The Japan Street Fighter 4 national tournament is on tomorrow, starting at 12:00pm Japan time! It's a huge 3 on 3 team tournament and just about every major player in the country is there, and if not, there is a last minute qualifying tournament before the main one!
The tournament is going to be streamed on Nico Nico, and this is actually the first time Capcom is streaming one of their official events, so get on it! The stream is being capped at 10,000 people, so make sure to hit the link on time to get in!
Don't have a Nico Nico account? Check this thread for info on how to register:
Here's the link for the stream:
Here are the current teams for the tournament
Dream Team A: Umehara (Ryu), Bonchan (Sagat), Yu (Akuma)
Dream Team B: Makoto (Vega), Sutoraikun (Ken), M Jyou (Dhalsim)
Dream Team C: Iyo (Dhalsim), Mystery Member A, Mystery Member B
Tokyo Qualifier 1: Shiro (Abel), Ojisanboy (Sagat), Kyabetsu (Viper)
Touhoku Qualifer: Mago (Sagat), Tokido (Akuma), Akimo (Honda)
Kansai Qualifier 1: Y24 (Chun), Pie (Sagat), Umechin (Ryu)
Kyushu Qualifer: RF (Sagat), Kindevu (Rufus), Momochi (Akuma)
Chubu Qualifier: Eita (Akuma), Rikuson (Sagat) and Maeda Taison (Balrog)
Hokkaido Qualifier: Vega Curry (Sagat), Dashio (Viper), Aojiru Guile (Balrog)
Kansai Qualifier 2: MDR (Rufus), Hisshou (Sagat), Pamyu (Balrog)
Shikoku Qualifer: Kuromayutsu (Sagat), Bean (Abel), Black Mamba (Blanka)
Tokyo Qualifer: Itabashi Zangief (Zangief), Fuudo (Ryu), TKD (Fuerte)
Character Count:
Sagat: 9
Akuma: 4
Ryu: 3
Balrog: 3
C.Viper: 2
Rufus: 2
Abel: 2
Chun-Li: 1
Vega: 1
Ken: 1
Dhalsim: 1
Honda: 1
Blanka: 1
Zangief: 1
Fuerte: 1
The tournament is going to be streamed on Nico Nico, and this is actually the first time Capcom is streaming one of their official events, so get on it! The stream is being capped at 10,000 people, so make sure to hit the link on time to get in!
Don't have a Nico Nico account? Check this thread for info on how to register:
Here's the link for the stream:
Here are the current teams for the tournament
Dream Team A: Umehara (Ryu), Bonchan (Sagat), Yu (Akuma)
Dream Team B: Makoto (Vega), Sutoraikun (Ken), M Jyou (Dhalsim)
Dream Team C: Iyo (Dhalsim), Mystery Member A, Mystery Member B
Tokyo Qualifier 1: Shiro (Abel), Ojisanboy (Sagat), Kyabetsu (Viper)
Touhoku Qualifer: Mago (Sagat), Tokido (Akuma), Akimo (Honda)
Kansai Qualifier 1: Y24 (Chun), Pie (Sagat), Umechin (Ryu)
Kyushu Qualifer: RF (Sagat), Kindevu (Rufus), Momochi (Akuma)
Chubu Qualifier: Eita (Akuma), Rikuson (Sagat) and Maeda Taison (Balrog)
Hokkaido Qualifier: Vega Curry (Sagat), Dashio (Viper), Aojiru Guile (Balrog)
Kansai Qualifier 2: MDR (Rufus), Hisshou (Sagat), Pamyu (Balrog)
Shikoku Qualifer: Kuromayutsu (Sagat), Bean (Abel), Black Mamba (Blanka)
Tokyo Qualifer: Itabashi Zangief (Zangief), Fuudo (Ryu), TKD (Fuerte)
Character Count:
Sagat: 9
Akuma: 4
Ryu: 3
Balrog: 3
C.Viper: 2
Rufus: 2
Abel: 2
Chun-Li: 1
Vega: 1
Ken: 1
Dhalsim: 1
Honda: 1
Blanka: 1
Zangief: 1
Fuerte: 1