I really want to give it one more shot because you know, third times the charm!
I just think with the NFL / Madden season coming and next gen consoles on the way that it might be less likely to get some of us to commit to another round. I'd certainly be up for it, but having people quit or be consistently unavailable takes the wind from the sails pretty quick.
I don't think it helps that community threads without a ton of activity are quick to get knocked down to page 2 or 3. It's easy to miss a post that way and easy to feel like nobody is interested if you subscribe to the thread and notice no new activity for days at a time.
But if anything can be cobbled together I'd be down so long as there's some forced auto advancement. I do think auto advancing kinda takes the fun and responsibility of the players out a bit, but it seems a better alternative than having progression held up by an individual. A flex schedule where anyone can play anyone else so long as there are still games available in their season series would be nice, that way we're not in a situation where one person is online hoping to play their next opponent on the schedule and another player is doing the same, yet neither of those players are able to play each other.
In a perfect world we could have an imbalanced schedule where players of a specific time zone or certain schedule could have more games scheduled against a team with a similar time zone or schedule. If a few of us are generally available around 8-11pm week days, unavailable on weekends while a few of us are only available an hour here or there on a week day but all day on weekends you can run into a wall where everyone feels like they're the one waiting on the other guy when in reality both people are waiting on each other. Maybe have divisions set up, divided by players' general expected schedule?
Also, I think in the event that a player quits a league, all games that every person in the league had or will have against that player should be overwritten to become a victory (unless there's a way to nullify that game altogether). Giving free wins to some teams and not to others creates an imbalance. Of course, this would also create an imbalance if we didn't have a balanced schedule, but if playoffs are set by division and each team in that division has the same number of games against the team that quit then that problem would correct itself...though it could make the wild card situation messy.
Goddammit nevermind, I don't have any good ideas lol. I just wish it could be as simple as hopping on the game, choosing GAF League 3.0, and playing right away