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Official MLB 2K7 League thread


AkaBalla said:
Zep did you leave the swing and power to 5? or you just moved it up again?

I brought up pitch speed to default.

But your not in the league anymore. right?


pheeniks said:
I just feel like if I throw a lot of strikes, people would just be able to swing away at pretty much every pitch and I'd be totally screwed.

I just want to pitch by instinct...I don't want to have to keep track of my ratio you know??

You can throw strikes and still make the pitches hard to hit. I barely threw balls in our game and you had 3 hits, or 2 hits, idk if it gives you a hit if you get on base because of an error, I'm not too keen on baseball rules. And if I throw a ball it's usually just outside of the zone and due to me missing a pitch.

I don't care if someone throws a ball on a 1-2 or 0-2 count or something because that's what happens in baseball. You throw balls well outside of the zone or way low even on 1-0 or 2-0 counts when real batters would be seeing something real hittable. That's where there should be some sort of rule regarding pitches to stop people from just throwing up garbage hoping people will swing.

Once everyone gets used to the game online it should be a lot easier to notice pitches and then people won't be throwing garbage so it should all work out in the end hopefully.


Cloudy said:
Zep, instead of making rules based on what YOU like/don't like. Why can't we have a vote?

Konex...i said classic batting is in. But there wont be a vote on "batters eye" being on at ALL TIMES like you want it. Learn to click the thumbstick and see your placement.

And yes, theres a difference. You only see it for a limited of time when using the default batters eye.


Konex...i said classic batting is in. But there wont be a vote on "batters eye" being on at ALL TIMES like you want it. Your the only who uses this.

If you're so sure, why don't we vote? :D I'll accept democracy not this dictatorship!

Learn to click the thumbstick and see your placement.

I'm too busy trying to see the ball to waste time with that. Unlike most of you, I feel dirty just guessing on pitches due to this ridiculous speed...

That's where there should be some sort of rule regarding pitches to stop people from just throwing up garbage hoping people will swing.

Y'all thought I was dumb when I called for this but now people bitch at me cos I throw obvious garbage even with 2 strikes :lol


This may be a bad example, but i figured i'd post it anyways

I was practicing my timing in a home run derby yesterday, with jesus himself Ken Griffey Jr.

Using the swing stick i hit 9 total homers in each of my 10 games.

In 1 game with the classic control, i hit 24 homers.

That's probably the worse example ever, seeing as how it was a home run derby, but to me classic control is just too easy to hit the ball. I personally find it boring to tap the A button when i want to swing. I want all the control i can get out of the game, and the swing stick allows for power, direction, swing type...love it.

Also, i think we should start the league.


I agree with Ando, unless your going against a top hitter, there should be no balls thrown on a 2-0 count. This will be a poll question. 1-0 counts, not so much.


BirdBomb said:
That's probably the worse example ever, seeing as how it was a home run derby, but to me classic control is just too easy to hit the ball. I personally find it boring to tap the A button when i want to swing. I want all the control i can get out of the game, and the swing stick allows for power, direction, swing type...love it.

Also, i think we should start the league.

Well the sliders at this point have led to a lot of popups for people who wanna power-swing at every at-bat. I thought using my sliders would eliminate singles and doubles but after my game last night it was proved wrong. Contact swinging ftw.


Big Zep said:
I agree with Ando, unless your going against a top hitter, there should be no balls thrown on a 2-0 count. This will be a poll question. 1-0 counts, not so much.

Does this mean I can't throw a ball on the first pitch? Or what if one gets away from me trying to paint the corners? I don't think you can half-legislate this. Either there are strike rules for pretty much all scenarios or they're not...


Cloudy said:
Does this mean I can't throw a ball on the first pitch? Or what if one gets away from me trying to paint the corners? I don't think you can half-legislate this. Either there are strike rules for pretty much all scenarios or they're not...

1-0 : Throw another ball for all I care.
2-0 : Should be a strike thrown the next pitch. But there will be a poll on this ball-count, cause shit, you still gotta hit it.

We should know what people might do on 3-0 counts. I've never seen it from anyone but Im pretty sure you should lay-off or swing for the fences.

I have no rules in mind for being ahead in the count...
Since everyone is chiming in now, I feel I should add my two cents as well.

After playing about 30 games or so, this is my experience with the divisive topics we are talking about here...

Classic batting vs Swing Stick in MLB 2K7 is equivalent to buttons vs right analog stick in Fight Night 3 or cone vs no cone in Madden. One is easier and more simple to use, but the other introduces a much more rewarding and realistic way of playing. If players are on the same level, the classic batter will perform better than the guy using swing stick. I've played using both, and classic is so much easier to use but it is so easy and boring after learning swing stick. I'm personally for an all swing stick league because everyone will be on the same level playing field in terms of all of the play mechanics being uniform.

Compounding the classic vs swing stick issue is the hitters eye always being on. If someone using classic is using an always on hitters eye, they are at a really advatage vs a guy that uses swing stick with manual hitters eye. This particularly negates an effective strategy I use at time which is speed up the delivery of my pitches to increase the pace at given points to keep baters on their toes. Advocates of classic with hitters eye always being on is knowingly/unknowingly risking turning the league into a hitters league. I thought we were trying to find that nice sweet spot that would allow great pitching users to have a chance to be dominant on the mound.

About pitching, there are balls and there are "WTF balls". Balls are stuff that is just out the strike zone, and you tip your hat because it was right on the border. The WTF balls are pitches thrown as far off as the game will allow. They aren't pitches thrown within the spirit of the game, and it pisses people off enough to want to not even play anymore.

I propose the following solution to the pitching issue. Lets play with the wild pitch slider(if there is one) to get it where pitchs thrown so far off would result in a wild pitch. People just need to pitch right.

Pinpoint should be mandatory as it places pitches exactly where you intend to place them. It also removes the out that people could potentially have regarding pitching unethically.


Pinpoint should be mandatory as it places pitches exactly where you intend to place them. It also removes the out that people could potentially have regarding pitching unethically

This is a good idea...

As far as batter's eye goes, if we have pitching rules, I could care less about it being on auto :)


AkaBalla said:
I pitch games with an average of 92 % of strikes i even threw 98% vs Shawn and only lost 10-6. We hit 13 Homeruns however and that slider needs to be fixed. I'm confortable pitching a majority strike game, i guarentee i'll keep it competitive, but thats just me

Zep did you leave the swing and power to 5? or you just moved it up again?
And i had 85% against you..hey man, throw the ball where u want, i'll take a walk, ask Shawn :p



I want to make a suggestion to ZEP (See my avatar it's a Zep)..

If we have 10 AL teams and 10 NL teams we could have a 32 game season. Split the AL's and NL's up.. We could call them GAL and GNL.. Anyhow have 4 divisions with 5 teams in each. 3 game series within your GAL or GNL which 27 games.. Then have 5 interleague game's..

That would keep it realistic and we could have 8 playoff teams. 4 division winners and 4 wildcards.. Once the playoffs are generated we do tiebreakers based on series etc (Admin can change who makes the playoffs and seedings....

Also make the schedules flexible meaning you may play any game on your schedule at any time with a rule of only playing 1 of your series at a time and play your 5 interleague games during the middle part of the season.

What does everyone think?
AkaBalla said:
I want to make a suggestion to ZEP (See my avatar it's a Zep)..

If we have 10 AL teams and 10 NL teams we could have a 32 game season. Split the AL's and NL's up.. We could call them GAL and GNL.. Anyhow have 4 divisions with 5 teams in each. 3 game series within your GAL or GNL which 27 games.. Then have 5 interleague game's..

That would keep it realistic and we could have 8 playoff teams. 4 division winners and 4 wildcards.. Once the playoffs are generated we do tiebreakers based on series etc (Admin can change who makes the playoffs and seedings....

Also make the schedules flexible meaning you may play any game on your schedule at any time with a rule of only playing 1 of your series at a time and play your 5 interleague games during the middle part of the season.

What does everyone think?

That's one brilliant plan. Can it be pulled off??


Cloudy said:
Umm, these new settings BLOW. Me and Zep had like 40 ks combined and maybe 11 hits :lol

no settings have changed since your last game...besides turning up batter power(not power swing). What a shitty way to end a game.

Aka...dont act like u came up w/ that idea yourself:lol


Big Zep said:
no settings have changed since your last game...besides turning up batter power(not power swing). What a shitty way to end a game.

Dude, it's changed. I was whiffing on pitches I normally crush. Contact and power have obviously been turned down. I hit .086 as a team and WON. That is garbage, man. Waay too many Ks too...

PS: LOL @ A-Rod going 0-5 but hitting a walkoff homer in the 16th :lol


Cloudy said:
Dude, it's changed. I was whiffing on pitches I normally crush. Contact and power have obviously been turned down. I hit .086 as a team and WON. That is garbage, man. Waay too many Ks too...

PS: LOL @ A-Rod going 0-5 but hitting a walkoff homer in the 16th :lol

sorry, maybe you just sucked this game...batter contact hasnt changed. The power hitting sliders have nothing to do with "if" you can hit it. And thats all thats changed.

You damn right I said no to a 82gm season.


Cloudy said:
Then you turned down contact. Come on, man you gotta admit that game was AWFUL...

konex, are your ****in blind? batter contact is at default(50)...nothing has changed.


Cheeck the edit. SOMETHING has definitely changed. 4 hits in 16 innings? I will play another game to test though...


Cloudy said:
Cheeck the edit. SOMETHING has definitely changed. 4 hits in 16 innings? I will play another game to test though...

Pitching hasnt been touched at all...everything modified has been batting. And even there only 2 sliders have been touched, both having to do with power.

How will you test when a regular tournament game uses default sliders...?


Don't get me wrong, I'm cool with testing the sliders. But that game was terrible man...

How will you test when a regular tournament game uses default sliders...?

Wow, really? Well, when I win the tourney, I'll see how it goes....
Cloudy said:
Don't get me wrong, I'm cool with testing the sliders. But that game was terrible man...

Wow, really? Well, when I win the tourney, I'll see how it goes....

You ain't gonna win shit


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
The tainted white circle of doom is the only reason Konex is still playing ....

Shawnwhann said:
Pheeniks what's your AIM? Lets play tonight if possible

AIM: Professa Skillz

my aim is [the pheeniks] I had to sleep early last night and I am pretty much busy all today. I'm hitting the road tonight but I MIGHT be able to play really late, like 12 AM CT.
OK, I'm back.

I should be around tonight to get some practice games in. Also, I voted in the two polls on the league site.

I think that we should get this season rolling soon, like this Monday or Tuesday... I like AKA's "idea" (MLB set-up).
AkaBalla said:
Chris im interested in playing a scrim tonight how does 10pm est sound?

I'm not 100% sure that I'll be around tonight, but if I am I'll play you. I don't think 10 would work that great, so I would plan on 10:30/11, but I'll keep you updated on here when I know what I'm doing tonight.
AKA, I won't be around until late tonight (around midnight EST). You can let me know if you're still interested in playing that late.
Shawn, I might be able to play this weekend. However, I'm playing on an HDTV samsung tv here that has...


delay in a baseball game sucks, you can imagine. but I'll try to adjust. just catch me on AIM; I'll see if I can play at that moment. I'll be here for a week.


BTW, we need tohave strikezone always on in presentation. I end up throwing balls sometimes when I'm really looking for a strike down in the zone....
Cloudy said:
BTW, we need tohave strikezone always on in presentation. I end up throwing balls sometimes when I'm really looking for a strike down in the zone....

I don't know about that. Pitchers don't have strike zones sitting there in real life.


pheeniks said:
I don't know about that. Pitchers don't have strike zones sitting there in real life.

Yah but we can't have it both ways. Unless you expect guys to serve you pitches down the middle, we need the strikezone on or there will be close balls out of the strikezone that some will cry about. It also removes the "it' was a mistake" excuse when someone doesn't adhere to the strikes rules...
Cloudy said:
Yah but we can't have it both ways. Unless you expect guys to serve you pitches down the middle, we need the strikezone on or there will be close balls out of the strikezone that some will cry about. It also removes the "it' was a mistake" excuse when someone doesn't adhere to the strikes rules...

You'll never hear that bitching from me. I hold myself accountable if I swing at balls.

I mean, I take pride in being able to draw walks.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
pheeniks said:
You'll never hear that bitching from me. I hold myself accountable if I swing at balls.

I mean, I take pride in being able to draw walks.



Shawn cant play Konex in the finals...First person who posts gets a crack at him in the finals. You would be dropped and have to sign in as the Angels
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