The Take Out Bandit said:
I'll have to listen for the jingle jangle of your hefty pockets.
Jesus shit man.
He's in the Mac price range, he just spends his money on 10k bottles of Mountain Dew instead.
Dude, it took
well over a year to spend that much. And it was $10,000 Candian! In 1998! That was like $500 US or something back then. :lol
Hitokage said:
But it's cheaper and loads images faster(or not), and in shogmaster land that's all that matters.
I don't think you understand Shogmaster land. Seriously. You should visit before going off the assumption deep end like that.
Shogmaster land is about spending money
smart, it's not about just being cheap. If the tool's worth the money, he spends the money. For instance, for 2 years straight Shogmaster land overwelmingly passed spending bills to aquire $2500 Wacom Cintiq LCD Tablets (each year, providing enough benefits over the previous version to make it worth while). That's because each of those Cintiqs made Shogmaster much more proficient than before.
Now for Shogmaster, a computer is not a fashion statement, a lifestyle statement, nor a political statement. It's a tool. A tool to get his Painter and Photoshop running along with his Cintiq, to provide the best digital equivilent to analog drawing and painting possible. No other method known to Shogmaster land gives one this ability.
And to do this proficiently, the fanciness and appearance of the OS GUI matters little. What matters is how fast the computer is at running Painter, Photoshop, and Cintiq in unison.
And for that purpose, a fast purposefully built PC is much better suited than a Mac for the reasons of more power and for less money. It's the combination of the two, not just less money (which is where you are making your false assumptions). If Macs provided solid performance advantage over PCs, like the Cintiq, Shogmaster land would have approved for the purchase of them with the premium cost over PCs. But the opposite have been true for the last 6 years:
Macs while costing almost double of similarly configured PCs, still lagged behind in performance.
As for Linux, if Shogmaster land had a political agenda against "M$" and IP ownership in general, perhaps Shogmaster land would have passed bills to switch over to Linux. And if Shogmaster land was dirt poor land, and couldn't afford any of these powerful tools, then emergency bill might have been passed to gimp along with Linux distro and GIMP on a mere Graphire tablet to do his work, but fortunately, Shogmaster land has enough capital reserves to afford these tools.
BTW, anyone who states Photoshop = Macs / GIMP = PCs is someone who doesn't have a clue about the topic to contribute anything meaningful. Really. Present such a quaint and ignorant notion to Adobe's own technology evangelists like Julianne Kost and she's redicule you in public as she has done many times before at Photoshop World Conferences. All Adobe's techonolgy evangelists present and demo at places like Photoshop World Conference with PCs because they know their product runs much faster on PCs. So please, no more gimpy talk about GIMP. That's for your own good.
I doubt all this will get through to you in a single post, but it's the best I can do this late at night. I hope you enjoyed your brief glance into Shogmaster land, and come for a full stay in the future.