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Official RAW 07/04/05 Thread! (Now with 100% less Dave!)

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I saw photos from Smackdown...

BWO is back, even Nova as Nova. I saw 3 pics, and one of them was Meanie with JBL down!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
triste said:
I saw photos from Smackdown...

BWO is back, even Nova as Nova. I saw 3 pics, and one of them was Meanie with JBL down!

Full spoilers from the Wrestlecrap forums:

Teddy Long came out and announced Booker T vs. Chris Benoit, and Batista vs. Christian for tonight.

JBL starts off the show complaining about how his screw job makes "Bret Hart look like a parking ticket". JBL's music plays and a limo comes out. The bWo appears from the limo and run Bradshaw down, and the bWo was acting as the cabinet. (I forgot the nick names.) This leads to Bradshaw calling Meanie a fat pregnant dog, and Meanie vs. JBL is set for the night.

Chris Benoit vs. Booker T - #1 contendership for the US title. Chain wrestling, and teased finishes all over this match. Benoit eventually wins after going for the Crippler for the 2nd or 3rd time. Benoit looked to have gotten a stinger in one of his arms.

Rey Mysterio tries to get Eddie Guerrero to reconsider telling the world the secret. This eventually leads to Eddie forcing Mysterio to tag w/ him to face MNM for the WWE Tag Titles.

JBL vs. The Blue Meanie - No DQ
JBL basically squashes Meanie. Richards and Nova try to get involved and fail. JBL goes for a chair, and Richards recovers. This leads to JBL losing the chair, and getting clocked STIFF by Richards. Meanie hits a moonsault for a two count. Eventually Batista comes out and costs JBL the match via Spinebuster. JBL bleeds hardway from the chairshot.

Muhammad Hassan and Daviari are complaining that Hassan was never elimated in last weeks main event. Long books Undertaker vs. Muhammad Hassan, #1 Contender for The World Heavyweight Championship @ Great American Bash. Long also decides Daviari has lots to say, and books Daviari vs. Undertaker tonight.

Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio vs. MNM - WWE Tag Titles Mysterio and Guerrero dominate the early part of the match. Eddie even hits a frog splash and teases a title change when... Eddie pulls Mercury (I believe) up by his hair @ two. He tags in Rey, and from there Rey almost wins the Tag belts on his own. Eddie attacks Rey a few times, and MNM wins with there finisher. After the match, Eddie forces Rey into almost hitting him, and then eventually basically being a servent. Eddie made Rey do this things by threating to expose the "secret".

Matt Morgan vs. William Regal
Never Happened as the Mexicools destroy Morgan. Regal just chills in the enterance way.

Undertaker vs. Daviari
UT destroys Daviari. After the match 5 men come out in Black Masks, Black shirts, and Khaki Pants and beat the hell out of the Undertaker. Hassan
comes into the ring and puts the Undertaker in the Camel Clutch. The 5 men carry Daviari out as if he was Jesus.

Christian cuts a promo stating he is the first man to ever main event RAW and Smackdown in the Same week, and states he will beat Batista because he
is Captain Christima... pregnant dog!

Batista vs. Christian
Batsita wins via Demon Bomb (nothing to notre really about the match, it was good, but nothing noteworthy) After match JBl and Orlando Jordan come out and attack Batista. Batista overpowers and JBL throws Jordan to Batista. Demon Bomb for Jordan, and JBL walks away


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY HOW...HOW could I miss this... I figured Raw wouldn't crap tonight, so I had no problems staying at my girlfriend's family's cookout late..

HBK=My fav wrestler ever, and I've been wishing since his comeback for a heel turn. HBK is a natural born heel, hes superb face, but his heel characters are much more special. Interesting to see if he will still refrain from bad language.

*Note to GAF*

If he reunites with HHH in anyway, shape or form, I will unleash a marking out threads upon this forum the likes of which the world has never seen..
Man, I just don't know what to think.

I love Shawn Michaels...but the Immortal Hulk Hogan is my favorite wrestler of all time.

This is going to make for one of the greatest battles ever.
man I dunno im a major hbk fan

but I cant see this match being good at all

Now hbk can make people who cant wrestle look good (sid, kevin nash, etc), but even in those matches the hosses (sid, kevin nash), could lift up and man handle hbk. I think if hogan tried more than a simple body slam now his legs will fall off. I only hope this leads to bigger feuds altho I cant think of any good FACES on raw (sans rvd) that could match hbks wrestling level.
Hey WWE... we got three words fo ya...


Outcast2004 said:
Hey WWE... we got three words fo ya...



Fuck Yeah!!!!

I wanted Dean to debut as Nova on SD but bringing back the BWO is fantastic. I hope they stick around for a while :)
Guzim said:
Nice knowing you.

Guzim, he's like this every thread. So full of assholish, better than you attitude.... it's crazy.

Can't anyone ever be nice?

Can never have a wrestling thread without him coming in and doing this. It never fails....
Outcast2004 said:
Guzim, he's like this every thread. So full of assholish, better than you attitude.... it's crazy.

Can't anyone ever be nice?

Can never have a wrestling thread without him coming in and doing this. It never fails....
Am I not fantasy booking the next three PPVs enough for you guys?

I do like you telling Liu Kang that he's an asshole, though.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
I do like you telling Liu Kang that he's an asshole, though.

Hey, if the shoe fits.....

Besides, what type of douche speaks (or types for that matter) in the thrid person?


The one thing I don't get/like with the HBK heel turn is it leaves the face side of Raw kind of eh...

You got HBK, HHH, Angle as your top heels.
Folks like Carlito, Jericho and Edge as your second level heels.

On the face side you get Cena, I guess Hogan whenever and er?

I really can't think of too many more.. sure there are folks like Shelton and er I guess Kane and Big Show and rVD when he returns.


Unconfirmed Member
Last nights Raw was pathetic besides the main event. But Smackdown looks to have some actual...WRESTLING. So it looks like i'll get my wrestling fix this week after all.

And Cena...the guy is the least credible champion of all time,second to only David Arquette. Get the belt off him ASAP! I would love Jericho to have another title reign! Turning him heel was a mistake, as now there are absolutely no faces besides Cena!

BTW, its only a matter of time before the fans turn on Cena just like they did the Rock...Its a shame, because before he took on the WWE style of doing more posing and interacting with the fans than actual wrestling, he had a decent style and a wider variety of moves. His act will grow old (like it hasnt already), and the fans will realise he's too one dimensional to carry the company.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
No problem man I have tons of those videos now. Even a sweet football one someone made at the begining of football season last year. I'll post it when an official football thread is stickied.

In other news the WWE cut 6 wrestlers today.....

* Mark Jindrak
* Maven
* Shannon Moore
* James Yun (Akio)
* David Heath (Gangrel)
* Billy Kidman

I wouldnt mind seeing Akio in ROH after seeing his matches with London I know he can hang.


Banstick Emeritus
Kidman? RUH ROH...5 bucks says Torrie's involved in a sex angle with a male Smackdown worker within two months.


Brian Fellows said:
No problem man I have tons of those videos now. Even a sweet football one someone made at the begining of football season last year. I'll post it when an official football thread is stickied.

In other news the WWE cut 6 wrestlers today.....

* Mark Jindrak
* Maven
* Shannon Moore
* James Yun (Akio)
* David Heath (Gangrel)
* Billy Kidman

I wouldnt mind seeing Akio in ROH after seeing his matches with London I know he can hang.

WTF!? He was still with the company? I assume as a behind the scenes guy.


Sad, but not surprised that WWE releases a talented wrestler like Akio but keep the waste of time divas.


tralfazz said:
WTF!? He was still with the company? I assume as a behind the scenes guy.
He showed up once a few months back and never showed up again. Sad cause I really liked the guy. Not the greatest wrestler but a sweet character, but these days I kill for anyone who isn't generic tall muscle guy. WWE, now with 50% more bald guys with a goatee!

And jesus christ, they just got rid of a TON of good wrestlers. In exchange we get a whole bunch of bimbo girls that we don't have enough time to even figure which is which before the NEXT wave of bimbo girls show up.


Spike? Kidman? Gangrel?

3 guys that will probably show up on TNA, and I agree with the whole gangrel thing I thought the character and music itself was pretty badass back in the day. The guy should have been given a better shot. Kidman can still go so I'm not sure why he isn't in WWE and Spike is spike so that's a bit strange. Just trimming the fat I guess? But how can you cut Kidman and bring in Psychosis? Nothing against the Mexicools but Kidman has to fit in somewhere.

On a side note, what ever happened to Vampiro? I always thought his look was pretty cool but haven't seen him since his days in WCW when he torched sting and gave him the blood bath.

evil ways

Well they had to get the money for the shitty diva contest somewhere so these cuts don't surprise me. Akio/Jimmy Yang will probably go back to All or New Japan Pro Wrestling.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
JayFro said:
Spike? Kidman? Gangrel?

3 guys that will probably show up on TNA, and I agree with the whole gangrel thing I thought the character and music itself was pretty badass back in the day. The guy should have been given a better shot. Kidman can still go so I'm not sure why he isn't in WWE and Spike is spike so that's a bit strange. Just trimming the fat I guess? But how can you cut Kidman and bring in Psychosis? Nothing against the Mexicools but Kidman has to fit in somewhere.

On a side note, what ever happened to Vampiro? I always thought his look was pretty cool but haven't seen him since his days in WCW when he torched sting and gave him the blood bath.

Kidman cant even pull off his own finisher with out nearly killing his opponent and he gets hurt like every 6 weeks. He's been pretty worthless for a while. If it werent for Torrie he'd have been gone long ago. Maybe now that he's gone Paul London will get to show people a real shooting star press.

According to Obsessed With Wrestling Vampiro had a short run in TNA in 03 and work some shows for MLW(which I think went under) last year. I think he might be wrestling in Mexico these days.


Brian Fellows said:
Kidman cant even pull off his own finisher with out nearly killing his opponent and he gets hurt like every 6 weeks. He's been pretty worthless for a while. If it werent for Torrie he'd have been gone long ago. Maybe now that he's gone Paul London will get to show people a real shooting star press.

According to Obsessed With Wrestling Vampiro had a short run in TNA in 03 and work some shows for MLW(which I think went under) last year. I think he might be wrestling in Mexico these days.

Well at least he gets to go home to Torrie Wilson right? :)

Thanks for the heads up on Vampiro, just kind of wondering why Vince never brought him in? He has a cool look, but his mic skills leave a bit to be desired.
Maven is out??? So that shows how much the Tough Enough winners mean to the WWE. By the way, where the hell is that Daniel Puder guy? Training at OVW?

Spike is also a surprise, especially after seeing him with the Dudleys at the ECW PPV. I thought they would bring them back together on Smackdown. Guess I was wrong.

All the others, meh.


tetsuoxb said:
LOL! Immortal Hulk Hogan is spelled Imortal Hulk Hogan on www.com.

GG Guys, way to hire educated staff.

Haha, they changed the "Imortal" to "Immortal" but now instead of "leaving" it says "elaving" :lol


Unconfirmed Member

I hate how they release wrestlers with great talent that they could easily use.

Billy Kidman and Akio were vital if they are serious about cruiserweights again....but obviously they are not, seeing as how London wont be on TV this week at all.

Kidman is pretty financially set anyways, so he can just kick back and work indy dates. Akio will always have work in Japan. Shannon Moore and Spike Dudley will have no problem finding work either..as for the others..well good luck guys!
In other wrestling news:

WWE.com's main page has a story about Brock Lesnar meeting with WWE officials about a return.

The blurb states that WWE officials are meeting with Lesnar and that the website will keep everyone updated about the status. Be sure to check back to PWTorch.com later today for other developments in this situation.

Brock seems to not have any money left to pay Sable's surgery bills.

Brock vs Matt Mmmmmmmorgan...fight!


keep your strippers out of my American football
Brian Fellows said:
Kidman was to fat to be a cruiserweight. He was about as quick and agile as my mom.

Not sure where all your Kidman hate comes from, but he was about the only cruiser with height they had. Kidman was quick and agile. Just because WWE forced him to work a certain style, don't get it twisted about his skill.

Go look at Survivor Series from 2002. His match with Noble was hot. Actually he had a 3-way dance with Rey and Juvi in WCW that was off the charts and went about 40 mins. Kidman was wasted in WWE, but that can be said about over half of the roster. Now if you want to talk about his lack of personality, then we can agree on that. He was most effective while in the Flock because all he had to do was wrestle, not talk. But in the storyline driven WWE, I guess he could never excel.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
hold up...Vince is getting rid of D-Von and Bubba too???? WTF?!?!


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife

I just got off the phone with Matt, and he has told me WWE called him just a little while ago and released him from his contract. With the recent 9 releases including Mark Jindrak, Maven, Billy Kidman, Mark Lloyd, Gangrel, Mordecai (Kevin Fertig), Akio, Spike Dudley. Matt making it 10th this is a shocker. I cant put into words how mad I am at the WWE for doing this.. Matt still wants to keep the site up, and im still going to continue to run it, so I hope you all stick by the site, and remain being visitors. What’s next for Matt? time will tell... Matt’s final Appearance will be this Thursday on Smackdown…if the WWE even chooses to air the segment as planned.

RIP Matt Morgan

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