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Oh my... can it be? is it? Oh hell YES! - Right On Commander!



Unconfirmed Member
Sooo, My brother comes around today and says he read an interview in one of this months crop of PC Gaming magazines with David "Wallace&GromettWTF" Braben where he apparently revealed that that game, the one I, along with many many others have almost given up on, has in fact been under development, not under the rug, for the last 5 years.

Unfortunately he (my brother) is the type to stand in WH Smiths at the Magazine rack for 90 minutes - gets his reading fill & then leave, so has no idea what magazine it was, but it spurred me into my usual once yearly trawl for information about that game, and goddamn it take a look what I found (From this months EDGE):


If anyone has the text of the apparent interview, or even just knows what mag it was, please provide further details from the article, pretty please, with sugar on top...

And some of you whippersnappers think waiting for HL2 has been hard, waiting for E4 has been a near decade long debacle of having hope smited, restored, smited, restored & smited again has made the wait for HL2 a case of "it was delayed? really?" for me.

And again for good measure, because I'm pumped...


* The poster reserves the right to have his hopes dashed again & again, a right he exercises, often..


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I haven't played Elite since way back when my main computer was an Apple IIc. I tried downloading an Apple emulator, but it just didn't seem the same. It was a fun game, but was there actually any objective in the first one other than eventually outfitting your little cargo ship into practically a space fortress via selling narcotics and the people in the escape pods of the ships you destroyed that you fuel-scooped up and could then sell as slaves?


Banstick Emeritus

A sequel that fans have been screaming for since, oh...the early 90's?

A sequel to the space trading/fighting/simming title that set the bar so freaking high that no title has even come close? (Privateer, I'm looking at YOU)

A sequel that will make the blind hear, the deaf walk, and restore sight to the lame?

Slo said:

After looking at the ad and skimming his rather stream of consciousness style post, I have come to the theory that he means he is excited by the prospect of the possible release of Elite 4. Unless Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 excites him and he confuses E with R and T and 3 with 4.

Sounds like a fascinating series.


Unconfirmed Member
Tim gets it :D

BTW Bish, You can guess where one of my few job apps is now directed... *big fucking grin*

Say it with me...

Elite... FUCKING 4...

Elite 4 has been unofficially confirmed on frontier.co.uk for years.

I need _something_ to really start getting excited. Concept art, screenshots, music, anything. The promise that it will eventually show up isn't enough. Elite 2 took 5 years to make.


Knows the Score
There used to be concept art on the site, it was a humanoid figure.
Also, I seem to remember reading that it was started, scrapped, and started again, so until I see something a bit more substantial I'll remain sceptical.


Unconfirmed Member
Well, I had to go get that mag today, so heres some bits & pieces:

* Development didn't start until 2000
* Many of the games they have released in the meantime have provided Frontier with the toolset & technologies needed for Elite IV (Animation in "A Dogs Life" - Crowd AI etc in RCT3 etc.)

"It's still a long way off... but you have to understand that I have high expectations for Elite IV. I don't want to release something that is rubbish to play, it's been such a long time since the last Elite that it has to be just right - and I'm more concious of that that anyone" - David Braben

And the article conclusion:
Braben refuses to allow Elite IV to be pigeonholed so early on, but it seems obvious that 1st or 3rd person combat will be a key feature as indeed will freewheeling space adventuring. Braben has also made it clear he wishes to replicate the accessibility of the first game with the detail of the 2 sequels. But the biggest challenge for his Frontier team (One that Braben is clearly aware of) is in recreating a vast universe - one that will display all the colour and chaos of humankind, artificial or otherwise. Braben simply wants to revolutionise games, again.


SiegfriedFM said:
Elite 4 has been unofficially confirmed on frontier.co.uk for years.

I need _something_ to really start getting excited. Concept art, screenshots, music, anything. The promise that it will eventually show up isn't enough. Elite 2 took 5 years to make.

I still have a bad taste in my mouth from Stars Supernova Genesis going nowhere for half a dozen years. :(


one of these days i'll have to finish my xbox version of elite and unleash the source code for fans of moded xbox's the world over to enjoy.. damn work keeps getting in the way tho :(
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