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Official Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst topic - Exploration of an uncharted world



The Phantasy Star Online Ragol Saga: Episodes I, II, and IV all in one handy package!

*This is totally free, no fees or anything related to actual cash*

As of now, all activity in Blue Burst and Planet Ragol will be moved here.
*Currently under construction*

Installation Instructions:

Basically everything you need from the client install file, to how to get yourself an account is here.

Also make sure to use the "Online.exe" to launch the game if you have trouble accessing the options menu for Graphics and Audio.

A controller with an analog stick or two, works best for the game, however you can still manage to get by using keyboard controls.

Basic Rules:

The official NeoGAF servers / block are:
Terra's Luna, Block 01
Oceanica, Block 01

* Due to the recent "world ending" server crashes/overpopulations, we've decided to add a server choice. So if you dont see anyone on one/it's not up...head to the other*

Anytime you decide to make a game, and want only other GAF to join you, just make a game named "NeoGAF" and set the password to "NeoGAF", both without quotes of course. If there is already a game titled NeoGAF, then just add a number or letter after a space to seperate the two (or three, etc.).

Example: NeoGAF X Password: NeoGAF

If not, then just make sure the title of the room is NeoGAF.

Also we have a team up (read: Guild) so just ask me for an invite or any of our other invite capable members.

*Remember to trade Guild Cards with other GAF, that way even without Team communication, you can send items or messages to them*

*Remember to only start a quest (if you arent in single mode of course) after and only after 4 people join, people cant join your game while a quest is active. Of course if someone leaves mid quest, this cant be helped*

*Remember to set items to Order for both Rares and Normal when creating a room. This automatically "lots" items in order no matter who picks em up first. That way everyone gets something, and if someone finds something you may need, just ask them.*

Availible Game modes:

When creating a room, you can also choose to set it at...

Normal type - Just your normal everyday PSO room. Take on standard quests and story specific quests that unlock areas for free travel later.

Single person - Want to get some soloing done and tackle single only side quests? This is the way. Take on standard quests and the single only side quests like the Burning Rangers Burning Forest cameo quest (lots of meseta here), or Samba de Amigo Rag Rappy festival

Battle - Go head to head against 3 other players in a battle friendly environment!

Challenge Mode - Sets all players to a set level with set equipment at the beginning
of each mission (lasting only until the end of the mission), and requires the team to reach a predefined goal in a series of specially-designed levels that are modified versions of areas seen in Normal mode. The aim is to complete the missions in the shortest time possible. Go for it, beat the clock!

Difficulty levels

Normal - Average PSO difficulty, challenging but with normal drops.

Hard -*Only availible for lvl 20's and up* Very challenging, more exp, and a better chance of better drops, possibly some rares.

V.Hard - *Only availible for lvl 40's and up* Even more of a challenge, really good chance of better quality drops and of course more exp.

Ultimate -* Only availible for lvl 80's and up, beat V.Hard to unlock* DAMN that hurts! Only for the best of the best. Some bosses have even stepped their game up, so watch out!


Ragol.co.uk, a really thorough PSO compendium of info from enemy weaknesses to Mag raising tips.

PSO-World, the definitive go to place for anything PSO. Drop information, weapon and item descriptions, Ultimate mode enemy visual differences and more.

Character list:

Gaf Name / PSO name / PSO Class

Teknoman / Teknoman / RAcast
(Capable of team invites)

tmaynard / tmaynard / RAmar

MutFox / MutFox / HUcast

AztecRonin / Kamikaze / RAmar

No Means Nomad / Nomad / RAmar

Ninja Kn1ght / NinjaK / HUmar

sonicspear64 / Kronosmage / HUmar
(Capable of team invites)

DarthWufei / Anathema / RAmar

U K Narayan / Turn-A / HUcaseal

jvalioli / jVal / RAcast

Mejilan / Mejil / HUmar (primary character)
(Capable of team invites, rumored to have invited just 3 or 4...allegedly)
Mejilan / Mej / FOMar
(2 characters)

incendiarycommitee / incom / HUcast

sevenchaos / Samba / HUcast

Ainaurdur / Ainaurien / HUcaseal

PunjabiPlaya / Punjabi / HUmar

Vormund / Vormund / HuCast
Vormund / Vari / FOmarl
(2 characters)

A Black Falcon / Talindra / FOnewearl

Wyndstryker / Kiriyama / RAmar

hclflow / Trollop / FOnewearl

B.K. / B.K. / HUmar
(Special thanks for ressurecting interest in PSO boardwide)

N.A / InBloom / HUmar
(Insanely powerful)

shinji / shinji / HUmar

Nishastra / Ky'kyo / HUcaseal
Nishastra / Kyoku'ko / RAcaseal
(2 characters)

JCX9 / caymon / FoNewm

BlackSalad / Newman / RAmar
(Capable of team invites)

Crystalkoen / Surne / HUnewearl

NinajHeartless / WhySoLow RAclass unspecified

Costanza / Costanza / HUmar

Inertiatic / inertiatic / HUcast

keeblerdrow / PewPew / RAmarl


MutFox / MutFox

My brother would also like to play with us.

His PSO name is:


He's creating a GAF account now, but I don't know if he'll be able to post yet.

He did get a GAF Account.

AztecRonin / Kamikaze


Running off of Custom Firmware
Hey, you forgot to mention that my HUmar (Mejil) is a Team Leader and can add members (and has, in fact, added a handful)!



Mejilan said:

Not many. Maybe 3 or 4? Hahahaha.
Don't forget though, it's now easy to make a second account, or third, to get 4, 8, 24(?!) more character slots. If somebody really wanted that many. :D


Hey everyone I updated the rules for the room creations. Seems pretty fair for the most part, so please reread that section. Also incoming pics and videos from tonight's trip.


I was also thinking that the room creator should name the room after their level.
(If they want people joining who are at around their level.)

For instance, instead of just naming the room "NeoGAF"
they would name it "NeoGAF 17" if the individual was at level 17.

If the individual doesn't care, they could name if "NeoGAF A"
or any other letter from the alphabet, just not numbers...


MutFox said:
I was also thinking that the room creator should name the room after their level.
(If they want people joining who are at around their level.)

For instance, instead of just naming the room "NeoGAF"
they would name it "NeoGAF 17" if the individual was at level 17.

If the individual doesn't care, they could name if "NeoGAF A"
or any other letter from the alphabet, just not numbers...

Well im not sure if thats necessary, since you can just press tab to see the lvl and who's in there at the time.

Oh yeah:




Video will probably take awhile to surface since i'm going to give youtube's higher quality upload option a shot.


Teknoman said:
Well im not sure if thats necessary, since you can just press tab to see the lvl and who's in there at the time.

I had no idea, thanks man. :D

And great time man, that was sweet


Yup. That and Vor went from what...lvl 3 to 11 in a kinda short amount of time. I'll probably post the video tomorrow though. I gotta get some sleep.

EDIT: I just not realized that the same Kamikaze we were playing with was your brother :lol .


N.A / InBloom / HUmar

Online now :D

Edit: Nice game Teknoman, shame I had a random nosebleed :lol
I decided to do some solo TTF (made it about half way and died twice).


Took that bitch down without a problem.


Ran into some problems with Nano Dragons in Cave 3. I don't know how but those bastards were the ones that killed me. So I just sat back and waited for them to kill each other. Then I got killed again. :lol


Of course I come back with Mechguns and proceeded to fuck shit up!


Now time for De Rol Le!!!! This wasn't easy at all (well I didn't die but it took me over 15 minutes).


Bitch finally went down!!!


After De Rol Le, I realized that I couldn't make it any further on my own, so goodbye for now...


:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


lol a JP person stole the GAF face :D

Also first picture = Dante.

EDIT: Thats it...im changing my ingame font too.
EDIT 2: nevermind, cant find a nice looking font that fits.


I've been trying to get this to work, but it wont let me save the notepad file (I have vista). Is there any way around this?


Unconfirmed Member
I started playing last night finally, as a HUmar named Parsons. Would suck to lose my 1-15 levelling, but looking over the player list in the OP, it seems we have a ton of HUs already. I may create a Force or Ranger if we need one, though I did just get a nice shiny Partisan last night so I'll probably at least try to finish out Episode I before I do anything.


JCX9 said:
I've been trying to get this to work, but it wont let me save the notepad file (I have vista). Is there any way around this?

Vista Ultimate here, just use the search function instead of run and follow the same instructions.


When I saw this thread the other day, I was curious as to why the hell people were just starting to play Blue Burst NOW (didn't know it had shut down).

Thankfully I decided to click on it yesterday, and now I'm completely addicted again.

I played entirely too much PSO in the DC days :p

I've got...

Nishastra / Ky'kyo / HUcaseal
(two spaces at end of name for Section ID cheesing)


Nishastra / Kyoku'ko / RAcaseal
(remake of my original PSO character, Yellowboze and all)

Ky'kyo is the only one I've really played so far. She's level 14.
I made my own team, so I won't be joining the GAF one, but I'll be happy to play with people sometime :p


Playing now with Kamikaze, we're both level 23.
If any of you guys wanna play, we'll be on.

Also, add me to your x-fire if you like - mutfox


Unconfirmed Member
JCX9 said:
So many hunters. why?

JCX9/ caymon/ FoNewm
I'll probably make a force soon for just that reason. I've seen tons of hunters and a few rangers, but not a single force yet.


No Means Nomad said:
Force is so much harder to play. : /

I mostly used forces on gamecube.

Sorry to whoever I was in a game with. The game dc'd. I'll be back on soon.


JCX9 said:
I tried to join a neogaf game today, but the pass wasn't neogaf.

Thats strange...well I guess i'll have to remind as many as possible to view the official online topic. Probably post that in the one on the main boards too. They are cap sensitive though (right?), so you have to type it exactly NeoGAF.

Anyway, anyone up for experiencing some Episode II stuff? If so, i'd like to knock out some EP II quests and/or bosses tonight. Just send me a team message if im in a solo hard mode game at the time.

Waiting for 2 or more people to join up for EP II.
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