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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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Father_Brain said:
So wait... you're saying they've been polling dead people? That joke makes no sense.

Damn it I am trying to have fun leave me alone. And hey some of her voters lived in NYC, so maybe they got dialed the wrong number;)


Even with things tightening up, ultra-conservative people like Fred Barnes still think the GOP will lose the House. This was as of yesterday when I watched Faux News for a few minutes.

Also, Chuck Schumer made very clear the plans the Democrats have laid out on Meet the Press yesterday. The Democrats have like no power right now, and fighting hard for it. They're going to have to campaign and respond a little differently depending on where they are... if you're running against incumbents in different areas, everyone is going to have some different things to say/perhaps put more weight behind a key issue other than Iraq. When that's applied to the mainstream media, representing the Dems as a whole, perhaps this turns a lot of people off. It's easier for the Republicans to sit back and have a unified message; they control everything currently. But these ARE all local elections. And, hey. Taking advantage of the President's unpopularity would naturally come first, even if the situation was reversed and the Republicans were the minority party, I would think.


The USA Today thing is true the story they ran today had the difference as 3 not 2 though (not that it maes any difference) 46-49 it is also the same difference for Virginia.


Republican Sen. George Allen leads Jim Webb in Virginia and Republican Bob Corker leads Harold Ford in Tennessee by identical 49%-46% margins.

But it doesn't look like that ad is helping
By big margins, voters across the board say most of the TV ads they've seen have been negative. In Tennessee, an overwhelming 74% disapproved of a GOP ad that showed a sexy blonde saying, "Harold, call me."


If Allen beats Webb, that's just sad. Electoral-vote.com has them tied.

And yes, that Harold Ford ad is stupid.
I really wish there was some way to get political organizations to stop calling MI numbers on the do-not call list. I get 3 calls a day telling me how Granholm rapes kittens.

I finally called the MI Rep Org and told the ****ers I don't normally vote, but I'd make an exception this time to go vote for Granholm since the Dems aren't calling me 3 ****ing times a day.


scissorfight said:
I really wish there was some way to get political organizations to stop calling MI numbers on the do-not call list. I get 3 calls a day telling me how Granholm rapes kittens.

I finally called the MI Rep Org and told the ****ers I don't normally vote, but I'd make an exception this time to go vote for Granholm since the Dems aren't calling me 3 ****ing times a day.
Republicans have a INSANE get out the vote effort in which they call anyone who has a buying trend that seems republican and they probably saw you as a potential republican. :lol
Cheebs said:
Republicans have a INSANE get out the vote effort in which they call anyone who has a buying trend that seems republican and they probably saw you as a potential republican. :lol


Cheebs said:
If Steele wins I will personally shoot everyone in that state in the head.

I told you he was making a comeback, you said there was ZERO chance.


From the desk of conflicting poll results ... Fox News of all places...

Fox News Poll: Democrats Ahead By 13 Percent In Congress Race

Nearly half of likely voters — 49 percent — favor the Democratic candidate in their House district and 36 percent the Republican, with 15 percent still undecided in a FOX News poll conducted the final weekend before the midterm elections.

More Democrats (37 percent) than Republicans (26 percent) say they are extremely interested in tomorrow’s elections, and more Democrats (89 percent) than Republicans (81 percent) say they plan to vote for their party’s candidate in their district.

Independents favor the Democratic candidate by 42 percent to 27 percent, with 30 percent saying they will vote for a third party candidate or are still undecided, which raises the question of whether these independents really will vote tomorrow.



testicles on a cold fall morning
Amir0x said:
It's increasingly looking like Ford isn't going to pull the win, that's unfortunate
which might tip Obama's decision against running for 08, making John Edwards a very, very happy man.


scorcho said:
which might tip Obama's decision against running for 08, making John Edwards a very, very happy man.
Because Obama needs the deep south?

Obama is doing AMAZING in polls now that he is added for someone so fresh.

While Edwards would be safer, I doubt Ford has anything to do with him running. I mean look at this election. He is the MOST wanted candidate for Democrat rallies, even more so than Bill Clinton.
Cheebs said:
Republicans have a INSANE get out the vote effort in which they call anyone who has a buying trend that seems republican and they probably saw you as a potential republican. :lol
I don't see a field for buying habits, but I can tell that they've got a national GOTV list.


testicles on a cold fall morning
jamesinclair said:
Massachusetts Prop 1. Permits sale of wine in food stores.
Massachusetts Prop 2. Allows fusion voting (cross-party endorsements).
Massachusetts Prop 3. Allows child care providers in private homes to bargain collectively with state.

I will vote yes, no (I have no idea how this works) and no.

it's somewhat confusing, and can lead to a candidate literally appearing on the ballot box more than 3 times. still, there are some benefits to it.


Squirrel Killer said:
I don't see a field for buying habits, but I can tell that they've got a national GOTV list.
I keep seeing on MSNBC they say they look into what kind of car you drive and your shopping habits.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Cheebs said:
Because Obama needs the deep south?

Obama is doing AMAZING in polls now that he is added for someone so fresh.

While Edwards would be safer, I doubt Ford has anything to do with him running. I mean look at this election. He is the MOST wanted candidate for Democrat rallies, even more so than Bill Clinton.
Obama and his handlers are supposedly looking at Ford's race to see how race would play out in a southern election. of the southern states, Tennessee doesn't have a particularly racially divisive history, and seeing how the NRCC and Corker placed some highly questionable bigoted ads without much voter backlash (Corker is still leading), Obama could see any Presidential race as treading water down south.


Just so you guys know since you are talking about Obama and Ford. Obama was here in the state (Nashville) yesterday with Ford doing campaign stops.
I have gotten at least a dozen large, glossy, rigid cardboard flyers here in OH-2, telling me that if I don't vote for Mean Jean Schmidt that her opponent is going to sell me to Hollywood, tax me into poverty, and kill all of our babies.

Why the hell aren't there any got-damn Republican flyers explaining to me why the hell 18 cents of my taxes go to national debt interest due to our growing deficit that no respected economist believes that we can tax cut our way out of.

The last six years have proven that Repub single-party rule is the best way to sell out the economy of future generations and all of our global respect to boot. No real conservative would want more of this, just the real elite that is sure to tell us to eat cake any day now.

Sorry for venting. This campaign of negativity is getting to me. I want blood.
scissorfight said:
I really wish there was some way to get political organizations to stop calling MI numbers on the do-not call list. I get 3 calls a day telling me how Granholm rapes kittens.

I finally called the MI Rep Org and told the ****ers I don't normally vote, but I'd make an exception this time to go vote for Granholm since the Dems aren't calling me 3 ****ing times a day.

if they ain't selling you something, it doesn't apply to them. :D
evil solrac v3.0 said:
if they ain't selling you something, it doesn't apply to them. :D
I know, but some states have added Laws to stop political calls to numbers on the DNC list. Unfortunately MI hasn't.

Now there's a candidate I could get behind! "I will stop annoying political phone calls!"


Know what I wonder? During the Kerry "joke" days the Democrat lead shrunk to a 4%-7% lead yet in polls from Fox and CNN that are in the days after the joke it went back up to 15%ish.

Just who are the people who jumped to the Republican side when Kerry made the joke only to jump right back? :lol :lol :lol


Just wanted to mention in this thread: I'm a staffer in a Lt. Governor's race in Oklahoma--don't worry, no Republicans here--and just wanted to give an overall survey of the Oklahoman political landscape.

Contrary to our reputation nationwide, we look to be electing a strong slate of statewide Democratic candidates, from Gov. Brad Henry on down. He will absolutely CRUSH Congressman Ernest Istook, possibly with 65% of the vote. This will certainly help the rest of our candidates down the ticket, from my candidate (Jari Askins) to the Attorney General, Insurance Commissioner, Auditor, Treasurer, Corp. Commissioner, and on down.

Nationally, there are no competitive house seats--the normal slate of conservative, pro-Bush, pro-war candidates will get elected in landslides (even our Democrat, Dan Boren, is quite conservative). Looks like the next chance for a real congressional or senate switch is in 2008, when our very own jackass Senator, James Inhofe, will be up for re-election. The obvious choice for an opponent is Gov. Henry, but I'm still not convinced of his ability to be a strong national candidate. He did raise over $4.5 million in the current race, however.

I'll update everyone on the races as soon after the polls close as I can, and remember (especially those in OK): a vote for Jari Askins is a vote for KingGondo's job!


FoxNews refuses to say it is Democrats who are ahead:


Amir0x said:
I'm not sure that most of this proves that a vote for the Democrats is somehow less ignorant. Are you telling me post-9/11, you think that if Kerry won everything would be nice and dandy right now and they wouldn't have screwed up or Katrina mess wouldn't have happened? What if Gore had won, and 9/11 happened... you think he would have taken the country on a road that was a bit better than Bush? Well, maybe he would have... but I have a sinking suspicion that most of our major candidates would have ****ed up in their own unique way.

Basically what I am saying is I'm not sure how one gauges exactly how it is more ignorant to vote one way or the other. Maybe... voting Democratic is a little less ignorant at the moment? But still ignorant! And Republicans are a 9 on the "vote ignorant" scale or something... but, I don't think it's really fair to say that people who vote for Republicans are ignorant.

just now getting around to re-visiting this tread...

I never said voting one way or another was ignorant. I did imply that if one is happy with the way this country is heading then by all means one should vote for the folks in power (republicans) however, I listed reasons are to why one might not like the way this country is heading and suggested that one should vote for democrats if they didn't like the things I listed. Not once did I bring ignorance into to argument except to say that voting republican isn't ignorant.

America's winner take all form of elections forces a 2 party system where the only way to hold government accountable is to vote for the party in power if you are happy or vote for the other guys if you are not. It's excrutiatingly simple to make a decision and voting along party lines isn't ignorant unless you choose to ignore your situation in life, and whether it's getting better or worse, when you vote..
CONNECTICUT - Sen. Joseph Lieberman, running as an independent, has a 53 percent to 33 percent lead on Democratic anti-war challenger Ned Lamont. Lieberman, a three-term Democratic incumbent, lost the party primary in August after Lamont attacked his support for the Iraq war.

Lieberman is likely to win. Lamont has run a one issue (Iraq war) schemer campaign the entire time and had no actual plans for his time in office. I will be glad when this election is over so that I don’t have to listen to anymore of Lamonts campaign advertisements every 30 minutes.
The GOP is shameful in its robocalling methods. So shameful, yet brilliant, that I'm only wondering why some Democrats or orginizations closely affiliated with Democrats haven't pulled off the "We're gonna robocall a Republican voter 20 times today to annoy the shit out of them and hopefully dissuade them from voting" scheme.... :lol
Neodiablo22 said:
CONNECTICUT - Sen. Joseph Lieberman, running as an independent, has a 53 percent to 33 percent lead on Democratic anti-war challenger Ned Lamont. Lieberman, a three-term Democratic incumbent, lost the party primary in August after Lamont attacked his support for the Iraq war.

Lieberman is likely to win. Lamont has run a one issue (Iraq war) schemer campaign the entire time and had no actual plans for his time in office. I will be glad when this election is over so that I don’t have to listen to anymore of Lamonts campaign advertisements every 30 minutes.

I agree with you that Lieberman is likely to win, though you're completely wrong about Lamont. I wonder why you're not giving a link to that poll, though? Oh, wait - that'd be because it's A MONTH OLD.
Incognito said:
The GOP is shameful in its robocalling methods. So shameful, yet brilliant, that I'm only wondering why some Democrats or orginizations closely affiliated with Democrats haven't pulled off the "We're gonna robocall a Republican voter 20 times today to annoy the shit out of them and hopefully dissuade them from voting" scheme.... :lol


Father_Brain said:
I agree with you that Lieberman is likely to win, though you're completely wrong about Lamont. I wonder why you're not giving a link to that poll, though? Oh, wait - that'd be because it's A MONTH OLD.

Actually I didnt link it because I am lazy. TAKE THAT!!!
Father_Brain said:
I agree with you that Lieberman is likely to win, though you're completely wrong about Lamont. I wonder why you're not giving a link to that poll, though? Oh, wait - that'd be because it's A MONTH OLD.

Actually I didnt link it because I am lazy. TAKE THAT!!! As for Lamont can you give me good examples of when he actually decided to take a stand and give a reasonable strategy on how to go through with it. All I see him do is talk negatively about Lieberman in debates and advertisements.
Neodiablo22 said:
Actually I didnt link it because I am lazy. TAKE THAT!!! As for Lamont can you give me good examples of when he actually decided to take a stand and give a reasonable strategy on how to go through with it. All I see him do is talk negatively about Lieberman in debates and advertisements.

Has Lieberman taken a "stand" on Iraq, other than "stay the course?"


Stupid Georgia. I have to wake up at six tomorrow and I don't even get to vote for a Senator or a competitive house district.
Diablos said:
Found this on another forum:



Those values must be pretty shallow if they can be destroyed by a single election.

My family* values of intellectual elitism, moral relativism, and blanket demeaning people of faith have survived five elections now, the last few being heartbreaking losses for my team.

* by family, I mean my fiance and I.
Ninja Scooter said:
he's Dick Mountjoy he can do anything!!

Including broadcast political advertisements via the Emergency Broadcast System:


BTW, I don't buy into the whole gridlock thing. It forces the legislative branch to be innovative and compromise, and provides real accountability for the executive and balance to the appointed judiciary. Since both parties are in power, they are held accountable for their actions on their own merits and can't just turn one side into the evil boogyman without some ideas and accomplishments of their own.

As for Wall Street, I can't see how they would be elated to have Spitzer in the top seat of NY government, labor-friendly Democrats running the House of Representatives, or a whole new crop of legislators that are going to start pushing hard for trade reforms that will cut the profits of megacorps. Then again, Bush could just veto it all!
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