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Official MLB 10 League: Zep's a No Show....again


LJ11 said:
Nah, I knew you were going to quit dude. Not because you're a quitter, not because of your record, but because getting your games in has been nothing but trouble. When you actually manage to connect they're not enjoyable because of the lag, I wouldn't want to play either. Totally understandable.

This brings me to another point, if you feel you no longer want to play in the league, feel free to drop out, won't feel slighted. Point is to have fun and if you aren't having any, please feel free to move on.
Yeah, sorry. I managed to play a game on that day against Rareside while waiting and, while it was surprisingly easy to connect , the overall experience was still frustrating.

Mrbob said:
I sent you a couple offline aim messages. Maybe you didn't get them?
I guess.......? ...but I have every aim conversation logged since 1995. If I didn't catch your aims, the logs would. If I was offline and you were trying to message me for some dumb reason, I have offline messaging on. I can't imagine how I would have missed them. The "various ways" you mentioned earlier... I don't know what they could be. XLB box is empty besides some Halo Reach douchebags sending me pictures for some odd reason. XMB? Also empty. PM's are all read.

Friday, May 14, 2010
mrbob2k1 (11:27:27 PM):	http://steampowered.ca/
mrbob2k1 signed off at 11:45:31 PM
Sunday, May 23, 2010
No messages between 14th and 23rd. If the system somehow failed, then I apologize, but I don't think it's feasible.

I sent you a message in this thread (two times, go back and read) and the madden thread about us playing.
Those were the same day and I replied.

Anyway, I didn't want to reply, but that's all bs, come on. You make it seem like you were desperately seeking me out or something... :lol

On your point about thick skin, I guess I did overreact, but I was already stressed out and pissed off. I wasn't really in the mood. I couldn't tell what was schtick and what was you being passive aggressive or both.

And, to reiterate, I didn't quit because of you. I wasn't even thinking about quitting. Like I said, you could have just taken your wins and moved on.


Rors and Franky:


Water under the bridge...lets get back to baseball!


I'm around to play all day tomorrow I think. LiveWire, we can finish our series if you want.

Anyone else want to play let me know, PM or AIM or whatever.


intangibles, motherfucker
Someone give Rors the MLB version of Mike Vick. Bob will cry like a little girl then quit. problem solved!


I'm still having problems just connecting to sportsconnect. I was fine before the shitty patch last week and hoped the new one would fix it. Nope, still haven't connected once. I play all my other games fine online such as Red Dead Redemption and Killzone 2, but MLB 10...nope.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Kingbrave said:
I'm still having problems just connecting to sportsconnect. I was fine before the shitty patch last week and hoped the new one would fix it. Nope, still haven't connected once. I play all my other games fine online such as Red Dead Redemption and Killzone 2, but MLB 10...nope.
Welcome to my world. F this game.


DMC, I think you're my next opponent. I'm sick as a dog right now but we've only got 30 hours to get the games in. I'm free all day/night today, and from 9pm onward tomorrow (though 9pm might not give us enough time to get our games in)
you around Dmncnby2k9? Let's finish this.

LJ11 how are FA handled? I see RA Dickey in the FA pool, who is a Met but not included on the team due to stupid roster update. I want to claim him, can I do that? Can we claim players who are currently on said team right now?
DenogginizerOS said:
Hey Fixed, ol' buddy, are you around this evening for some MLB? I can hopefully start some time around 8EST.
... I'm guessing I can't start my series with fixed until you guys finish. Oh well I have time.
LJ11 said:
Nah, I knew you were going to quit dude. Not because you're a quitter, not because of your record, but because getting your games in has been nothing but trouble. When you actually manage to connect they're not enjoyable because of the lag, I wouldn't want to play either. Totally understandable.

This brings me to another point, if you feel you no longer want to play in the league, feel free to drop out, won't feel slighted. Point is to have fun and if you aren't having any, please feel free to move on.

First time I've checked this in a few days. I, unfortunately, am going to call it quits. I really love this game but the online is so incredibly frustrating. If they ever manage to get the online fixed to be at least on par with my NCAA and Madden experiences than I'll reconsider playing MLB online but it isn't worth my time and effort to set up times to play and then hope there aren't any connection issues when I have so much other shit going on. It's not fair to me nor the rest of the league so I'm going to back out.

See some of you guys in Madden. :D


Anyone up for playing some series games tonight? DMC won't be available for a few days, but I'd like to move on to my next series or 2 if those opponents are available.

8 teams make the playoffs? Looking at the standings, I REALLY need to learn how to be better offensively. It feels so impossible :(


We just lost 2 guys, we have 19 remaining, who else wants out? We can find replacements, but I really don't want to do that. I'd be more inclined to restart this thing with a smaller group of people that I enjoy playing with, than finding more guys who may flake out down the road.


Shit isn't looking good, I don't want to start handing out free wins left and right, it's retarded.

Rareside you're way too ahead at this point. Your in week 10 or some shit, I said you can play up to 2 weeks ahead, you ignored it and did what you pleased.


Dmncnby2k9 said:
Great series turn. Thome was on top of his game lol. Hadnt used him for last few games.

Thome was using some cheat codes that series. Nice sweep. Glad I avoided getting struck out in double digits that last one :lol


LJ I should be available after 5 pm PST tomorrow. Sorry I haven't been available like I usually am. Just been busy with work, as well as planning how to propose to the girlfriend (picking up the ring tomorrow after work!). :D
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