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OK. Killzone is weak. How far can hype carry it? (NPD Sales)

I don't think that Killzone is known well at all by the casual buyer, but is very well known by the informed gamer. It has no license to sucker people in ala the Matrix.

I never really believed that it would be anything near a million seller this year. Before the reviews, I thought it had a decent chance to sell like say, "The Getaway" another middling Sony release that sold pretty darn well. Now, with the avalance of mediocre reviews, it's future is much less bright.

What are your thoughts about how this game will sell in November and December. This isn't the prediction thread, but I just wanted to see if you think that the reviews have totally killed this games chances or if Sony fans will buy it regardless. Also, what were your original thoughts about how well you thought this game could sell?
The Getaway was a game with flaws but still did alot of things right. Nice driving, awesome voice acting, cool shootouts, awesome story ect. Killzone has great music and nice art.

"Also, what were your original thoughts about how well you thought this game could sell?"

Before playing it I thought it'd do atleast a million in the US and about 2.5 million worldwide. Now that i'veplayed it, probably a little over a million worldwide.


Gold Member

Is there an un-Snaked, higher res version of this?

Musashi Wins!

It's being heavily advertised on television. I think you'll see huge numbers for the first month as it was a well known game among casual gamers in store....after that, word will get around how unpolished it is.

However....I'm curious to see how it's online community goes. It's no Socom, but it's quite well implemented, and I think word of mouth will be more positive about it.


I think the name alone will carry it to decent sales.. as lame as it is, "kill" as a name mixed with decent looking graphics on the back of the box is going to pull in a bunch of casuals. Probably 500-600k this year.
I was quite surprised by how many copies my local EB got in. There must have been well over say 60-70 copies, which was more than they had for Smackdown or THUG 2 by quite a bit. Sadly, I think they got quite a bit more than they got for R&C:UYA.


There`s lots of hype for Killzone among casuals in Europe atleast. People seem to be way more interested in it than Halo 2. I`ll bet it`ll do very well here. Million seller.


I think it's the opposite sonycowboy,Killzone is a really hyped game among the mass market,at least here in Europe and as someone said the situation reminds me of The Getaway,a decent title eventually with a great hype which sold 1 million copies only in Pal markets.


It's going to perform well. I've been seeing a lot of Killzone commercials making rounds on popular networks. I think it may do 600k before the year is over with and 1.6 million when all is said and done (US sales).


It will do well.

The ps2 isn't exactly loaded with good Online shooters. Socom 2 has been out for over a year now. It sounds like the online mode is average/decent, so people will pick it up.


gollumsluvslave said:
Michael Caine says:-

You're 'avin a laugh aint ya? :D

No. Halo 2 will most likely do lots worse than Halo did. Like all the other sequels to big games on Xbox has done.
Plus Halo 2 has been pirated like mad already. I`ll be suprised if Halo 2 goes over 1 million sold in Europe this gen.
Gregory said:
No. Halo 2 will most likely do lots worse than Halo did. Like all the other sequels to big games on Xbox has done.
Plus Halo 2 has been pirated like mad already. I`ll be suprised if Halo 2 goes over 1 million sold in Europe this gen.


I checked out the first 10 minutes of story mode last night, and then played online for about 2 hours. It is actually very fun! I would definitely recommend it for purchase.

The sprinting mechanic is very cool. You have an endurance bar, and if you hold the stick in while running you can sprint. While sprinting, the screen blurs a bit at the edges, you hold your weapon flat against your chest, and run in a characterstic marine-run style. You obviously cover ground faster, but you can't strafe or fire your weapon. This becomes quite a strategic decision because normally everyone moves and reloads fairly slowly. If you decide to sprint from covering point to covering point, it's an actual commitment - you start, you go, you pray, you take some hits, and you have to crouch and rest if you make it.

Weapons work nicely and the two opposing sides (ISA / Helgast) are well balanced with some small differences between their movement and default weapons. The maps are great, particularly the Jungle and ruined city levels. They are large, and for the most part they emphasize a specific style of play, which involves more dust, dirt, hiding and trench-warfare pressure than a normal FPS type of layout.

Good value for the price! I expect to play a lot more online in the next few weeks.


Gregory said:
No. Halo 2 will most likely do lots worse than Halo did. Like all the other sequels to big games on Xbox has done.
Plus Halo 2 has been pirated like mad already. I`ll be suprised if Halo 2 goes over 1 million sold in Europe this gen.


*shakes head*


No. Halo 2 will most likely do lots worse than Halo did. Like all the other sequels to big games on Xbox has done.
Plus Halo 2 has been pirated like mad already. I`ll be suprised if Halo 2 goes over 1 million sold in Europe this gen.
Gregory I predict your gonna regret you ever said this.


vibribbon said:
I checked out the first 10 minutes of story mode last night, and then played online for about 2 hours. It is actually very fun! I would definitely recommend it for purchase.

The sprinting mechanic is very cool. You have an endurance bar, and if you hold the stick in while running you can sprint. While sprinting, the screen blurs a bit at the edges, you hold your weapon flat against your chest, and run in a characterstic marine-run style. You obviously cover ground faster, but you can't strafe or fire your weapon. This becomes quite a strategic decision because normally everyone moves and reloads fairly slowly. If you decide to sprint from covering point to covering point, it's an actual commitment - you start, you go, you pray, you take some hits, and you have to crouch and rest if you make it.

Weapons work nicely and the two opposing sides (ISA / Helgast) are well balanced with some small differences between their movement and default weapons. The maps are great, particularly the Jungle and ruined city levels. They are large, and for the most part they emphasize a specific style of play, which involves more dust, dirt, hiding and trench-warfare pressure than a normal FPS type of layout.

Good value for the price! I expect to play a lot more online in the next few weeks.

Like I said :)


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
My local Gamestop has it in the place of honor in the display case behind the counter: dead center at eye level.


Gregory said:
There`s lots of hype for Killzone among casuals in Europe atleast. People seem to be way more interested in it than Halo 2. I`ll bet it`ll do very well here. Million seller.

:lol :lol Haha, that's a trip. Anyway, sonycowboy was speaking of the American market obviously. It comes as no surprise though that a European-developed major title is receiving a lot of hype in Europe.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
If the final is anything like the demo, something is very wrong with the world if it sells more than MP2.
Firest0rm said:
When can we expect the new NPD numbers to come out?

October's numbers should be out on the 15th. Although, given recent history it probably won't be until real late or even sometime on the 16th before it's leaked.


sonycowboy said:
I was quite surprised by how many copies my local EB got in. There must have been well over say 60-70 copies, which was more than they had for Smackdown or THUG 2 by quite a bit. Sadly, I think they got quite a bit more than they got for R&C:UYA.
Yeah, that surprises me too.

Anyway, the reviews aren't helping KZ and it will probably blunt the word of mouth sales that SOCOM got.

Does anyone have impressions of how it plays online?

I'm interested to see how the add campaign helps it. If Sony runs them through December I think it might do ok.

Anyway, it looks like I'll have to retract my prediction it will sell more than MGS3 and MP2.

Musashi Wins!

Subitai said:
Does anyone have impressions of how it plays online?

Much better than offline. The interface is quite friendly, great maps, etc. Supposedly their releasing a patch in the next couple of days to deal with one of the maps so at least their eye is on it. There were about 600 people on last night.


Everything I posted before holds true for online/was about online:

The sprinting mechanic is very cool. You have an endurance bar, and if you hold the stick in while running you can sprint. While sprinting, the screen blurs a bit at the edges, you hold your weapon flat against your chest, and run in a characterstic marine-run style. You obviously cover ground faster, but you can't strafe or fire your weapon. This becomes quite a strategic decision because normally everyone moves and reloads fairly slowly. If you decide to sprint from covering point to covering point, it's an actual commitment - you start, you go, you pray, you take some hits, and you have to crouch and rest if you make it.

Weapons work nicely and the two opposing sides (ISA / Helgast) are well balanced with some small differences between their movement and default weapons. The maps are great, particularly the Jungle and ruined city levels. They are large, and for the most part they emphasize a specific style of play, which involves more dust, dirt, hiding and trench-warfare pressure than a normal FPS type of layout.

Additional thoughts about online:

- the interface is fairly good, easy to use, decent stats tracking but no clans
- lag wasn't an issue for the most part
- shooting in bursts seems to work better than spraying continuously, and the Helgast pistol has a convenient 3-shot burst that is deadly for head shots
- the weapons seem well balanced, with the exception of the alternate-fire of the shotgun, which can cut you down in one hit
- this isn't a one-hit kill style of game, but you do get cut down very quickly if you are taking a lot of fire
- the unique environments have good textures and good ambient sounds
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