Hitokage said:
My point is that to many people PC/Mac is the same way. You can't sit back and claim people who buy Macs are wasting money when you insist on paying hundreds of dollars more for imaging programs.
So what should I do, just gank them? ARRRGGGHHH Matey! That sorta thing?
Look, I run a business, and I keep everything legit for those purposes. The $150 or so each I spend on those two programs every 12 months when new versions comes out isn't as mcuh as you make them out to be.
Besides, those two apps are worth the premium over the competition because they are leaps and bounds better than the competition. If you are one of those Linux geeks that mistaken GIMP for something that can compete with Photoshop, you are sadly mistaken. I scoff at such a quaint idea.
If PowerMacs were leaps and bounds faster than PCs, you'll bet your sweet ass I'd be buying Macs even with their premium pricing. But that hasn't been the case for nearly 10 years. That's what bothers me about Macs. You pay premium for what? The OS? If I can paint with OSX, let me know.
Both have something people are willing to pay for and will when it matches their priorities.
Most of those priorities on Mac side I think is merely psychological. Practially, there's not much to argue.
Some people just don't want to babysit their computer, although personally I usually don't mind or else I wouldn't have Slackware Linux as my primary OS... but there are times when I understand completely.
Linux to me is also a case of diddling around with the OS instead of using the apps. It's cute, and it's great that geeks can get off twidling around with it, flippin a big FU to M$ and all, but shit, when there's work to be done, you don't dick around with OS. You use the apps.
When Linux gets those apps that are acually useful to me, then we'll talk.