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OH MY! Big breaking story at Drudge about Kerry's Vietnam time!

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mightynine said:
But it's when folks like Hannity keep bringing it up and make it some sort of issue is why it keeps coming up.

In all honesty, bringing this up would be if Kerry or the Democratic Party brought up every day Bush's drug use back in the day or something. It's really a non-issue.

So what if Kerry did all this? You probably couldn't find 100 soldiers who didn't participate in some sort of activity they now regret. But how exactly does this affect America?

Kerry is the one who moved the discussion and focus of his campaign to Vietnam. What do you expect to happen? The sole focus of the convention was on John Kerry's military service. Every night the speakers spoke about his war record and ignored his political record, Clinton advocated him as the nominee because of his service, Kerry came into the convention on a boat with veterans, had a steven spielberg style movie made that highlighted only his vietnam service, had max cleland introduce him and appeared on stage with vietnam veterans before saluting and saying he was reporting for duty and then going into a speech which wholly ignored his 19 years as a Senator and focused on why his Vietnam service makes him adequate to fight the war on terror. John Kerry obviously wanted this election to be about Vietnam. I don't think it should be about Vietnam either, the situation we are dealing with today has nothing to do with Vietnam, but John Kerry is at fault for the focus of the election now being on Vietnam. This is what he wanted.

I know Republicans view John Kerry's political record as great ammunition to use against him, but what I'm amazed at is that John Kerry obviously believes it is too. I really would never have guessed that his entire convention was going to focus so heavily on military service during Vietnam and ignore everything after it. First reason I'm surprised is because I'm amazed that this wouldn't turn off his base. Liberals never seemed very impressed by George Bush, Bob Dole, or even Wesley Clark's military service. Second reason is while I always knew that Republicans viewed Kerry's political record as embarassing I never thought that the Kerry campaign would want to hide it so much. I always thought the Republicans were exaggerating and not giving any credit to maybe some of the few good things Kerry had accomplished in office. I expected at the convention and in Kerry's speech we would hear a number of important things he had accomplished in office for the last 20 years. I'm honestly surprised that there is nothing for him to speak of.


goddamit, Griese!
Tenguman said:
The double standards in this forum are the worst. I'm no bush supporter, but judging from GA history, had this been something about Bush's past I'm sure more people would believe it in an instant.

No shit. I will not vote for Bush, but the political topics here are just unreadable. Anything negative about Bush = "WHAT A DUMBASS LYING WAR LOVER CANT WAIT TILL HE LOSES" Anything negative about Kerry = "WHO CARES THIS IS BS WTF DON'T BELIEVE IT BUSH SUCKS"


*drowns in jizz*
---- said:
Kerry is the one who moved the discussion and focus of his campaign to Vietnam. What do you expect to happen? The sole focus of the convention was on John Kerry's military service. Every night the speakers spoke about his war record and ignored his political record, Clinton advocated him as the nominee because of his service, Kerry came into the convention on a boat with veterans, had a steven spielberg style movie made that highlighted only his vietnam service, had max cleland introduce him and appeared on stage with vietnam veterans before saluting and saying he was reporting for duty and then going into a speech which wholly ignored his 19 years as a Senator and focused on why his Vietnam service makes him adequate to fight the war on terror. John Kerry obviously wanted this election to be about Vietnam. I don't think it should be about Vietnam either, the situation we are dealing with today has nothing to do with Vietnam, but John Kerry is at fault for the focus of the election now being on Vietnam. This is what he wanted.

I know Republicans view John Kerry's political record as great ammunition to use against him, but what I'm amazed at is that John Kerry obviously believes it is too. I really would never have guessed that his entire convention was going to focus so heavily on military service during Vietnam and ignore everything after it. First reason I'm surprised is because I'm amazed that this wouldn't turn off his base. Liberals never seemed very impressed by George Bush, Bob Dole, or even Wesley Clark's military service. Second reason is while I always knew that Republicans viewed Kerry's political record as embarassing I never thought that the Kerry campaign would want to hide it so much. I always thought the Republicans were exaggerating and not giving any credit to maybe some of the few good things Kerry had accomplished in office. I expected at the convention and in Kerry's speech we would hear a number of important things he had accomplished in office for the last 20 years. I'm honestly surprised that there is nothing for him to speak of.

True. I also found that annoying.

HOWEVER- I would have to say that kerry was politically forced into doing that. With the nations obsession about security, and the Bush admins relentless ads and hammering in of how Kerry is 'weak', 'soft on terror', etc etc etc..I probably would have done the same. Whether its justifiable or not,the bush admin has succeeded in making it the overriding issue, and keeping the nation on edge. Nothing else matters if the image of kerry being unable to defend the country is set in people mind. Yes, the vietnam bit was overdone. But I dont think they had any other choice.


Small balls, big fun!
Man, this news is so bad that Sid Blumenthal just belted his wife and Kerry's about to step down and let his running mate, Hillary Clinton, take over!


Eminem said:
No shit. I will not vote for Bush, but the political topics here are just unreadable. Anything negative about Bush = "WHAT A DUMBASS LYING WAR LOVER CANT WAIT TILL HE LOSES" Anything negative about Kerry = "WHO CARES THIS IS BS WTF DON'T BELIEVE IT BUSH SUCKS"

It's really not worth your time. Just know that 2/3rds of the outspoken liberals in this forum aren't of legal age to vote.

I'm done discussing politics on this forum, and I've only discussed them in the last two months. On well, ce la vie.


Meier said:
Damn, Drudge is getting major exclusives lately.
Yeah, just like that "exclusive" about Kerry's affair with an intern, which would "implode" his campaign. Remember that?

Oh yeah, nobody does. Because it was complete BS.
well considering one of the democratic presidential candidates also thought it was true..

edit: that being the intern thing.. wes clark was the one that started that.


StoOgE said:
Yeah, Clinton sure went AWOL... its called being a Rhodes scholar.

Exactly, I wouldnt go to a fucking war I dont support, especially if Im in graduate school at Oxford.


they call me "Man Gravy".
pollo said:
Exactly, I wouldnt go to a fucking war I dont support, especially if Im in graduate school at Oxford.

Take school at Oxford and smoke pot all day versus ... going to war.



Chili Con Carnage!
Wasnt bush protecting texas from the commies by playing golf durin vietnam?

What is the american obsession with electing ex-soldiers?


Something about them knowing how to protect us, which I think is bullshit. Being in the 'shit' during the Vietnam war doesn't suddenly make you cognoscent of how to battle international terror, or fight a war. Almost all Presidents surround themsleves with staff & generals that are much smarter than they are. Unless Al-Qaeda storms the Whitehouse, and the President needs to resort to using firearms, war experience isn't needed for the presidency.

What I do think fighting in a war can do is make you think twice before sending people to die.


"What is the american obsession with electing ex-soldiers?"

It has something to do with the idea that the commander in chief (the president) commands the largest, most powerful military in the history of mankind... and one that is far and away the most dominant force currently in the world.

Not a requirement per se.. but the magnitude of the position almost demands that the president know something about how the military functions.
Tenguman said:
The double standards in this forum are the worst. I'm no bush supporter, but judging from GA history, had this been something about Bush's past I'm sure more people would believe it in an instant.

(and spare the bush-vietnam jokes)

I doubt it. There isn't much of a record of Bush going to Vietnam... so saying this about Bush would have been hard to believe.


Damn, Drudge is getting major exclusives lately.

I remember hearing a story on NPR last week about this book and a group the author is involved with. They also interviewed other veterans who disagree with the assertions and where there as well. So it depends on who you want to believe.


Oh my ........So this means that some ploliticians have done bad things in their lives, and *gasp* are not really who they say they are and *gasp* have other motives for wanting to be president ......they better hurry and break this news to the good people of america, they need to know that their government is in danger of becoming corrupt....


Yup, both Kerry and Bush suck. Let's not vote for either them. Let's vote for a third party.

Kang: "Go ahead. Throw your vote away."

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