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Official XBOX 360 Madden 2009 Season 2* Thread: RROD Don't Scare Us!

How do you want the league to be run?

Results are only viewable after voting.


It's official. Madden
/Vets/360 Owners Season 2 is here. Our message to RRODs:

A. You will need a working 360 to participate.

B. This league will follow all the same rules of the Season 12 League, so...

FMT said:
here are some other items you will need to... "know"... about:

1. sim league. play straight up. there is no need to abuse the AI or any exploits that might pop up. we don't know what these exploits are this year. they seem to have eliminated last years problems (through audibles, line shifts, man locks, etc), but we can't know for certain what new problems will arise.

2. be courteous but also understand that there will be bitching. you are going to be complained at by people when you beat them. in most cases, this isn't directed at you personally but rather the losing person is frustrated and sees that you played dirty. we all know what playing sim ball is and playing dirty is. someone complaining that you caught a TE post corner route on the final drive? that isn't dirty. someone complaining that you used a d-line glitch to get all your sacks? that is dirty. lets keep it clean but understand that sometimes people need to vent.

3. you are expected to be active in the league and in the thread! you also must have AIM for communication. this is even MORE important for our ps3 league considering the fact that it is harder to communicate on the ps3 over 360 (where you can see everyone online and shoot them a quick IM immediately). some people maybe against AIM, but it's for the good of the league!

4. i'm not sure what the schedule will look like at this point. first off i don't know how many people we will have. secondly i don't know how EA is going to handle the scheduling in their online leagues. these are questions that can only be answered once we have the game in hand and see for ourselves how the online system will work.

5. the league can hold a maximum of 32 people. if we have more than 32 people, the people who have played in past leagues and have been reliable will get into the league. if we have a spot left and everyone who wants in is new member then they will play for that spot.

6. people who have been in the league for a long period are getting their teams. for instance, wellington gets the giants, malley gets the chiefs, rors gets the raiders, DM gets the bucs. that's just the way it is and the way it has to be. for season 3 we can mixup teams, but season 2 will be by the books god dammit! (May not apply here.)

7. season 3 team selection will be on draft basis. i.e. the person with the worst record will have first pick of teams for season 3.

8. there will be between a 3 and 5 day limit to play each week, i haven't decided yet. we'll put it to a vote or something.

Preliminary rules (subject to change!). 90% of these are the rules from last year, so there should be no major surprises. It might seem like a lot and overwhelming to some of the newer guys, but if you read them, it's just common sense and common courtesy to our fellow GAF players.

Type: Unranked
Difficulty: All-Pro (Could be All-Madden?)
Time: 6 minute Quarters
Injuries: On
Random Weather: On

* Manual catches are allowed.

* Action Camera is required.

* Physical defensive line spreading is NOT allowed (as of now).

* You can only move one defensive player pre-snap, and you must control that player.

* Play sim-ball for Pete’s sake. No going for it on 4th down in the 1st quarter in your own territory (see below for 4th down rules), no onsides kicking early in the game, no scrambling out of the pocket at the start of EVERY PLAY, etc. Also, play sim-ball in your play calling. There is NO FUN to be found in playing against 4-wide sets every play, or someone throwing deep bombs over and over and over and over. I know teams like the Colts are big deep passing teams, and that's fine, but mix it up a little as well.

* DO NOT ABUSE THE SLOT CORNER ROUTE OR TE ROUTE! These plays ARE NOT ILLEGAL! However, if you are on the final drive of the game trying to tie the game, and you throw 5 straight corner passes to the slot receiver in a 3-wide set, that is cheesy. Again, mix up your passes. For those that don't know, a slot corner route or TE corner route is when the WR/TE goes straight up the field, and then breaks down the sideline at an angle. Why is this dirty? Because the CPU DB usually won't defend it properly. That's not to say it is a 100% money play, because many zones will stop it and if you have a good enough nickel CB they will defend it properly a good deal of the time, but it is SO easy to complete and it's a guaranteed 10-20 yards. Again, it's not illegal, but don't abuse it.

* No manual blitzing with linebackers or defensive backs. Now, you can call on anyone to blitz from any position on your defense, it's just it can't be YOU controlling him. The reason is that the blocking AI can never pick up a human opponent properly. This is cheap as well, don't do it. There will be no compromising on my part with this rule.

The exceptions are A) if you are playing linebacker/CB, and you are covering the field and the QB BREAKS THE POCKET, you can go after him. As soon as you see the QB scrambling to the right or left, you can go after him; and B) if you have a CPU controlled player already past the offensive line and you want to take control of him, feel free to do so! Load up on that hit stick!

* No pulling your DE off the line of scrimmage and blitzing in with him. This is basically like a manual LB blitz. You can manually rush the QB with anyone on the defensive line, that isn't a problem. The problem is when you move your DE far off to the side so you can get an easy sack. Don't do this, it is cheap.

* No ridiculous sub packages. I don't want to see Devin Hester at TE or Rex Grossman at DE (even though they dominate!). I don't mind if you put a CB in at WR or something that ACTUALLY happens in the NFL, but no BS subs.

* NO CLOCK MILKING UNTIL THE 4th QUARTER! if you are letting the play clock purposely run down to under 10 seconds in the first 3 quarters that is BS. Have some respect for your opponent. If we were playing 15 minute quarters, fine, run the play clock down. But we aren't. We want everyone to have a chance to win, so don't pull out the milking card. In the 4th quarter, milk all you want. The one exception is UNDER the 2-minute warning in the first half -- that's OK to milk.

* DO NOT run up the score on people. If you have a 20 point lead in the 4th, don't attempt to throw bombs to the end zone. This is just common courtesy. Please guys, if you are beating someone hardcore just be content with your win. I know everyone likes to brag about being the #1 rusher or passer or whatever, but it causes unnecessary problems and tension amongst league players. If you are clearly dominating a game, and the scoreboard shows it, just run the ball and be a courteous winner.

* For disconnections: This one is tricky as well. If you lose connection, and the game says "Continue Vs. CPU", that means your opponent has lost connection. Now one of two things can happen here:

A) You can mark down the score and remaining time and start a new game simply playing out the remaining time. For instance, it disconnects with 3 minutes left in the 4th quarter. So start a new unranked game, set the quarter length to 3 minutes, and play out the first quarter. You two can decide who wants to burn a TO for the 2-minute warning (if you do at all).


B) You guys can play an entirely new game. This one is totally up to the two players because it kind of sucks if someone is getting blown out and the other guy disconnects, then the other guy gets screwed. We'll play this by ear, especially since it's still unclear how the EA "league" will handle disconnects.


1. In either half, in your opponent’s territory, 4th-1 or 4th-inches, if you’re winning by 7 or less points or losing.
2. In the 3rd quarter, anywhere, if you’re losing by 14 or more points.
3. In the 4th quarter, anywhere, if you’re losing by any amount.

Any breaking of the rules means an automatic loss. Of course SOME of the above rules are subject to interpretation. But for the most part they are pretty clear cut. If you have questions, just ask!

One very beautiful thing this year is the uploadable replays. If you have a problem with something in your game, upload it!!! Visual evidence > *.

So post here if you're interested!


League ID: 2210
League Name: GAF Rookies League
League Password: neckbeard


[u]Team[/u]		[u]GAF[/u]		[u]GT[/u]		[u]AIM[/u]

Bears		AirBrian	AirBrian	AirBrian14
Lions		Blakero		On The Rochks	karishbhr
Packers		mr stroke	mr stroke
Vikings		Slo	 	SloGrind	NateCantDance

Cowboys		woodchuck 	Dr Tim Whatley	thekavorka87
Eagles		TheDrizzlerJ11	TheDrizzlerJ11
Giants		BigJonsson 	BigJonsson25	BigJonsson24
Redskins	sableholic 	sableholic	sableholic

Bucaneers	Davidr0xu	DavidR0xU	linkvszeldafight
Panthers	Vumpler 	SpoonKiIIah	jason1nk	
Saints		BirdBomb	bird f3c3s

49ers		Birdman02 	Birdman1702	B1rdman02
Cardinals	Nightz		N1ghtz		jaaaaay1
Rams		variance	corey f baby	iamsohardcoreyo

Browns		BillRiccio	coinreturn
Ravens		Furio53		Furio53
Steelers	Classic_Gs	Classic Gs

Bills		LJ11		LJ11
Dolphins	pheeniks 	pheeniks 	the pheeniks
Jets		methodman 	UpunkROCbeezy	aaronsj7
Patriots	dammitmattt	dammitmattt

Colts		tcvr0d 	 	tcvr0d	
Jaguars		MWS Natural	MWS The Natural	MWS The Natural
Titans		bosevan		Farnsworth165	bonsevan77

Chargers	BigAT 		BigAT4		CommandoAT
Chiefs		daw840 	 	DarkQberto	
Denver		Andowsky 	Andowsky	
Raiders		fmwOriginal 	FmW Original	OU543

(Send them a PM if you need a sub for a game.)

1. Righty10

The Fallen (RRODs):

1. Hunter D
2. Somnia
3. Rodeo Clown


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em

3. Vumpler - Panthers

Carolina baby. Real life super bowl champions of 2009! You heard it here first!

*now removes panther goggles*


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Brian since you're running the league Ando said he wanted in. I'm sure he wants denver as always. Since we us AIM and XBL to keep in touch it won't be an issue.


Hunter D said:
I am interested. Hopefully I can dominate in this like I was doing in APF before the league ended. Otto for life!
Do you want Giants? I don't have to use them.

FYI, last two seasons playing with Gaffers I used Cardinals (Leinart = dog shit) and Jaguars.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
This is a little surprising that this hasn't filled up yet... We need a way to let more people know about it. Its good and all that we have a PS3 and 360 league this year but there is no reason this shouldn't fill up as well.
I'll be a dick and go with the Patriots. I've never really gotten to play as an elite team in any of the leagues here, so it will be a nice change :D


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
dammitmattt said:
I'll be a dick and go with the Patriots. I've never really gotten to play as an elite team in any of the leagues here, so it will be a nice change :D
I agree :) Good call. I would rather a vet have the pats.
LiveWire said:
You can have Redskins here if you like, I'll take them on the PS3 instead. If that works for you then I'll take the Saints on 360.

Thats fine with me assuming we can flip that for the 2nd season. Not sure if I'll be in on season 1 of the ps3, but if I am I think I'll be the Saints.


sableholic said:
Thats fine with me assuming we can flip that for the 2nd season. Not sure if I'll be in on season 1 of the ps3, but if I am I think I'll be the Saints.

You mean for 2nd PS3 season right? Yep.


I posted in the last vote/interest thread but am a total noob, I know nothing about NFL bar cheezey sports films but feel like a least picking it up and having a go.


Steroid Distributor
I think I'm in. I might be able to swing getting both versions. So put me down for the Falcons (outta love).
If I decide to drop out I'll give enough time so someone else to take the spot.

And put down Slo for the Vikings before someone else tries to grab them. I know he is in.


woodchuck said:
yes! the first thing i'll do is delete roy williams from the roster

You'll at least have to take him out during all passing situations.:D

It took me a while to finally see the thread, but I'm definitely in with my 49ers (which is the only reason I'm happy that FMT is running the PS3 league).



And for those who haven't picked a team yet, check out the remaining teams in the OP. Get 'em while they're hot!


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Rorschach said:
I'll just assume that was genuine surprise.
How could it even begin to be taken as sarcasm? They are the definite cheeser team of the year on madden. Their stacked stat by stat, its going to be hell playing them all year.


vumpler said:
How could it even begin to be taken as sarcasm?
because of that retarded looking smiley...

They are the definite cheeser team of the year on madden. Their stacked stat by stat, its going to be hell playing them all year.
The cheeser team? When the Pats, Cowboys, and Chargers exist? When their oline is crap (esp the left side), their defensive line is weak (on the left side), their WRs are average, and their QB overthrows everything in sight? McFadden is only rated 85 and he doesn't have moves like the top RBs. All he has is speed and some maneuverability. He's no LT or AD.

Bottom 3 team overall, chief.

Raiders 71
Falcons 67
Dolphins 67

Btw- are you assuming that people will just want to take teams for cheese factor? :p

Anyway, if I wasn't a fan of any of the teams and I had to pick from the list of teams left, I would go:

Jaguars > Packers > Eagles > Ravens > Bengals > Rams >> Seahawks > Cardinals > Raiders > Lions > Texans > Jets

I dunno how you think that they are better than the Jags or Packers...

But it's good that you fear them. You should. :D


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
If that's the case, why hasn't anybody desired the Ravens the last few years? BOLLORTIME Can through 99 yards from Six Feet Under.
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