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OH MY! Big breaking story at Drudge about Kerry's Vietnam time!

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yes actually now that you mention it.. some of them sound like some 12 year old made them up on the spot.. but apparently they had private investigators put this together, and probably eye witness accounts from vietnam veterans with him and what not.

could be interesting... could end up floating away and never doing anything..

or if something comes out as being true, for sure, this could really screw him.


Kerry entered an abandoned Vietnamese village and slaughtered the domestic animals owned by the civilians and burned down their homes with his Zippo lighter.

There goes the PETA vote.


Isn't this just the book from the Nixon-era hatchet man? He's made these claims many times already and him and his organization already had plenty of press - and a lot of it called his objectivity and sources into question.

The earlier thread about the book, and one of the other times Drudge BROKE the NEWS about THESE ALLEGATIONS. This news has been consistently broken since the early '70s, nice to see Drudge managing to break the news of the imminent breaking of the books embargo... unlike last week when he broke the news of the books impending publication.
calder said:
Isn't this just the book from the Nixon-era hatchet man? He's made these claims many times already and him and his organization already had plenty of press - and a lot of it called his objectivity and sources into question.

I believe its a book written by like 19 people that were with him on the swift boats.


This is a new book that features 21 or so of the guys who served under Kerry claiming he is 'unfit for command.'


You could probably fill shelves with all the "Bush is a worthless fucker" books. But apparently that's not news. =\

Drudge has been pushing this book for some time now. Didn't Drudge say last week that only 2 Swift Boat vets would appear with Kerry at the convention? And how many actually showed up....like 11?


calder said:
Isn't this just the book from the Nixon-era hatchet man? He's made these claims many times already and him and his organization already had plenty of press - and a lot of it called his objectivity and sources into question.

Yea, I could have sworn I already read a few articles about this on another thread not to long ago. In fact, I think someone actually dug up a few links associating this person with the "Swift Boat Vietnam Vets for Truth" that's funded by a republican organization?


If this was about Bush there would be people screaming for his head right now and the thread would be on fire, teh funny.


Tag of Excellence
border said:
You could probably fill shelves with all the "Bush is a worthless fucker" books. But apparently that's not news. =\
Don't worry, I'm pretty sure there are nutcases out there fabricating enchanting tales to fill those books at this moment.


Hang out with Steve.
It doesn't matter if it's actually true or not. Republicans can and always do shed this sort of thing, but it'll be tough for Kerry to.


Kerry entered an abandoned Vietnamese village and slaughtered the domestic animals owned by the civilians and burned down their homes with his Zippo lighter.

Yeah that sounds 100% believable.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I find it hard to believe that Kerry is some cow burning bastard.
i dunno; this is coming from many people who are putting their names on this and saying its fact, that they were there and witnessed it with him..

it would be easy to do a lie detector test to these men.. if you have multiple men, all vouching for this happening, taking a lie detector case.. i think this would fuck kerry..

whoever rich republican is funding this should pay for that immediately if he really wanted results.
Oh for God's sake, this is going on too long

EviLore from previously mentioned thread said:
Note: links c/o Andrew Mayer and triggercut, and not necessarily representative of my views, as I haven't actually read them (yet). Just noticed that this was being discussed in another forum:

History of the leader of the swift boat veterans for truth


Further deconstruction:



The guy is a hatchet man, check the previous thread:


He is a relic of the fucking NIXON adminstration. Get over it.


LuckyBrand said:
i dunno; this is coming from many people who are putting their names on this and saying its fact, that they were there and witnessed it with him..
Technically this is coming from Drudge, who has pressed numerous false leads in his Kerry witch-hunt. I would wait until the book is actually out to see exactly what it is these guys are putting their names on.

If a scathing 100 million dollar blockbuster movie isn't enough to destroy George Bush then I doubt a book is going to destroy Kerry.
Kerry entered an abandoned Vietnamese village and slaughtered the domestic animals owned by the civilians and burned down their homes with his Zippo lighter.

In other news, stocks of Zippo, fall a billion points, making the stock end at, get this, Zippo.

Jon Beegotie Reporting.


These are the same kinds of atrocities Kerry said the US military made soldiers do back when he was an activist with that Vietnam vets against the war group years ago. Sounds like the people he accused are just trying to tie him up in the same mess.


First tragedy, then farce.
If anyone listens to Air America Radio.. it was either the show with Chuck D or the Franken Factor where they interviewed a guy who was talking about this private reported hired for this book months ago :p

And yeah, the guy paying for this private eye is the single biggest private GOP contributer in the state of texas.


The funny thing about O'neil is that, whilst being a Nixonian pos, claimed that Kerry lied about atrocities comitted in 'nam. If they didn't happen they hardly could have been comitted by Kerry. Then again, he was a pos when he was Nixon's attack dog and he still hasn't let it go.


What I always found weird was a picture in Kerry's own ad campain. Did you ever notice that picture where hes on a boat with a group of guys? Did you also notice where Kerry is? He's on the far right, away from the actual group. It looks like he jumped in when they were taking a picture or a photoshop job. It just looks so unnatural that's hes so far off to the right.


I always knew it, from the first time I saw Kerry's face, that he had burned a cow. That glare in the eyes, it never leaves you.


Boogie9IGN said:
I always knew it, from the first time I saw Kerry's face, that he had burned a cow. That glare in the eyes, it never leaves you.

haha, this cracked me up


mightynine said:
Hey, how does this have anything to do with protecting the country against Al-Q?

Oh, right, it DOESN'T.
Didn't John Kerry just spend a week making the argument otherwise. The thesis of the 4 day convention seemed to be John Kerry served in Vietnam therefore he is fit to be President. They didn't even speak about his political career, so they seemed to be making the case rather clearly.

I agree it makes no sense at all. I don't care about his service record, I care about his political record. What he did during the McGovern campaign, what he did as Lt. Governor for Mike Dukakis, and what he did as Senator for 19 years is what should impact whether he is capable of protecting the country. Unfortunately Kerry doesn't agree and for some strange reason wants to run away from his political record and solely focus on his 4 months in Vietnam. John Kerry made a concerted effort to erase the last 33 years of his life from the record, so I guess we're stuck focusing on Vietnam and the crimes he committed there.

Either way it's bad news for John Kerry, whether you want to focus on the past or the present, neither one makes John Kerry look good.

I'm just amazed that Democrats would choose a guy who admitted to brutalizing people and burning down villages as their nominee. I think a lot of people are willing to look past that and focus on current issues, but I don't see a lot of liberals being able to look past these things John Kerry has admitted to.


Kerry and Vietnam was such a circus and created alot of animosty. I'm surprised the Kerry campaign has not tried to avoid speaking about it. Bringing it up only causes to resurface all these ugly accusations.


Fjord said:
Its the self inflicted wounds that disturb me.

Thats funny. For me whats disturbing is how quickly you would accept all this crap.

Again, for the dim-witted and slow reading - This book is written by a Nixon-era hatchet man that has no way of backing up any of his claims. Its literally his word against Kerry's...On second thought its his word against the word of everybody who has gone on the record concerning Kerry's military record. As hard as it may be to admit, Kerry's earned all of his medals. But what should I accept from a populace that would put down an honest to goodness Hero in favor of a man who went AWOL for five months?


It's funny how quick people are to believe a disreputable, sensationalistic source.....so long as that source agrees with their politics.


The double standards in this forum are the worst. I'm no bush supporter, but judging from GA history, had this been something about Bush's past I'm sure more people would believe it in an instant.

(and spare the bush-vietnam jokes)
Why do you find the idea of him burning down villages with a Zippo so laughable/unrealistic?? Zippo raids are an infamous, well-documented aspect of the war..
---- said:
I think a lot of people are willing to look past that and focus on current issues, but I don't see a lot of liberals being able to look past these things John Kerry has admitted to.

But it's when folks like Hannity keep bringing it up and make it some sort of issue is why it keeps coming up.

In all honesty, bringing this up would be if Kerry or the Democratic Party brought up every day Bush's drug use back in the day or something. It's really a non-issue.

So what if Kerry did all this? You probably couldn't find 100 soldiers who didn't participate in some sort of activity they now regret. But how exactly does this affect America?
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