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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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ToxicAdam said:
I don't, but I like to root for black republicans.


Go get em Swanny


ToxicAdam said:
I don't, but I like to root for black republicans.

"Sup, brotha?"

Put me in the camp of people who think that somehow, some way, the Dems will manage to blow this.


Johan van Benderschlotten said:
Put me in the camp of people who think that somehow, some way, the Dems will manage to blow this.

Hey man, there were people that said the Braves would win the NL East every year too.


Karakand said:
Hey man, there were people that said the Braves would win the NL East every year too.
We would have won this year, too, if Scheurholz had signed Fatty Wickman at the beginning of the year and the Mets hadn't signed a deal with the Devil, which was then nullified by LaRussa's even more lucrative deal with Ol' Scratch.

Trust me, though. We'll be back next year.


Cheebs said:
Leading up to the final week of the election only like 1/3rd of all the house races get polls. When the election grows nearer more and more districts get polls, meaning we learn of competitive seats we never knew were competitive. Much like in 1994.

Nevertheless, it makes for a surprising update. You think this is going to happen?


Lo-Volt said:
Nevertheless, it makes for a surprising update. You think this is going to happen?
Think what will happen? A 1994 like democrat sweep? That's pretty much a lock right now I think.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Really disappointing in Kerry and the media right now. Kerry for being an absolutely cumbersome douche with no personable qualities at all and the media for running with an absolute nonstory that's all over the headlines.


Just saw the Vegas odds on CNN-

37% chance GOP keeps House
72% chance GOP keeps Senate

Sounds about right to me. But then you throw in the Diebold factor...


Y2Kevbug11 said:
Really disappointing in Kerry and the media right now. Kerry for being an absolutely cumbersome douche with no personable qualities at all and the media for running with an absolute nonstory that's all over the headlines.

"I was gonna vote Democrat. Then I heard what that Kerry fellow said."

Who is this person and what planet do they live on?

For what it's worth, I think the Kerry flap is of no real import. It's a nice, tidy soundbite to point to when Dems don't make the gains many people thought they were though.


I really wish I hadn't drafted George Allen 5th overall in my Midterm Elections Fantasy League. He's killing me! And at this point I can't trade him for anybody.


youth vote being high would be a really nice thing! I hope that turns out true, too many slacking losers in america these days


Johan van Benderschlotten said:
Just saw the Vegas odds on CNN-

37% chance GOP keeps House
72% chance GOP keeps Senate

Sounds about right to me. But then you throw in the Diebold factor...

Do people bet about these things?


Just got back from a rally for Pederson and Mitchell here in Tempe, AZ. Oh, and Bill Clinto was there too :).

Unfortunatley the rally had terrible planning, the big names were late, really late, like almost an hour so it was very disjointed and there were two breaks filled with music inbetween speeches and the crowd just wasn't into it. Doesn't bode well for AZ, although the Reps are getting weaker all the time. We have a Dem Sec. of State, and Dem Governor and the mayor of Phoenix is more or less a Dem.
max_cool said:
Just got back from a rally for Pederson and Mitchell here in Tempe, AZ. Oh, and Bill Clinto was there too :).

Unfortunatley the rally had terrible planning, the big names were late, really late, like almost an hour so it was very disjointed and there were two breaks filled with music inbetween speeches and the crowd just wasn't into it. Doesn't bode well for AZ, although the Reps are getting weaker all the time. We have a Dem Sec. of State, and Dem Governor and the mayor of Phoenix is more or less a Dem.

I never want to see J.D. Hayworth on C-SPAN again. Get rid of that punk.


If Democrats "screw up"... that's one thing, but what else is there left to go wrong at this point? If they made a big mistake, it would have to be from something they did (or didn't) do before. There's the weekend, Monday, then Tuesday, Election Day... that's it.
If the Democrats don't take back the House this time...they never will...ever again. It will have signified vote tampering that is unfixable under Republican control or the beginning of the next dark ages of man's mind.


Most voters will have decided who they will they vote for by the end of today most campaigns have shown. Unless something happens before the end of the day to change things the house is going to the democrats I suspect.


ErasureAcer said:
If the Democrats don't take back the House this time...they never will...ever again. It will have signified vote tampering that is unfixable under Republican control or the beginning of the next dark ages of man's mind.



ALLENTOWN, Pa. Nov 2, 2006 (AP)— A Republican congressman accused of abusing his ex-mistress agreed to pay her about $500,000 in a settlement last year that contained a powerful incentive for her to keep quiet until after Election Day, a person familiar with the terms of the deal told The Associated Press.

Rep. Don Sherwood is locked in a tight re-election race against a Democratic opponent who has seized on the four-term congressman's relationship with the woman. While Sherwood acknowledged the woman was his mistress, he denied abusing her and said that he had settled her $5.5 million lawsuit on confidential terms.

The settlement, reached in November 2005, called for Cynthia Ore to be paid in installments, according to a person who spoke on condition of anonymity because the deal is confidential. She has received less than half the money so far, and will not get the rest until after the Nov. 7 election, the person said Thursday.

A confidentiality clause requires Ore to forfeit some of the money if she talks publicly about the case, according to this person and two other people familiar with elements of the case.

It is common in settlements for payments to be made in installments and for the parties to be held to confidentiality.

Sherwood admitted no wrongdoing, a standard provision in such agreements, this person said.

Sherwood, a 65-year-old married father of three who is considered a family-values conservative, had one of the safest seats in Congress until Ore sued him in June 2005, alleging he physically abused her throughout their five-year affair.

Reached by telephone Wednesday, the congressman and successful car dealer said: "I can neither confirm nor deny because this was a private settlement. If I'd like to talk to you about it, I can't."

The Associated Press has been trying for months to find out the terms of the settlement.

According to a police report, Ore called 911 on her cell phone from the bathroom of Sherwood's Capitol Hill apartment in 2004 and reported that Sherwood had choked her while giving her a back rub. Sherwood admitted having an affair with the woman, but vehemently denied ever hurting her, and criminal charges were never filed. But Ore, now 30, sued for damages.

Sherwood's challenger, Chris Carney, has hammered the congressman over the affair in TV ads, calling Sherwood a hypocrite who brought "Washington values" to his rural northeastern Pennsylvania district.

Sherwood responded with his own ad, in which he looked directly into the camera and apologized for his conduct. Last month, his wife mailed a letter to voters that accused Carney of "needlessly cruel" campaign tactics.

Although GOP voters greatly outnumber Democrats in his conservative district, many people have said they would not vote for him again because of the affair.

Even before Ore settled, the congressman tried to keep a tight lid on the case. His lawyer asked a judge to prohibit disclosure of materials from the case, warning that Sherwood's opponents might try to use the information to harm him politically.

The lawyer, Bobby Burchfield, was especially adamant that any videotaped deposition of Sherwood not be released, saying the footage could be used against him in negative political ads.

Ore's attorney, Ning Ye of New York, declined to say where she is living now or how she can be reached. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=2624662






Lo-Volt said:
Sherwood, a 65-year-old married father of three who is considered a family-values conservative, had one of the safest seats in Congress until Ore sued him in June 2005, alleging he physically abused her throughout their five-year affair.



Am I the only one amazed other than a few minor things(kerry) the democrats somehow ran a VERY strong campaign this year? Early in the year we were discussing if they could hit the 15 seat barrier but now its at will it be 25ish or 35ish?

I still can't believe how well this has been pulled off. Webb in Virginia and Ford(even though he won't win) in Tennessee in particular both ran VERY good very aggressive campaigns. Proud of those two regardless what happens.

In 2004 I voted Kerry to vote AGAINST Bush, not for Kerry. This year there seems to plenty of Democrats that are really exciting.


The Senate: "While Senate control is in doubt, with Democrats most likely to win from 5 to 7 seats, we do not think the two sides have an equal chance of winning a majority in the Senate. Instead, we believe that state and national dynamics favor Democrats netting six seats and winning control of the United States Senate."

The House: "Going into the final days before the 2006 midterm elections, we believe the most likely outcome in the House of Representatives is a Democratic gain of 34 to 40 seats, with slightly larger gains not impossible. This would put Democrats at between 237 and 243 seats, if not a handful more, giving them a majority in the next House that is slightly larger than the one the Republicans currently hold. If these numbers are generally correct, we would expect a period of GOP finger-pointing and self-flagellation after the elections, followed by a considerable number of Republican House retirements over the next two years."


2006 House Ratings
Current Rothenberg Political Report projection: Democratic gain of 34-40 seats.

PURE TOSS-UP (20 R, 0 D)

CA 11 (Pombo, R)
CT 2 (Simmons, R)
CT 4 (Shays, R)
FL 16 (Open; Foley, R)
FL 22 (Shaw, R)
IL 6 (Open; Hyde, R)
KS 2 (Ryun, R)
MN 1 (Gutknecht, R)
MN 6 (Open; Kennedy, R)
NM 1 (Wilson, R)
NY 20 (Sweeney, R)
NY 26 (Reynolds, R)
OH 1 (Chabot, R)
OH 2 (Schmidt, R)
PA 4 (Hart, R)
PA 6 (Gerlach, R)
PA 8 (Fitzpatrick, R)
TX 22 (Open; DeLay, R)
VA 2 (Drake, R)
WI 8 (Open; Green, R)

AZ 1 (Renzi, R)
CA 4 (Doolittle, R)
CO 4 (Musgrave, R)
ID 1 (Open; Otter, R)
KY 3 (Northup, R)
KY 4 (Davis, R)
NV 3 (Porter, R)
NY 25 (Walsh, R)
NY 29 (Kuhl, R)
WA 8 (Reichert, R)

AZ 5 (Hayworth, R)
CT 5 (Johnson, R)
FL 13 (Open; Harris, R)
GA 8 (Marshall, D)
GA 12 (Barrow, D)
IL 8 (Bean, D)
IN 9 (Sodrel, R)
NH 2 (Bass, R)
NY 24 (Open; Boehlert, R)
NC 11 (Taylor, R)

NJ 7 (Ferguson, R)
OH 12 (Tiberi, R)
TX 23 (Bonilla, R)

IA 1 (Open; Nussle, R)
IA 3 (Boswell, D)
IN 2 (Chocola, R)
OH 15 (Pryce, R)
OH 18 (Open; Ney, R)
PA 7 (Weldon, R)
PA 10 (Sherwood, R)

CA 50 (Bilbray, R)
CO 5 (Open; Hefley, R)
KY 2 (Lewis, R)
NE 3 (Open; Osborne, R)
NV 2 (Open; Gibbons, R)
NY 3 (King, R)
NY 19 (Kelly, R)
WY AL (Cubin, R)

AZ 8 (Open; Kolbe, R)
CO 7 (Open; Beauprez, R)
IN 8 (Hostettler, R)
VT A-L (Open; Sanders, D)

2006 Senate Ratings
Current Rothenberg Political Report projection: Democratic gains of 5-7 seats, and state and national dynamics favor Democrats netting six seats and winning control.


DeWine (R-OH)
Santorum (R-PA)

Allen (R-VA)
Burns, (R-MT)
Chafee, (R-RI)
Talent (R-MO)
TOSS-UP (1 R, 1 D)

TN Open (Frist, R)
Menendez (D-NJ)

Kyl (R-AZ)
MD Open (D-Sarbanes)

Cantwell (D-WA)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Nelson (D-NE)

Ensign (R-NV)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Lott (R-MS)
Lugar (R-IN)
Snowe (R-ME)
Thomas (R-WY)
Akaka (D-HI)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Byrd (D-WV)
Carper (D-DE)
Clinton (D-NY)
Conrad (D-ND)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Nelson (D-FL)
MN Open (D-Dayton)
VT Open (I-Jeffords)


Cyan said:
What's a good place to get some objective info on propositions and the like?

I'll probably vote no on everything, but it's nice to know what you're voting on (Bay Area, btw).
google the prop's and mention one of the parties to see if the parties have a stand. Thats what I did for my state.
Cyan said:
What's a good place to get some objective info on propositions and the like?

I'll probably vote no on everything, but it's nice to know what you're voting on (Bay Area, btw).
Check your PM's. I sent you some Bay Area/California voting information. :)


Cheebs said:
I just hope all of these excited gaffers get out on tuesday and vote and not just sit on gaf. :lol
Shit, even I'm voting, and my House district is pretty much the strongest Dem district in all of Georgia. Not to mention that there's no Senate race here this year, and there's little chance of statewide races (Gov, Lt. Gov) not going to the Republicans.


Johan van Benderschlotten said:
Shit, even I'm voting, and my House district is pretty much the strongest Dem district in all of Georgia. Not to mention that there's no Senate race here this year, and there's little chance of statewide races (Gov, Lt. Gov) not going to the Republicans.
I am in a pretty safe Democrat district, the democrat senator is safe, and the democrat gov. will likely get re-elected and I am energized to vote. :lol

I think this year has me more energized than 2004 to be honest.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Cheebs said:
I am in a pretty safe Democrat district, the democrat senator is safe, and the democrat gov. will likely get re-elected and I am energized to vote. :lol

I think this year has me more energized than 2004 to be honest.

It has something to do with the..eh, "candidate" failing to "energize" anyone in 2004. ;) At least in my opinion.

If they blow this, I am going to start calling myself a "Liberal republican."


maynerd said:
"If these numbers are generally correct, we would expect a period of GOP finger-pointing and self-flagellation after the elections, followed by a considerable number of Republican House retirements over the next two years."

http://rothenbergpoliticalreport.blogspot.com/2006/11/new-print-edition-national- outlook.html



Whereas: the elected Government of the United States of America has proven woefully inadequate;

In light of: the lack of confidence of the general American populace in the ability of their government to find it's own car keys, much less rule fairly;

Combined with: the fortuitous happening of my current unemployment;

I, Johan van Benderschlotten, First of His Name, do hereby assume the title of Emperor of these United States and Outlying Territories, and do solemnly swear to execute all implied duties of said office in a benevolently despotic manner.

More Official Imperial Proclamations to follow.


Setec Astronomer
Cheebs said:
Am I the only one amazed other than a few minor things(kerry) the democrats somehow ran a VERY strong campaign this year? Early in the year we were discussing if they could hit the 15 seat barrier but now its at will it be 25ish or 35ish?
Nah, the whole Foley thing really drove home a growing discontent with the republican-run congress. These are still largely protest votes.


it is not 'ignorant' to vote Republican, man! That is one of the reasons why the Democrats keep losing, because they always have this condescending attitude toward other parties and people with other views and voters just don't like that shit.
Amir0x said:
it is not 'ignorant' to vote Republican, man! That is one of the reasons why the Democrats keep losing, because they always have this condescending attitude toward other parties and people with other views and voters just don't like that shit.

Who is "they?"


Small balls, big fun!
If you want to give a roster of vocal Democratic figureheads who are significantly more disrespectful to opposing viewpoints than Republican figureheads, go nuts.
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