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OG Xbox Appreciation and Lack of Emulation Thread of the big black box of doom


I was a Gamecube guy at launch day in November 2001, but eventually I wanted to get into online gaming and PCs were still too expensive at the time. Thus, I turned to the Xbox in the summer of 2004, and man was it fantastic. I spent that entire summer playing Rainbow Six 3, Crimson Skies, Mech Assault, and Project Gotham Racing 2 on XBox Live. I raced in PGR2 for days with custom soundtracks - everytime I hear a track off of Oasis' "Be Here Now", I still have nostalgia flashbacks.

I actually think XBox Live was better before Halo 2, because there was a nice distribution of friends across all of these games. Then everybody just started playing Halo 2 non-stop (and eventually CoD). Only recently with Call of Duty getting a little stale have people diversified again.

I cannot fathom why Microsoft has done nothing with the Crimson Skies or Mech Assault franchises since then.
So what are some good FPS games on the OG? I've got Timesplitters 2 and Black already and I'm gonna pick up Future Perfect, Riddick and Darkwatch, anything else I should go ahead and get? Are any of the MoH games any good?

Stubbs The Zombie gets high praise. haven't played it myself.
Aside from Halo of course :p I've got the MCC on Xbox One so I don't need to pick up Halo or Halo 2

XIII is a fun and certainly different kind of FPS. XBOX also had a technically very impressive Doom 3 port that I would greatly recommend if you haven't played a superior version before. Also, although technically a TPS, I'd certainly recommend Metal Arms: Glitch in the System for a great shooting game.

I never played them but I hear the Medal of Honor games for the XBOX are also very fun.
Thanks for the suggestions guys!

It's an oddball pick, but I've been playing Mace Griffin: Bounty hunter for the past week and I was very surprised by how good it is, as I remembered thinking it was a bit crap when I was younger. Beside the very cool seamless space combat-FPS transition the game has surprisingly creative and challenging set-pieces.

The game is rather difficult, and sometimes not for the right reasons. Not a *classic*, but for the adventurous FPS playa, I'd say it's worth playing.
I'll look into it, thanks! :)


So what are some good FPS games on the OG? I've got Timesplitters 2 and Black already and I'm gonna pick up Future Perfect, Riddick and Darkwatch, anything else I should go ahead and get? Are any of the MoH games any good?

It's an oddball pick, but I've been playing Mace Griffin: Bounty hunter for the past week and I was very surprised by how good it is, as I remembered thinking it was a bit crap when I was younger. Beside the very cool seamless space combat-FPS transition the game has surprisingly creative and challenging set-pieces.

The game is rather difficult, and sometimes not for the right reasons. Not a *classic*, but for the adventurous FPS playa, I'd say it's worth playing.


What about unconventional Japanese first person shooter/brawler Breakdown? I think it's fascinating and definitely worth a look if you want something different from the mundane. Also Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath has a good amount of shooting with actually live ammo. The Xbox also has a good version of Star Wars: Republic Commando.

I just finished playing through Psychonauts, which was originally developed for Win/Xbox anyway (the PS2 port was handled by a different dev and is worse) so I'm putting it in this thread. I don't know why I stopped playing this all those long years ago, but this has to be one of the best platformers ever. There are some control issues here and there but the creativity on display is outstanding. The good aspects easily eclipse the bad. Best way to describe it is a 3D platformer with adventure game elements. Fantastic dialogue and top-notch voice acting, too.

Some level design had a dream-like quality that fit the theme of traveling through minds perfectly. That Napoleon board game level was so impressive. You're in a room with a large picture window watching two people play a board game. You can jump into the board and land on a larger version of the board game. You can then further interact with the buildings and, upon doing so, you'll zoom in and see a smaller version of yourself walking outside the building, which now becomes the playable character. Just fantastic.

Couple of complaints, though. Overall the pacing felt a bit weird. Having access to the full camp from the start probably has roots in adventure gaming, but gating it off slightly to better space out the mind dives might have been a better idea. I tended to glut on one or the other just because I could and it led to a bit of fatigue. That's just me, though. The one serious complaint I can level against it are the figments, which act as the game's abundant collectible (think music notes in Banjo-Kazooie.) Their 2D nature make them difficult to see from certain angles, an issue often exacerbated by their color and their annoying tendency to fade in and out. Collecting them all was a pain in the ass, though hardly necessary.

Great game all around. I feel like an idiot for putting it off for so long and I feel bad that Majesco lost so much money publishing it. Double Fine came out the gates with an incredibly strong showing to no commercial fanfare at all, despite being a critical darling. Horrible.


I started Breakdown the other night, seemed fun with dose of jank.

Heads-up, it's going to get difficult later on, very difficult. Keep at it though. Breakdown is hands-down one of the best games I've ever played. Make sure you're paying attention to the story too. It's intricate and full of hidden details that will eventually make sense.

At one point, I wanted to quit playing because it was exceptionally tough. I took a break from the game and returned over a month later. Even then, it took several tries, but the sense of accomplishment obtained from overcoming that challenge has yet to be matched.

When the credits finally rolled, it was as if I'd taken part in one of the greatest action movies ever made.


Recording equipment is out, going to take video as much as I can.


Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Weird question: Has anyone else found that the spine for Genma Onimusha is a different shade of green than other Xbox games? It almost looks like it's sun-faded... and I've seen a few copies that look this way.
welp, modded xbox died. i took out the chip (Duo X2 or something) and hdd. Already have a back up one and I might make it a project one day to learn to mod it.


welp, modded xbox died. i took out the chip (Duo X2 or something) and hdd. Already have a back up one and I might make it a project one day to learn to mod it.

I just soft modded my PAL machine, can't believe why I didn't do it earlier. Very simple too! Is there any advantage using a hardware mod over softmodding?
I just soft modded my PAL machine, can't believe why I didn't do it earlier. Very simple too! Is there any advantage using a hardware mod over softmodding?

I'm not sure, actually. Which guide did you use? I can't think of too many reasons to even have a modded system anymore (after trying all the betas and stuff like that), but maybe a soft mod with serve my needs.

the biggest loss was my 100+ hour PSO save, but I was planning on rerolling anyway.
I dropped mine on the concrete in the rain while taking it to a friends house for a Halo LAN. Never skipped a beat, and didn't chip the paint or anything. Thing was a beast.

Loved my OG Xbox. I was a Nintendo fanboy right up to I played Halo. My brother bought a Xbox and I bought a Gamecube, and I converted that day to love both Nintendo and Microsoft.


Which guide did you use? I can't think of too many reasons to even have a modded system anymore (after trying all the betas and stuff like that), but maybe a soft mod with serve my needs.

the biggest loss was my 100+ hour PSO save, but I was planning on rerolling anyway.

Softmodding has many benefits:

- full region unlock (living in EU, NTSC 480p mode is quite a step up)
- installing your game discs to hdd
- Being able to use various emulators
- ftp client (really handy for backing up your games)

There are plenty of video tutorials covering the whole process on youtube, I can PM you the one I used.


Are the XBOX controllers only supposed to respond if the face buttons are pushed all the way in? They are only seeming to respond if I mash them all of the way in, nothing happens if I lightly push them.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Are the XBOX controllers only supposed to respond if the face buttons are pushed all the way in? They are only seeming to respond if I mash them all of the way in, nothing happens if I lightly push them.

No, it sounds like your controller is fucked.


Are the XBOX controllers only supposed to respond if the face buttons are pushed all the way in? They are only seeming to respond if I mash them all of the way in, nothing happens if I lightly push them.
Some games which make use of the analog functionality can require sustained substantial pressure, which can make your thumb sore over a long play session depending on how it's seated over the buttons.

For usual button functionality, although they're heavier than many other console buttons, they shouldn't require anything that could remotely be described as "mashing."
Picked up a few games at the flea market. I've been wanting these for a long while, but never got around to buying them for some reason.


This new store at the flea market is great. Tons of games for pretty much any console, most complete. They even had some import Saturn and MegaDrive games. The boxed NES, SNES, and N64 games were really expensive, though. All I bought were the Xbox games, since I didn't have all that much on me.
Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction is one of the most underrated super hero games ever!! It also has one amazing soundtrack. it feels very satisfying kick everyone's ass.


I just soft modded my PAL machine, can't believe why I didn't do it earlier. Very simple too! Is there any advantage using a hardware mod over softmodding?

At this point, not really. A hard mod would give you a bit more control to customize the software and you'd gain the ability to use unlocked HDDs, but it's probably not worth the added effort/risk for most gamers. When Xbox Live went down in 2010, the primary benefit of a hard mod was negated.

Yes, guaranteed. If you're gaming on a flat screen, you have input lag. How much is the real question.

My Samsung clocks under 50ms, which is imperceivable.


Finally got around to getting an Xbox memory card after 10+ years of having an Xbox in order to backup certain important saves to another unit and muh-ther-fucker. They were locking saves to consoles even back then. Why. Oh no they're gonna have control of their save games! Gotta stop that!

Wait a minute why is the Xbox thread crammed in Community, but the Gamecube and PS2 threads are still in Gaming? What kind of crap is that.
Finally got around to getting an Xbox memory card after 10+ years of having an Xbox in order to backup certain important saves to another unit and muh-ther-fucker. They were locking saves to consoles even back then. Why. Oh no they're gonna have control of their save games! Gotta stop that!

Wait a minute why is the Xbox thread crammed in Community, but the Gamecube and PS2 threads are still in Gaming? What kind of crap is that.

They'll get there eventually.


I got a Duke controller today (never held one before) and I'm wondering: Is this just, like, placebo on my part, or are the analog sticks on it more precise than on the S controller? At the very least, it seems to have a smaller deadzone...

Also got a component cable and man, people weren't kidding. The jump between SD and 480p is HUGE.


love the QVC style automated lazy susan presentation. It's a really good non-awkward way of showing all sides of stuff without handsounds from moving a camera around something manually

Hah glad you liked it. With my shaky hands, I know I cant steady a video when Im moving, and honestly I thought it just looked a ton better this way. Far better than moving a camera around, just steady clean shots. Heck, even walking on the other side of the house causes wobbles at 4k, so I couldnt imagine moving around.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Silent Hill 2 doesn't replicate some of the visual effects properly, namely the flashlight. Fog might've been off, too. The Xbox version added the Restless Dreams scenario, but that was also in the PS2 GH version.

Not quite the same thing, but Super Monkey Ball Deluxe combines SMB 1 and 2's content, and adds some stuff... but bungles the controls. The sensitivity is off, and it's not just the difference between the feel of the GC and Xbox's controllers.

The PS2 version of Street Fighter: Anniversary Collection was more accurate in its 3s port.

Shenmue II is arguably better due to the DC version offering Japanese audio with English subtitles.

Some of the SNK ports were better on the PS2, like Metal Slug 4/5 (not that those are even particularly good games.)
So my xbox has been giving me a lot of disc read errors lately, and I'm pretty sure it's a Thompson disc drive. Does it even make sense to buy a new drive (+ tools) vs. buying a used xbox? I feel weird saying this...but the xbox has sentimental value.


Best case scenario is it's a dirty lens. Try cleaning it with a q-tip and rubbing alcohol before doing anything drastic. To get to the drive you need a torx 20 and torx 10, preferably magnetic tip because a couple of the holes are deep down and it's a pain in the ass otherwise.


So my xbox has been giving me a lot of disc read errors lately, and I'm pretty sure it's a Thompson disc drive. Does it even make sense to buy a new drive (+ tools) vs. buying a used xbox? I feel weird saying this...but the xbox has sentimental value.

Go ahead and get the tools (you'll need torx bits). If you clean the DVD drive and get it to a state where it can mostly read discs, you can softmod it and throw in a bigger HDD. This way, you never have to deal with the discs again.

A decent DVD drive will run you about $50 and a used Xbox goes for about $40.
A 500GB IDE can be had for just $30.
Best case scenario is it's a dirty lens. Try cleaning it with a q-tip and rubbing alcohol before doing anything drastic. To get to the drive you need a torx 20 and torx 10, preferably magnetic tip because a couple of the holes are deep down and it's a pain in the ass otherwise.

Go ahead and get the tools (you'll need torx bits). If you clean the DVD drive and get it to a state where it can mostly read discs, you can softmod it and throw in a bigger HDD. This way, you never have to deal with the discs again.

A decent DVD drive will run you about $50 and a used Xbox goes for about $40.
A 500GB IDE can be had for just $30.

Alright, thanks - I'll start by cleaning the drive and see what happens.

Regarding soft modding, that still requires an Action Replay + Splinter Cell, correct?
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