Why not go to a bar, have a few drinks, tons of laughs, good times, and then pick up some chick and have sex? Seems more fun to me.
My Chad level is likely much lower than yours, when I did go to bars with guy friends we never had a huddle, then "1, 2, 3, break!" and disperse in different directions to try and find the sex! We just hung out and went our ways when we were done, it was more about hanging with the guys watching a game or bullshitting or whatever.
For me going to the strip club with friends was about having a good time - it's a fun rowdy atmosphere similar to going to see a fight, it isn't about trying to get pussy, at least any time I've gone that wasn't the case. Maybe for people who go alone it is? I don't know, anytime I've gone I rarely ever saw someone just sitting quietly alone it was usually all groups of people having fun. And any time I've gone none of the people I've gone with are talking about how horny they are or how can they get fucked that night or anything either, it's just more of a party with some nice scenery (chicks) to look at. I've been with just a couple guy friends at times, a mix of guy and girl friends and other times with my girlfriend and a couple other couples - every time it was pretty much the same just chillin, chatting and laughing with fun vibes.
You can do all of that and hit the brothel at the end of the night and have actual sex for less than you'd spend in a strip club.
Never paid for a brothel no idea how much they cost, strip club typically spent 50-75 the times I went I think. Again, when I've gone it's for the fun social group aspect, was never about getting off.