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Official Worldwide VC, WiiWare, & DSiWare Thread

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Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Kalten said:
funny fact, th e day after I asked my question for 1112 port on the wii, there were hundreds of gaming website relaying the news all over the world, it just double my daily sales for the iphone ;)

but now people are really expecting the game for the wii... well I'll see what I can do!

Haha, yeah I saw it posted on several sites. GAF->Internet->GAF and all that. Congrats on the sales jump, that's awesome!

TJ Spyke

Updated with this weeks release, this is the difference between North America and PAL for Virtual Console. North America got a new exclusive in Kirby's Dream Land 3, while PAL regions finally got Donkey Kong 3 (after about 6 months) and Enduro Racer (after about 1 month)

North America, but not PAL regions:
NES- The Legend of Kage, Elevator Action, Milon's Secret Castle, Lode Runner, Star Soldier, Super C (available in EU, not in AUS), NES Play Action Football, Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos, Zanac, Ghosts 'n Goblins (available in EU, not AUS), Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom, King's Knight, Bases Loaded, Renegade, Sky Kid, Clu Clu Land, Super Dodge Ball, Tecmo Bowl, Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics II

SNES- Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire, Metal Marines, Axelay (available in AUS, not EU), Super Turrican 2, Kirby's Dream Land 3

N64- Mario Golf

GEN/MD- Powerball

TG16 & TG16CD- Bravoman, Ordyne

PAL regions, but not North America:
NES- Skate or Die!, Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse, Devil World

SNES- Mario's Super Picross

GEN/MD- Crack Down, ESWAT: City Under Siege

C64 (in EU, not AUS)- International Karate, Uridium, California Games, Impossible Mission, The Last Ninja, World Games, Paradroid, Last Ninja 2: Back with a Vengeance, Nebulus, Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine, Summer Games II, International Karate +, Pitstop II, Boulder Dash, Jumpman, Mayhem in Monsterland, Impossible Mission II, Last Ninja 3: Real Hatred is Timeless

Total: 27 only in North America only, 6 in EU/AUS only, 18 in EU only, 2 in NA and EU, 1 in NA and AUS.
Kirby's Dreamland 1 is still worth a try on the harder difficulty. It's really not that hard(if I can beat it anyone can)

Once you get over the initial shock(everything seems to move at double speed and obviously things kill you with greater ease) it's more or less the same. The only change ending-wise IIRC is King Dedede's animations after the credits change and you get a congratulatory message.

Otherwise though it's nothing special(a good chunk of it is playable in Kirby Super Star as well).


Has problems recognising girls
Cosmonaut X said:
Ugh, yeah I reckon that must rank as one of the worst VC updates...
Well after Secret of Mana, I'm not surprised. The only thing that could be on level terms or best it was to pump out Terranigma.
Capndrake said:
EU VC update (Worst EU update ever?):

Absolutely, although I would argue that North America's 2007 New Year's Day treat of Baseball & Urban Champion was a worse hosing. Donkey Kong 3 strikes me as at least halfway decent although the $5 price point is rather steep considering the content. I'm surprised NoE didn't throw out something else this week, even if it was only another catch up NES title.

TJ Spyke

FFantasyFX said:
Absolutely, although I would argue that North America's 2007 New Year's Day treat of Baseball & Urban Champion was a worse hosing. Donkey Kong 3 strikes me as at least halfway decent although the $5 price point is rather steep considering the content. I'm surprised NoE didn't throw out something else this week, even if it was only another catch up NES title.

Considering The Legend of Kage has been on the NA VC for almost 2 years (it was added in February 2007, making it the VC title that's been on this exclusive list the longest), I agree they at least could have added that.


They are also getting for Wiiware:

Sugu Slot Duo (Yamasa Entertainment, Slots/Pachinko, 1000pts[!])
Samegame Wii (Hudson, Puzzle, 500pts)


I still have 2000 Wii Points, I've waited a few weeks to spend them. Should I wait a bit longer for a worthwile European update or just get something cool from the VC(I'm thinking Donkey Kong Country 2) The upcoming games like Super Smash Bros. don't interest me much. I'll get it eventually, but Brawl is way better than the original.


listen to the mad man
splattergnome said:
Except that it isn't. Its apparently some action game taking place in a giant Pachinko machine or something like that.

hahaha I just read the description and now I'm wondering why on earth they'd call it "Planet Pachinko".


nincompoop said:
Along with Planet Pachinko, NA is also getting a card game called "Jungle Speed" on Monday: #

Is Jungle Speed from the makers of Punch-Out Wii, Next Level Games?


Great to see Super Punch-Out is on the way, I played it briefly on Fight Night 2 on a Gamestation Gamecube kiosk and loved it, I'm a big fan of the NES original as well.

Sucks that you don't play as little Mac though :(
If we end up having Kirby and Punch-Out in the same month, that's not a bad month.

But I'm betting they'll save Punch-Out until when the Wii game is released.


Wow, Ogre Battle? I'm assuming it's the original SNES version. I wonder if it's from Atlus (NA publisher) or Square Enix (current owner of the Ogre Battle IPs AFAIK)?


I'm assuming it's the original SNES version. I wonder if it's from Atlus (NA publisher) or Square Enix (current owner of the Ogre Battle IPs AFAIK)?

It's the SNES version (March of the Black Queen), and published by SE.
sfog said:
ESRB update:
Ogre Battle
Super Punch-Out!!

Awesome! I bet that Equilibrio is a new Art Style game :D

Remember, just because a VC game has been ESRB rated, it doesn't mean that we're gonna see it anytime soon. Remember how long we had to wait for Super Mario RPG and Kirby's Dreamland 3!


New (presumably) crappy game coming from High Voltage...

Hoffman Estates, IL – January 8, 2009 - High Voltage Software, Inc., one of the world's largest independent developers, today announced that High Voltage Hot Rod Show, the company's latest WiiWare title, has been scheduled for release via Nintendo's downloadable service on January 19th at a price of 1,000 Wii Points.

High Voltage Hot Rod Show is an arcade-style racing title that centers on a unique boost system which requires players to pull off dare-devil stunts in order to achieve maximum speed. The game was built using the company's proprietary Quantum 3 Game Engine technology, which provides stunning graphical performance.

"We want to wish racing fans a happy New Year by announcing the release of High Voltage Hot Rod Show," said Kerry J. Ganofsky, CEO and founder of High Voltage Software. "Wii owners who are looking for a tightly focused and highly competitive racing experience should look no further."

"The team worked extremely hard to refine the look and feel of the game," said Eric Nofsinger, Chief Creative Officer of High Voltage Software. "Whether you're playing against AI, working to beat the best online leaderboard times, or racing up to four of your friends in split-screen mode, we think players will be blown away by the experience."

About High Voltage Software, Inc.
High Voltage Software is a game development company located in Hoffman Estates, Illinois. Established in 1993, employs more than 150 staff members. Red Eye Studios, a motion capture facility, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of HVS. For more information, please visit their website at www.high-voltage.com.


Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
Super Punch-Out and Ogre Battle. Not a bad ESRB update at all. :O

The ESRB ratings mean that it's conceivably possible that we might be able to entertain the vague notion of maybe seeing these games release potentially within the next year or so, after all.

TJ Spyke

Iam Canadian said:
Super Punch-Out and Ogre Battle. Not a bad ESRB update at all. :O

The ESRB ratings mean that it's conceivably possible that we might be able to entertain the vague notion of maybe seeing these games release potentially within the next year or so, after all.

Hopefully. Vectorman was released on the VC 18 months after it was rated.


Iam Canadian said:
Super Punch-Out and Ogre Battle. Not a bad ESRB update at all. :O

The ESRB ratings mean that it's conceivably possible that we might be able to entertain the vague notion of maybe seeing these games release potentially within the next year or so, after all.

but just look at earthbound ;'(


Batteries the CRISIS!
okay, OP is updated with European VC "games" [snicker] and some formatting changes.

Capndrake said:
Next week, Japan gets:

-Zoids Revelations (FC)
-Fantasy Zone II (SMS)
-Spriggan Mark 2 (PCE)

Somnid said:
They are also getting for Wiiware:

Sugu Slot Duo (Yamasa Entertainment, Slots/Pachinko, 1000pts[!])
Samegame Wii (Hudson, Puzzle, 500pts)

Thank you, guys.

TJ Spyke

One minor update, the full title of Fantasy Zone II is "Fantasy Zone II: The Tears of Op@-Op@".

Edit: What is that word censored? The "@" is supposed to be a "a".


Batteries the CRISIS!
TJ Spyke said:
One minor update, the full title of Fantasy Zone II is "Fantasy Zone II: The Tears of Op@-Op@".

Edit: What is that word censored? The "@" is supposed to be a "a".

oookay thanks for the edit. I was confused for a second.

op@ is a rival Web site to GAF, BTW, and as Rule of the Internet #10 says, "If you enjoy any rival sites, DON'T." =P


Nintendo has 2 first party titles released this month, with a high likelyhood of seeing Super Smash Bros at the end of the month. Given this trend, I'd predict another first-party title on Monday.

Could be Super Punch-Out, or they might leave that one for a while. But it'll definately be released before Punch-Out Wii. I think that's a safe bet.


Why so much confidence we could see SSB 64 by month's end?

It is confirmed for Japan for this month, and the US has typically gotten any N64 VC games within 1-2 weeks of them, and sometimes slightly earlier.


Agent Unknown said:
Why so much confidence we could see SSB 64 by month's end?
Seriously. Japan's probably getting it because of Brawl's one year anniversary. If the same happens elsewhere, the US won't get it till March and Europe won't get it until (Ugh) June.

TJ Spyke

Europe still hasn't gotten Mario Golf for some odd reason, I think they have gotten every other N64 game about the same time as North America and Japan.


Okay, I love this service above anything, but I'm tired of waiting for Mario Golf here in Europe. Loved it so much, and I want to play it again :(
I would buy both Super Punch-Out and Ogre Battle, I've got 2500 points to burn! The likelyhood of two awesome VC games being released at once seems so far fetched though.
I know it's probably been asked a thousand times, but is there any word at all concerning the release of Majora's Mask? I'm sick and tired of waiting to play this game again. Possible that it will be a tie-in with the next Wii Zelda?
super metroid said:
I know it's probably been asked a thousand times, but is there any word at all concerning the release of Majora's Mask? I'm sick and tired of waiting to play this game again. Possible that it will be a tie-in with the next Wii Zelda?

No word yet. It's probably held up by the lack of Expansion Pak support.
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