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Oh my God....Dead or alive Ultimate Intro >>>> All other game intros....

whoa.....that was fuckin great....i didnt even expect it to be as good as it would be from the beginning, i thought it was gonna be some real cheesy short bullshit.....

and the aerosmith song of course rocks.



Yes, I agree. Surprisingly the Aerosmith song fits really really well with the pacing of the intro cinematic.


Young Kasumi and Ayane have a disturbingly Cabbage Patch Kid look to them in the intro, but the light it sheds on the backstory of the game more than makes up for that, IMO. It makes me wonder if this was something Itagaki wanted to do back when DOA 2 was originally released, but couldn't get green-lighted at the time. (Supposedly it was quite expensive to produce.) Kasumi's ending, in particular, suggests to me that he had that intro in mind from the beginning--it actually makes sense now, which it really didn't when you saw it by itself in the earlier versions.


GameFan Alumnus
What is the deal with Kasumi's ending? I beat it with her twice (on normal and easy) and got no ending. It went straight to credits. Do you have to beat it on hard to get her ending or what?

As for the intro, I didn't think it was that great. It was surprisingly long, and story development is nice, but the quality of the FMV was not as good as the endings in DOA3.
Eggo said:
What is the deal with Kasumi's ending? I beat it with her twice (on normal and easy) and got no ending. It went straight to credits. Do you have to beat it on hard to get her ending or what?

As for the intro, I didn't think it was that great. It was surprisingly long, and story development is nice, but the quality of the FMV was not as good as the endings in DOA3.

i wasnt speaking in terms of graphical quality (blizzard's stuff would is much better imo)....but more of the way it was done, animation, and the story development.


works for Gamestop (lol)
RiZ III said:
Onimusha 3 Intro > All

Is there a way to view movies on a PC from a PS2 game? I want to rip this intro directly from the game's data files and watch it over and over
Fixed2BeBroken said:
i thought it the feel of it was perfect.
It had its moments, I'll give it that, but overall I thought it felt off.

Plus, everytime anyone sees it for the first time, they are going to ask you "Dude, is that Aerosmith?" and then you have to have this conversation again.
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