Ecrofirt said:"My name is Stone Cold Steve Austin, and tonight I unleash hell!"
I haven't seen wrestling in a few years, but I just saw that. Was that something new tonight, or was that from wrestlemania?
StoOgE said:awesome, so I dont have cable right now (see my new topic).. could someone tell me whats going on? Watching the new champ walk into Raw is almost as good as the PPV.
The Faceless Master said:wow, that was one hell of a triple threat match
StoOgE said:Awesome, cable is back (not all the channels, but CBS and Spike).. saw most of the Triple Threat match.. that triple decker superplex was a sick spot. Shelton is getting a build.. He'll have the title by this time next year.. or at least should.
evil ways said:Bah, shut the fuck up Orton, go shit on somebody's bag.
evil ways said:That was awesome last night. Hogan may be an old geezer past his prime but I can't help mark out at the sound of that music.
The Faceless Master said:why all the orton hate?
because he's an asshole?
stone cold ABUSES WOMEN yet people don't seem to care too much about that...
ORT's great in the ring and on the mic, and he's a greta heel.
StoOgE said:lol, I love Hassan and Davari.
Do they have a T-shirt yet, I might buy it.
Outcast2004 said:Damn..Benoit looks SERIOUSLY beat up. He wasn't a pretty man to begin with, but JESUS man.
Looks like he lost a fight with a hungy grizzley.
:lolThe Faceless Master said:marty should run out!!!
hogan should run out!!!
snitzky should run out, then stop and say "that wasnt my fault" then leave... that would be amazing...
Outcast2004 said:Damn..Benoit looks SERIOUSLY beat up. He wasn't a pretty man to begin with, but JESUS man.
Looks like he lost a fight with a hungy grizzley.
StoOgE said:thats the best part.. they talk shit, and the fans dont like it, but in the back of their head they know they are right. lol. They need to give him a real push now.. looks like HBK is about to do the job for him at Backlash.
Outcast2004 said:Those are the best heels.. the heels who deliver such good promos actually that *shock* make you think!
If he wants to REALLY force his character and get him hated... stp the shouting. Have him deliver the promos ins a soft manner, a self assured manner. Those are the types of guys who can send a chill down your spine if delivered right...
EDIT: Damn I love watching Benoit go... he sells like a champ. Stu your spirit lives on in Jericho and Benoit. Technical ability combined with intensity and expert selling.
Someone explain WHY Benoit isn't a MULTI time champ yet?