a day for us, but I had no problem taking the L.

Other than that, no one I've played in the league had a problem with me that I know of, but you sure do make it sound that way.

If you want to play with your good buddies in a league that's fine. But don't try to insinuate that I don't play a good/fair game when you know better. That's classless.
... seriously? So if I you read this thread you wont find ONE complaint about your play? There's no question about you playing a good game, but there is about you playing a fair game.

Look, you are handling this COMPLETELY the wrong way. You should've talked to Lj11 privately and at least come across as willing to be open to change. I may know you better than most players in the league and frankly, you do bend the rules of the league. You flexed even though there is a limit on flexing, you HAVE quickstole in the past, and you did quickpitch slightly in my series. Maybe I wasn't one of the people who wanted you gone, but I'll personally acknowledge you had to be on notice. The league had specific rules and a commish, and you seemed to do your own thing.

I'll say this again: This isn't GameBattles. People didn't know exactly what I meant back then, but I bet they do now.


The Frankman said:
... seriously? So if I you read this thread you wont find ONE complaint about your play? There's no question about you playing a good game, but there is about you playing a fair game.

Look, you are handling this COMPLETELY the wrong way. You should've talked to Lj11 privately and at least come across as willing to be open to change. I may know you better than most players in the league and frankly, you do bend the rules of the league. You flexed even though there is a limit on flexing, you HAVE quickstole in the past, and you did quickpitch slightly in my series. Maybe I wasn't one of the people who wanted you gone, but I'll personally acknowledge you had to be on notice. The league had specific rules and a commish, and you seemed to do your own thing.

I'll say this again: This isn't GameBattles. People didn't know exactly what I meant back then, but I bet they do now.

Nah Frank, I'm handling it just fine, thanks. My goal was never to get back in good graces with LJ when it was clear that he had it out for me. Complaining about my flexing? Are you SERIOUS? I was playing the game, something that a good fifth of the league wasn't doing at all.

When you get damn good at a game, nearly unbeatable, people are going to find something to complain about, bring you down a few pegs. Similar to the way you complained when I beat you the second game in our series... Do you remember complaining about my botched hit-and-run immediately after the game? Most people would say "GG" or "I'll get you next time" following a loss. You responded immediately with sour grapes "STEALING UP 6-1 in the 8th.... yeah" That's why I'm in defense mode as much as I am. People find the stupidest things to complain about when they lose. If my record was 3-26 with the exact gameplay I exhibited, there would be ZERO complaints. GUARANTEED.

If you're going to hate, find something worthwhile to hate on... Case is closed in my book. NEOGAF is not the place for MLB The Show skills.


intangibles, motherfucker
This thread is far more entertaining than the madden thread right now. lets keep it going


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
"NEOGAF is not the place for MLB The Show skills."


Some of the best players here were not able to play in the league for various reasons. Though I will admit when it comes to sports games, the level of play here for Madden is far higher.


I've been meaning to apologize to you guys for quitting the league. I've had some health problems and have had to spend more time at the doc's than I thought I was going to. Sorry, I had fun though.


Since this game came out I've pretty much not touched any other game aside from SSFIV for a few days. Although it's really tempting, I'm gonna sit out the new league so I can put some time into other games/hobbies. Sorry things started out a little rough between Sanj and myself, but I hope other league opponents had a good time playing against me as I had a blast playing against you.

LJ, thanks for taking on an ambitious league full of lots of first-timers. I believe technical issues with the game had more to do with frustration than any particular player, and hopefully future leagues won't be relegated to a circle of friends. If a player is truly a problem they should probably be booted, but it'd be nice for the league experience to be felt by anyone that's willing to commit and play by the rules. The Show has always been a good game to me, but League Play turned it into THE game for me. I loved it. Thanks again for the first and second league invitations.

Sports wouldn't be sports without some kind of drama, and unfortunately Rareside has found himself in the thick of it. I've played close to 20 games against the guy (haven't won one yet!) and I have to say I feel the case against him is a bit exaggerated if his play against me is any indication. I think he got caught in the same set of rules confusion as I did, but by virtue of him playing so many games so fast and because he's been able to dominate I think he exposed himself to extra scrutiny. He didn't do himself any favors by burning bridges with the commish and a few players, but I can empathize with his situation....I mean, I got accused of trying to glitch in an exhibition game against denog, yet I have no clue how to glitch and I absolutely hate glitchers in online games of any kind.

Anywho, good luck to all in league 2.0. I just wish there was a Tigers fan better than me in the league that could give them a chance of success :lol


More bad drama than a CBS weeknight.

Anyway, hope we get the new league started soon, and rareside, turnbuckle, Kingbrave: msg me in game/gaf if you want to play a game. I had fun games with all of you.


Damn, you're one salty cunt. It isn't about your record you stupid fuck, no one said a thing about Pete/Dominicanboy and they were just as good as you were. You're MLB vumpler, don't play the victim card with me. Had it out for you? I gave you a pretty long leash. Your skills had nothing to do with it. It's the way you played.

I'll put the league up tonight. Still waiting on Sanjuro and Live to confirm they're in.


Sorry, was out for most of the weekend. I'm still interested in the league. Are we continuing with the current setup or starting a new one? I'm fine either way.


LiveWire said:
k, cool. Count me in with the Nats. This means I get Strasburg right? :D :D :D

He won't be on the roster for another two weeks or so, sorry.

If anyone wants to change squads let me know.

DCX - Yankees
Ez - Brewers
Frank - Mets
Doytch - BlueJays
Dominican - Twins
Pete - Phillies
Live - Nats
Jambi - White Sox
BigAT - Angels


Can I make a FA move to start the season. You guys can decide who I should replace him with, but I really, really, really need to cut Jeff Suppan.


If you guys need someone else to play with an even number of people I can try and get games in. Honestly I'm not sure how my schedule will be in June, but I can do my best to get games in as fast as I can.


League is up.

Right now I'm thinking of having the league advance every 4 days, and giving extensions as needed. Have it set up for 1 day advances, so even if I do give out a few extensions, we can always catch up in relatively short time.

You're more than welcome to join Bob.
New slider adjustments? Names in bold are changes.

Fielder Reaction: 10
Fielder Run Speed: 2 - Raised from 1 to address complaints about slow OFs :lol
Fielder Arm Strength: 4 -
Reliever Stamina: 3 -
Solid Hits: 1 or 2 - It increases hit variety (bloopers/choppers/etc.) - It can be set to either.
Power: 4 - You can already crush balls on contact, why not lower power a notch?
Pitcher Control: 6 - Not a real control slider, it increases meatball pitches when lowered and decreases meatballs when raised.
Pitcher Consistency: 6 or 7 - Raising pitcher consistency pretty much increases the chance of the pitch going in the area where the pitcher wants it and decreases the chances of the pitch missing by a lot. How many times have you only missed the meter area and yet the ball is 5 feet away from where you want it? This slider also has a big impact on wild pitches and hit batters, so this will reduce that a bit.

damn league up already?


Do they alter attributes with each roster update like Madden or will my team be the same as it was in the first league?


The Frankman said:
New slider adjustments? Names in bold are changes.

Fielder Reaction: 10
Fielder Run Speed: 2 - Raised from 1 to address complaints about slow OFs :lol
Fielder Arm Strength: 4 -
Reliever Stamina: 3 -
Solid Hits: 1 or 2 - It increases hit variety (bloopers/choppers/etc.) - It can be set to either.
Power: 4 - You can already crush balls on contact, why not lower power a notch?
Pitcher Control: 6 - Not a real control slider, it increases meatball pitches when lowered and decreases meatballs when raised.
Pitcher Consistency: 6 or 7 - Raising pitcher consistency pretty much increases the chance of the pitch going in the area where the pitcher wants it and decreases the chances of the pitch missing by a lot. How many times have you only missed the meter area and yet the ball is 5 feet away from where you want it? This slider also has a big impact on wild pitches and hit batters, so this will reduce that a bit.

damn league up already?

I increased speed to 3, solid hits was on 1, fielder arms at 5, power at 5, pitcher is 6 and 7 respectively, and reliever stamina is 3.

You can take the Rays dominican boy.

BigAT said:
Do they alter attributes with each roster update like Madden or will my team be the same as it was in the first league?

They do alter attributes once a month, so we should have one, maybe two (not sure if the last one had the requisite changes since today is June 1st).
LJ11 said:
I increased speed to 3, solid hits was on 1, fielder arms at 5, power at 5, pitcher is 6 and 7 respectively, and reliever stamina is 3.
Speed at 3 is really pushing the envelope, but Fielder arms at default is ugh. Too many average throwers will be gunning it now.


The Frankman said:
Speed at 3 is really pushing the envelope, but Fielder arms at default is ugh. Too many average throwers will be gunning it now.

Now? Were they gunning it last season when it was set to default? I think it's fine.

Also, eznark you can make a transaction for a pitcher, your choice.
LJ11 said:
Now? Were they gunning it last season when it was set to default? I think it's fine.
Wait, you didn't change it to 4 last league? I thought we agreed on that!!! Yikes and I was thinking they were kinda strong for 4!!


LJ what is the league name? I dunno if I can go a month without league action. If there is an opening I'll join. If I'm too late I guess I wait for the next season to become available!


Mrbob said:
LJ what is the league name? I dunno if I can go a month without league action. If there is an opening I'll join. If I'm too late I guess I wait for the next season to become available!

I'll send you an invite in about 10 minutes.

Edit: The following guys need to sign in so I can activate:



LJ11 said:
I'll send you an invite in about 10 minutes.

Edit: The following guys need to sign in so I can activate:


I'll get on now. Been dead because of work. I'd like to switch to the Rays too if I can.
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