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OK, here's how to eliminate timeout crap from MGS3 demo.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I was experimenting with this last night, and found a way to eliminate that nasty timeout from the demo, once and for all, without having to enter any gameshark codes or anything.

This works with demo installed using the HDLoader.

- Extract files from the MGS3 demo image you made earlier

- Edit SYSTEM.CNF so that it looks like this:

BOOT2 = cdrom0:\MGS\MGS3.ELF;1
VER = 1.00

- From now on, you only need SYSTEM.CNF and MGS folder in the new disc image that you will make later.

- Go to MGS folder, and hexedit the MGS3.ELF. Search for the hex sequence:

53 43 45 5F 44 44 5C 53 43 45 5F 44 44 2E 45 4C 46 3B 31

replace it with:

4D 47 53 5C 4D 47 53 33 2E 45 4C 46 3B 31 00 00 00 00 00

If you look at the new ASCII string in your editor, you will see that what you just did will tell the demo to load it's own executable every time it tries to load the OPM frontend executable (which happens every time after a timeout).

Make an image, put on the HDD, run it using the HDloader. You will notice that there's a black screen sitting there for a good minute - don't worry, it's normal - and there will be some white lines flashing couple of times, all the while HDD will be loading. What actually happens is that the demo keeps timing out before it's even started (a known issue), and re-loading itself, due to a hex edit you just made. It must happen because it's reading some memory location expecting to find a value for the timeout counter. As it's not finding it, it just quits (and re-loads). After it loads itself 7th or 8th time, some leftover garbage will fill that memory hole where the expected counter is supposed to be located, and from then on, the demo will start, and never time out. Just start it, and play it the way it's meant to be played :)


What difference does the timeout make, anyway? You have more than enough time to play around, listen to every codec message, view every cinema, and complete the demo.


snapty00 said:
What difference does the timeout make, anyway? You have more than enough time to play around, listen to every codec message, view every cinema, and complete the demo.
Let's say you're pressed up against a wall, waiting for a guard to pass or what have you. Stay there too long, and bam, restart.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Or just laying in the grass waiting to sneak behind the guard or avoid them during the alert - Bam, you're thrown out of the demo and into the demo browser. It's *incredibly* annoying, as it always happens when you're having your whole attention on what's going on, and then it smacks you without even a warning


BuddyChrist83 said:
Let's say you're pressed up against a wall, waiting for a guard to pass or what have you. Stay there too long, and bam, restart.
I stayed at several places for several minutes at a time, and I never had it reset...to tell you the truth, I don't even know what happens when it resets. :O I've never seen it reset. I think the time-out timer is way too long for a demo.


Neo Member
This seems like an awful lot of effort to eliminate an annoyance from a demo of a game that will be released in a couple of weeks.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I stayed at several places for several minutes at a time, and I never had it reset...to tell you the truth, I don't even know what happens when it resets. :O I've never seen it reset. I think the time-out timer is way too long for a demo.
The timeout is exactly 30 seconds, and you can't even cancel it by moving the right stick (which is what I often do to look around when I'm hidden somewhere)

This seems like an awful lot of effort to eliminate an annoyance from a demo of a game that will be released in a couple of weeks.
Don't let the amount of text in my first post confuse you, it takes no more than couple of minutes to do all that (if you know what you are doing). Much of the text above is just an explanation how and why it works, the actual instructions steps are short.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
You know the same MGS3 demo in on the Jampack Volume 11 disc, just thought I would say that. Maybe people can just skip the OPM demo and get that. It also has Killzone, Ace Combat V, and Jak 3. I saw it at the store yesterday...but no way in hell I was paying $7 for the demo of a game I already pre-ordered.
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