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Official Neo-Gaf Madden 360 Season 8 Thread: United by John, Divided by Lag

The first thing your league members need to do is to register at LeagueDaddy. After they have registered and logged in to LeagueDaddy, they can join your league by going to the following link:

Link: http://www.leaguedaddy.com/leagues/join/?lid=1307
Password: "alexsmith" (without the quotes)

When members join your league, you and the other commissioners in your league will receive a notification via email. You can then go to [ Configure Teams ] and assign the new members to their teams.

Going to try to make this as short as possible, but I know it won't be. Here are details you need to know:

1. This is a sim league. You are required to manually enter your player and team stats after every game. Please consult the league rules section of our site (http://www.leaguedaddy.com/leagues/rules/?lid=1307)

2. The league will be divided by geographical location (in real life, not by which team you chose). I apologize for this but there is no other way. Perhaps the servers will improve or something, I don't know. But right now this is the best way to get decent connections.

3. ALSO ON THAT NOTE! I want to make it perfectly clear that you are going to have games with varying lag. You're going to have games where the game is running a notch or two (or more!) slower than single player. Dudes, I can't help this. So if this is going to be a huge issue for you or you refuse to play this way, let me know and I will find a replacement. Not to be a dick about it, but we all have to deal with lag and it's no ones fault in this league, so the league shouldn't suffer for it. So if you're going to blow up at someone cause they have lag, don't bother.

4. One more note regarding that: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure you aren't downloading anything, make sure you have no torrents running, make sure your roommates or family or whatever doesn't have anything else running. It is one thing if EA is ****ing with us by having crappy netcode, it's another thing when you are screwing up the connection cause of that stuff. It's hard enough to get a decent game going as is, so make sure everything is ok on your end!

5. You will have 5 days to play your games. You will not be allowed to play past the current week and enter your stats. All weeks except the "Current Week" will be locked. I discourage from playing ahead and writing your stats down, but if you have to for whatever reason then that is an option. Weeks will advance on the 5th day at 6 PM PST. For instance, if week 1 starts on a monday, you have m, t, w, th, and friday (until 6 PM!) to get your game in. Please don't be a flake. I know we all have lives, social and otherwise, so if you can't make a game or something at least CONTACT the person. if you know for a fact that you are going to be out of town for week 2 (for instance), you can simply play ahead and write your stats down then submit them later (or email them to me! write them down or take digital photos of the stats and i will enter them for you!)

6. The superbowl winner will get a free game of his chosing, courtesy of myself!

Now that that's out of the way, please post your contact information for league players. Then I will compile a list of AIM/XBL Names so there is a reference page for that. If you don't have AIM I suggest you get it. I won't make it mandatory but if you are lagging on getting your games played and don't have AIM that is a possible reason. It's just easier to make contact and setup games.

Ask questions here if you have them, pre-season week 1 is up now. Play ball!


AIM: whossorrynow015
XBL: frenchmov


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
AIM: Magnoggin
XBL: Denogginizer OS

I prefer to play after 9pm on weekdays (EST) and am usually available in the mornings and late evening on weekends.


AIM:Super Ska Hero
XBL: BlueMaxMB

I'm available tonight until 10pm, or later on after like 12ish (going to a movie at 10).


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
AIM: jason1nk
XBL: Jason Smapity (THERE IS A SPACE!@!@!!! BELIEVE!!!!) :lol

Lets go with this!


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
vumpler said:
AIM: jason1nk
XBL: Jason Smapity (THERE IS A SPACE!@!@!!! BELIEVE!!!!) :lol

Lets go with this!

Hg lets get our game! No slacking when I'm the next one on your game list! :D


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
xbl : matrixadw
aim : adoubledg


intangibles, motherfucker
Lost my second game to FMT, on a part of my O-Line being pussy's, but there was one highlight

78 Yard Punt Return for a TD by Steve Smith.
for wellington :lol

TheColdOne33: on 3rd down
TheColdOne33: it was like
TheColdOne33: *ball snaps*
TheColdOne33: Manny Lawson in my grill
TheColdOne33: like instant
WhosSorryNow015: OOOOH what happened to "why are you bitching about o-line! i've never been sacked!"

p.s. that steve smith TD return i had him dead to rights WAYYYY back at his own 30, and he morphed thru me (bad collision detection on that play!) :lol


FrenchMovieTheme said:
for wellington :lol

p.s. that steve smith TD return i had him dead to rights WAYYYY back at his own 30, and he morphed thru me (bad collision detection on that play!) :lol


Next gen is here.


intangibles, motherfucker
FrenchMovieTheme said:
for wellington :lol

p.s. that steve smith TD return i had him dead to rights WAYYYY back at his own 30, and he morphed thru me (bad collision detection on that play!) :lol

You leave out the rest of the convo:

[18:16] TheColdOne33: really thats the only game thats been like that
[18:16] TheColdOne33: even against the overrated bears
[18:16] TheColdOne33: i was only sacked twice

PLUS, even if the first hit was bad detection, explain the other 10 members of your team being owned by smith. including your punter being juked right out of his shoes!
well often times you are only going to get one shot at a good PR like that in the open field. don't worry, steve smith won't be so much as sniffing the ball on punt returns when we play again :D
lets not forget CB, you are using one of the top 3 teams in the game, i am using the worst team in the game (or at least 2nd worse, not sure about the browns), and i was controlling you all night long BOY! get ready for a long season!


intangibles, motherfucker
FrenchMovieTheme said:
lets not forget CB, you are using one of the top 3 teams in the game, i am using the worst team in the game (or at least 2nd worse, not sure about the browns), and i was controlling you all night long BOY! get ready for a long season!

You always beat me in the games that dont matter. Wait till im killing you in the regular season


Ok i signed up, need clearance :) And, woe is me with drawing Malley first game :p I might do better.

AIM: DreamcastKC
XBL: DCX gaf



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Gun,want to play tomorrow night? I'm free anytime past 9 pm eastern.


Steroid Distributor
AIM: Truelize
XBL: Truelize

Me = Colts. Nope, not the Falcons. I'll be ok people. I've started therapy and I figured out I'm mad at my dad about something. But I'm working it out so everything should be ok.
Find a happy place
Find a happy place
Find a happy place

edit: everyone PLEASE put your AIM in your league daddy profile. Thank you very much.


Wish there was spectator in this game, but seeing as how they can't even get 1v1 netcode right, I doubt it will be in anytime soon. :(

You could all be watching some exciting Raiders football!


Steroid Distributor
Fifty said:
Poor baby. I hope you can survive with the lowly Colts.

:lol. I'm actually really excited. But the drama of not having my team is funny. It's like I almost have an identity.

If I have a better record that you after this season I'm taking the Ravens by the way. :)

Ror: I hope I play you. Marvin VS Moss. Except my QB has an arm.
aim + gamertag: sableholic

Oh and does preseason count for anything? Like the stats arent compiled with regular season are they? Just wondering if I can experiment or should play like I normally would.
pre-season does not count for regular season, nor will the stats be mixed. there are is a pre-season, regular season, and post-season section to the site and right now the pre-season one is activated. so, when i start the regular season, it disappears unless you go in and specifically state you want to see only preseason stats


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I was just playing Fity and I know he uses the cone,but about 95% of the time the cone was not showing up.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
if the cone wasn't showing up he didn't activate it. unless there is some weird glitch in the game?
not the first time i hear of this, although not confired if it is true or not.



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
if the cone wasn't showing up he didn't activate it. unless there is some weird glitch in the game?

I think there is some glitch,this isnt the first time ive seen this and sometimes online I try to activate the cone and it doesnt show up.


Hmmm. Yeah, there were a few plays when I didn't have it on, because I forgot to highlight the WR before the snap, but for I'd say 75% of the plays I was using it. I personally don't care if the person I'm playing uses the cone, so if this is a glitch it won't bother me too much, but it's something to test.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Cloudy said:
I've never not seen the cone...

Same here. The cones a rip though. Oh and we have to change the rule for maually controlling blitzers for mobile qb's. It's outrageous if you wait for him to leave the pocket he's got you for an insanely deep pass most of the time. We have to allow for manual blitz but maybe you can't hit him unless he's outside the pocket only the computer can. Something because this won't work against TN.

AZ Greg

FMT, leaguedaddy doesn't have my kicker (Billy Cundiff) or my punter (B.J. Sander) on their roster. Just letting you know.

Also, is anybody else having problems with the A.I. on your team getting a lot of roughing the kickers when they try and block extra points or field goals? I haven't played many games this year and it has already happened a good four or five times. This can suck when you've worked hard to stop your opponent and then the A.I. gives them another chance with a roughing the kicker.


vumpler said:
Oh and we have to change the rule for maually controlling blitzers for mobile qb's. It's outrageous if you wait for him to leave the pocket he's got you for an insanely deep pass most of the time. We have to allow for manual blitz but maybe you can't hit him unless he's outside the pocket only the computer can. Something because this won't work against TN.

I've been clamoring for this with FMT. Why are guys allowed to drop back 10 to 15 yards in the pocket and pick the D apart yet we can't manual blitz? :lol

FMT, leaguedaddy doesn't have my kicker (Billy Cundiff) or my punter (B.J. Sander) on their roster. Just letting you know

You can add players to your roster on the site. More-->Roster-->Your team and add them at the bottom of the pagge..

Also, is anybody else having problems with the A.I. on your team getting a lot of roughing the kickers when they try and block extra points or field goals? I haven't played many games this year and it has already happened a good four or five times. This can suck when you've worked hard to stop your opponent and then the A.I. gives them another chance with a roughing the kicker.

It's a glitch. I see it sometimes too even when I'm not trying to block the fg...


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Matrix said:
Gun,want to play tomorrow night? I'm free anytime past 9 pm eastern.

Sounds good to me but if you change your mind I will be around all day tomorrow.
Also, is anybody else having problems with the A.I. on your team getting a lot of roughing the kickers when they try and block extra points or field goals? I haven't played many games this year and it has already happened a good four or five times. This can suck when you've worked hard to stop your opponent and then the A.I. gives them another chance with a roughing the kicker.

what i do is usually play FG Block Safe. i've never blocked a FG anyways, and the risk doesn't outweigh the reward since it doesn't seem like it'll ever happen. that is how i avoid those penalties. and konex it isn't a glitch, one of your guys actually does hit the kicker late.

also, as far as manual blitzing, i will put it to a vote.
the divisions are up. they will be the permanent divisions unless someone has a problem with the division they are in. please PM me with suggestions if you need something.

on an unrelated subject, the following people have not signed into leaguedaddy:


lets go fellas! (bigzep not counted!)
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