Will leave it to someone more well-versed for a specific translation, but there we have it. It's a record for the App Store
iPhone & iPad向け『SUPER MARIO™ RUN』
App Store最速・配信開始より4日間で全世界4,000万ダウンロード突破のお知らせ
 任天堂株式会社(本社:京都市南区、代表取締役社長:君島達己)は、2016年12月15日(太平洋標準時)に配信を開始した『Super Mario Run(スーパーマリオ ラン)』が、配信開始より4日間で全世界4,000万ダウンロードを突破したことをお知らせいたします。また、『Super Mario Run』は140の国と地域のApp Store無料ゲームランキングで1位となり、全世界100のApp Storeで収益を上げたゲームトップ10に入りました。
 今回『Super Mario Run』が4,000万ダウンロードを突破したことについて、『Super Mario Run』の開発をリードした当社代表取締役クリエイティブフェローの宮本茂は、以下のように語っています。
「『Super Mario Run』はこれまでのApp Storeの記録を打ち破り、僅か4日間で4,000万以上のダウンロードという信じられない記録を打ち立てました。私たちは任天堂の皆様と、キノコ王国を楽しんでいる何千万のiOSユーザーを祝福したいと思います。」
 現在『Super Mario Run』は、150の国と地域のApp Storeからダウンロードが可能です。『Super Mario Run』にはゴールを目指す『ワールドツアー』、世界中のプレイヤーとスコアを競う『キノピオラリー』、自分だけの王国を作る『王国づくり』の3つのモードが搭載されており、9.99ドル(米国価格。ユーロ圏は9.99ユーロ、日本は1,200円)をお支払いいただければ、以後追加課金の心配なく全てのモードを好きなだけ遊んでいただける販売モデルを採用しております。
Will leave it to someone more well-versed for a specific translation, but there we have it. It's a record for the App Store
Starting my (rough) translation - very out of practice and I gave up being 100% accurate towards the last paragraph since I'm still at work:Super Mario Run for iPhone & iPad
The fastest title on the App Store to break through 40 million downloads, doing so in less than 4 days.
Since having started distributing Super Mario Run on December 15th, Nintendo announced that the title had broken 40 million downloads globally in less than 4 days. Moreover, Super Mario Run is the top ranking free game download in 140 countries and regions, whilst also reaching the top ten lists for highest grossing titles across 100 App stores.
At this time, Super Mario Run’s Lead Developer, and Creative Director at Nintendo, Miyamoto, said the following regarding Super Mario Run having broken 40 million downloads:
“I’m overjoyed at having been able to deliver a new Mario game to so many people from all over the world. It’s perhaps necessary to have a little more time being having a sufficient understanding of the profits earned by the game as I feel that the numbers of people who decide to purchase the title will gradually increase. From now on, we are aiming at broadening the reach of the game so even more people come to experience the joys of playing Mario one handed as a game that even children can feel at ease playing.
Morever, Apple’s Worldwide Senior Vice President of Marketing, Phil Schiller, had the following to say:
“Super Mario Run breaking the current record of hitting 40m downloads within 40 days was not something that we thought could be done. We at Apple, alongside those from Nintendo and the Mushroom Kingdom are blessed to be able to share this experience with countless iOS users.
Right now, you can download Super Mario Run from the App Store across 150 countries and regions. Super Mario Run includes 3 game modes, a ‘World Tour’ where you aim to finish each stage, a mode where you battle other players and their scores, and one where you make your own Kingdom. The game’s payment model is one where after paying $9.99, you can play for as much as you want without having to pay any additional fees.
Regarding our new Mario action game, we’re looking to increase exposure to our existing IPs as a way to grow our video game business. Thanks everyone for your time.