Archie said:665 people were crazy enough to buy the DS version with you.
Mistakes were made. I still believe in the 360 game though.
Archie said:665 people were crazy enough to buy the DS version with you.
szaromir said:But is one title enough to create a strong a reliable market for hardcore games that would convince publishers to devote a significant part of their businesses to AAA Wii games? Especially since the game's relevant in one region only. Of course, Wii will have more than MH3, but it all feels too slow, too little.
Speevy said:Because the original context of the discussion concerned how the casual accessibility of Wii Sports has influenced other games, and since (as you probably know) Guitar Hero predates Wii Sports, I was wondering how it's relevant. So I asked you.
Again, this is just not true. 71% of Wii owners also have a PS2.AndersTheSwede said:It's pretty clear that consumers who choose the Wii are making their decision based upon an entirely different criteria and thus a sale for the Wii does not equal -1 for 360. It simply adds to the market a wholly new group
Jokeropia said:Again, this is just not true. 71% of Wii owners also have a PS2.
szaromir said:It is as much 3rd parties' fault as it is Nintendo's. Had Nintendo been as obsessive about 3rd party support as Microsoft, Wii would have the most AAA games in development by now. Helping developers of most promising titles, financing marketing campaigns or simply moneyhatting are all strategies that competition have been successfully using for years. It's incredible that 360 with its very slow start managed to gain support of basically all 3rd party developers. But as of now Nintendo hasn't even bothered to change the situation.
They have, of course, the most popular console ever even despite that, so 3rd parties will eventually try something, but Nintendo should really encourage these baby steps with their own money to accelerate the process.
Cromat said:A good example would be RE4 Wii. Resident Evil 4 controls better on Wii than it did on the PS2/GC, and it sold well. Capcom has every financial reason in the world to bring RE5 to Wii, but it is still coming to 360 and PS3. Why is that? Because the developers thought that great graphics and online co-op matter more.
TJ Spyke said:Uh-huh, and your proof for this is?
Speevy said:Do you not see LBP, the whole idea behind what it's doing, as something that we'll see again and again in the future of gaming?
If LBP bombs and Media Molecule closes, do you not STLL believe shareable, user-created, online co-op/competitive gameplay will drive the future of our consoles?
Platformers are niche. The online content hub is not. It's where everything is heading to, LBP got there first.
Private Hoffman said:Were there any MotorStorm 2 sales?
gregor7777 said:Somewhere in the ballpark of 75k was posted earlier.
ElFly said:NPD released a study a couple of months ago about this. Around 70% of the 360 and the Wii owners also own a PS2. The percentage is higher on the PS3, but given its smaller userbase, it means that most people who own a PS2 are moving onto 360/Wii.
Cromat said:A good example would be RE4 Wii. Resident Evil 4 controls better on Wii than it did on the PS2/GC, and it sold well. Capcom has every financial reason in the world to bring RE5 to Wii, but it is still coming to 360 and PS3. Why is that? Because the developers thought that great graphics and online co-op matter more.
onipex said:Yes, but COD 4 sold very well without the Wii and COD5 is still being ported to the Wii anyway. Besides making video games is a business. A business can not stay in business to long if they keep leaving money on the table.
It also does not matter if a developer does/doesn't want a game to go to a certain system in a lot of cases. The publisher has a say as to what systems the game will be made on.
Sho_Nuff82 said:I'd say that the console sales of UT3, Little Big Planet, and Far Cry 2 will actually have the opposite effect, as they've shown (unless LBP really takes off) that console gamers by and large don't give a crap about user created content or level editors.
Cromat said:As I said before, I think it has more to do with the fact that most developers think that putting their game on Wii would make it an inferior product, and they are willing to make potentially less money to make it better. The alternate controls don't make enough of a positive difference on most games to make it worth losing all the HD benefits - graphics, sound, AI, physics and online. And it could be argued that many of the best selling Wii games would have been better off on an HD console.
Money isn't everything. If developers believe they will make a better product on the next-gen consoles then they will develop for them even though they are losing a lot of potential success on the Wii. That's why there aren't many big 3rd party efforts on Wii - not because 3rd party games don't sell, but because developers prefer making (what they consider) a better game even at the cost of making less money.
A good example would be RE4 Wii. Resident Evil 4 controls better on Wii than it did on the PS2/GC, and it sold well. Capcom has every financial reason in the world to bring RE5 to Wii, but it is still coming to 360 and PS3. Why is that? Because the developers thought that great graphics and online co-op matter more.
IMO the games that should be made on Wii are the games that could only work on Wii (such as Trauma Center, Excitetruck and Boom Blox), not the games that are gimped to work on it.
And about the Mario fetishism - i'm really glad someone brought this up here. Doesn't it bother people that Nintendo insists on putting Mario and co. in every single game, even in stuff like Tetris DS? The amount of Mario games is ridiculous. Wouldn't some of those sport games and RPGs be better off having original characters and settings? Keep the nostalgia-fest to Smash Bros.
Speevy said:It doesn't matter. Games are moving slowly but surely away from standalone single player campaigns and towards online content.
There's nowhere else to go but created content. It doesn't have to be a selling point. It's just something people will expect.
Stoney Mason said:As silly as it is, the high sales for Fable 2 make we want to go pick it up now.
I feel like I'm missing out on some big collective Xbox experience that is taking place.
comedy bomb said:I thought the Wii version of Guitar Hero sold the most, but I guess not!
comedy bomb said:I thought the Wii version of Guitar Hero sold the most, but I guess not!
dammitmattt said:Part of the problem is a lack of big-name third party titles on the Wii, of course, but it's still an interesting data point.
The # of COD5-like games has been increasing on Wii. Last Christmas, there were hardly big multiplatform games for the Wii. No COD4, no Rockband, no Assassin's Creed, no Skate, no etc... big or small, there weren't many full multiplaform games. This year, the cross-over is wider. There are only about 5 or 6 major 3rd party games not being released on the Wii this Christmas. There are still some gaps, but the Wii also has more of its own games to fill those in.Cromat said:Well obviously there are exceptions. Monster Hunter 3 also comes to mind.
But what's surprising is that stuff like COD5 isn't happening more, despite the Wii's huge ever-growing lead. Most developers don't want to put their big games on Wii, and especially not exclusively on Wii.
shykyoichi said:Every thing starts from nothing to something.
As I said before, I think it has more to do with the fact that most developers think that putting their game on Wii would make it an inferior product, and they are willing to make potentially less money to make it better. The alternate controls don't make enough of a positive difference on most games to make it worth losing all the HD benefits - graphics, sound, AI, physics and online. And it could be argued that many of the best selling Wii games would have been better off on an HD console.
I firmly believe that created content will never truly take off for the casual traditional console player unless there is an easier way to make said content. Using a game pad to make stuff is infinitely harder than making them using a mouse.Speevy said:It doesn't matter. Games are moving slowly but surely away from standalone single player campaigns and towards online content.
There's nowhere else to go but created content. It doesn't have to be a selling point. It's just something people will expect.
schuelma said:I'd say that's the only problem, really.
What 3rd party game this year would reasonably be expected to crack the top 20? Maybe CoD?
dammitmattt said:That's a pretty big problem, don't you think?
dammitmattt said:That's a pretty big problem, don't you think?
titiklabingapat said:I firmly believe that created content will never truly take off for the casual traditional console player unless there is an easier way to make said content. Using a game pad to make stuff is infinitely harder than making them using a mouse.
Probably the reason why LBP will not truly blossom, and why most user created stuff on consoles are merely passing footnotes and cool bonuses right now.
Both, to a certain extent.Gaborn said:Yes, but for whom? Nintendo, or third parties that are missing out on a massive (and apparently untapped by many third parties) userbase?
Sadist said:Both, to a certain extent.
Allthough Nintendo has it's first party hitters, they need third party games of equal quality to broaden their selection of games. To keep the system healthy and a lot of choice to keep the Wii owners interested.
For third parties, there is money to be made. But apparently the HD consoles are profitible enough, even without the Wii.
Psychotext said:Those Nintendo, MS and Sony numbers are worthless... given they include all of their hardware too.![]()
Sadist said:Yeah, we all know that graph. But, it doesn't tell us anything about software sales for all the systems. How it's divided and everything.
I have no doubt that several publishers/developers have problems with bringing 360 and PS3 titles onto the market, but there are enough of them that have a lot of succes. You can't automaticly expect that when some developers pick up Wii development, that there will be succes. And a lot of developers/publishers invested their money in development tools for 360 and PS3 and structured their business model around it. You can't expect companies to alter their business models because the unexpected happened. If you would change it, there would be more costs and evertyhing. They just want their initial investments back and for some the 360/PS3 approach works. Complimented with some Wii development of course.
Actually we do. Especially with the big publishers. Financial reports have been posted here of the biggest western publishers.Sadist said:Yeah, we all know that graph. But, it doesn't tell us anything about software sales for all the systems. How it's divided and everything.
I have no doubt that several publishers/developers have problems with bringing 360 and PS3 titles onto the market, but there are enough of them that have a lot of succes. You can't automaticly expect that when some developers pick up Wii development, that there will be succes. And a lot of developers/publishers invested their money in development tools for 360 and PS3 and structured their business model around it. You can't expect companies to alter their business models because the unexpected happened. If you would change it, there would be more costs and evertyhing. They just want their initial investments back and for some the 360/PS3 approach works. Complimented with some Wii development of course.
schuelma said:RE5 was started before Capcom knew the Wii was going to be a huge success. It was started waayyy before RE4 Wii came out.
You might be right that the developers would have still put it out on 360/PS3, but that decision was made well before Capcom or anyone else knew Wii would be a hit.
Gaborn said:Right, but you made the claim that the PS3 and 360 have been profitable for developers. Show me evidence that it has been that way.
Well you have reports on GAF of certain third parties posted. I've seen it in there, but I can't give you any links at the moment. I have to start searching for specific posts aswell and I'm to lazy right nowGaborn said:Right, but you made the claim that the PS3 and 360 have been profitable for developers. Show me evidence that it has been that way.
Yes, but not in the graph posted by Gaborn.titiklabingapat said:Actually we do. Especially with the big publishers. Financial reports have been posted here of the biggest western publishers.
After finishing Dead Rising Wii, I wouldn't be surprised.solid2snake said:so, RE5wii with the RE4 engine by the RE4wii dev-team?
Sho_Nuff82 said:Looking at the list of companies in the red, are there really any surprises?
There's Sony and MS, who've released loss-leading hardware with the hopes of making it back with software.
EA, who spent an absurd 2 billion on two developers who've never had a massive breakout hit. They also have a pretty significant amount of Wii releases (and Wii bombs), I might add.
Midway, who banked heavily on Stranglehold and a PS3-exclusive UT3 to carry them through last holiday season.
Atari, who's tentpole release was the abysmal Alone in the Dark.
Sega lol.
And Take 2, a company so horribly mismanaged that they can't even make money off of GTA4 and have been investigated for bad book-keeping.
Do any of these companies, aside from perhaps EA, really deserve to be overwhelmingly profitable this generation?
Maybe it's in part due to the US' current economic woes, but where did we get the notion that everyone in the industry has to do well in order for the industry to grow, or that everyone deserves to do well? If you continuously put out over-budget shit games that no one wants to play, you don't deserve to make money or have a job. It's not nice but it's the way it is.
schuelma said:I'd say that's the only problem, really.
What 3rd party game this year would reasonably be expected to crack the top 20? Maybe CoD?