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Okay, I'm going to admit something here...the greatest game ever was on Genesis.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
no one mentioned M.U.S.H.A. because it wasn't the greatest game ever made.. just the greatest shooter ever made.
Alright, so maybe this is an appropriate place to ask this...

Recently I came across info regarding a book from Japan that's all about the Genny, which happens to be my favorite system of all time. I really want it, but since I don't know Japanese, I don't know how to go about getting one. I have the book publisher's number, so I guess Amazon is an option, but still, that's gonna be tricky.

If anyone would be kind enough to lend me a hand, I would greatly appreciate it. And also, I would assume that others here might want their hands on it as well. You can find all the info right here.

Also, here are some pics....







Aw c'mon now. If we're counting X-in-1 games, surely the silver Zelda Collector's Edition or Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World would best even the mighty 6-Pak.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Thanks to this thread, my Genesis *OM collection is something serious!


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
This is one area where size doesn't matter. Quality over quantity.


FortNinety said:
Alright, so maybe this is an appropriate place to ask this...

Recently I came across info regarding a book from Japan that's all about the Genny, which happens to be my favorite system of all time. I really want it, but since I don't know Japanese, I don't know how to go about getting one. I have the book publisher's number, so I guess Amazon is an option, but still, that's gonna be tricky.

If anyone would be kind enough to lend me a hand, I would greatly appreciate it. And also, I would assume that others here might want their hands on it as well. You can find all the info right here.


Here you go

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
On the subject of this book (Mega Drive Daizen), it's published by the editors of Continue, a monthly magazine-slash-book which is somewhere between Edge and Cahiers du cinema in its content. I got to meet the writers at TGS last month and they're all smart people.

As for their book, I think it's great -- the text is interesting and I'm currently playing along via emulator as I read. There aren't a ton of images, though, so non Japanese speakers would probably like Sega Consumer History better.
XS+ said:
Way to overlook GAIN GROUND and VALIS III! Scrub.

I'd also throw in E-Swat, Thunderforce IV, Shadow Dancer, and the aforementioned MUSHA and Battle Mania 2. But good list.

As for El Viento.. speed run. It's all about finding yourself a stopwatch, running in the game nonstop and finishing the game in record time.

Damn. Forgot about Gain Ground...great conversion.

Meh to the Valis series...never understood what people saw in such a generic-feeling action series. I'd put Devil Hunter Yoko ahead of Valis anyday...and that game wasn't so hot, either.

You're right about El Viento.

E-SWAT was great...much superior to the arcade design...though, missing the over-the-top antics found in the coin-op -- beating down a 4x4 truck with your fists and feet? LOL

TF IV looked amazing, but I'll be damned if I ever thought it was as good a shooter as TF III...the effects were so insane that they tended to obscure shit at the wrong time..and that difficulty...arrrgh. At least, to me.

Shadowdancer was hot, alright. Still preferred the arcade levels, but the music on Gen was clearly superior. Same dude who did the awesome music for Shadow Blasters...a really, really, really awful game.

I'll add the fun conversion of Slime World, Cool Spot, Fire Shark, Traysia, Dick Tracy, and the nice conversion, Bonanza Bros. to the list. Also, I loved DoMark's Formula One.


MightyHedgehog said:
Who said anything about the series? Valis I, II and IV were pretty lame but III was the most polished of the series by far (music was great too, or at least I thought so). Devil Hunter better than Valis III? HA! DHY had a poor control scheme, collision problems and lame artwork imo. But I'd say Alisa Dragoon is about equal to or better than V3.

I think TF3 is overall better (and more difficult to me) than 4, but TF4 should easily make the top 5 of any respectable list of Genesis horizonal shooters, and top 10 of its shooter library.

And don't forget Global Gladiators! And Alien 3!
Well, maybe I'll give Valis III another go...I have it in my collection somewhere...

GG and A3 were also great. A3 was clearly the superior-playing version, even if it looked and sounded generic compared to the SNES version. Gonna add Robocop VS Terminator to the list, as well. MUCH better than the SNES game, which was boring, sanitized, and easy as hell compared. Pirates of Darkwater on Gen was also a good game, IMO...certainly better than the by-the-numbers SNES BEU. Ghostbusters was also surprisingly good for the time. Oh and Master of Monsters and Warsong...


Gotta give a nod to Genesis/Sega CD for it's amazing ARPG library. Despite running far behind SNES in overall JP support, it managed to somehow get the better games in this genre I'd say...

-LandStalker: The Treasure of King Nole (Climax Entertainment)
-Beyond Oasis (Ancient)
-The Crusader of Centy (Nextech Corp)
-WonderBoy in Monster World (WestOne Bit Entertianment)
-Monster World IV (WestOne Bit Entertianment)
-Magical Popful Mail Fantasy Adventure (Sega-Falcom)
-Light Crusader (Treasure Video Games)

...there's probably others I'm forgetting. Too bad Sega-Falcom folded before they could get Ys IV finished.
McDonald's Treasureland was still a rung higher...

Adding Contra: Hard CORPS and Castlevania Bloodlines to the list...can't believe I forgot those...


The ghost of Dreamcast past
There were close ties and/or good relationships between that set of progressive developers -- like those who would later participate in ESP -- and SEGA at the time, which led to strong ARPG and action/adventure support for their systems.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Anyone remember Final Zone? Pretty game, but kind of boring...

I'm a sucker for robots tho.


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
Last Battle!


Herzog Zwei (first RTS many of us played - and probably still one of the best), Phantasy Star 2, and Landstalker are all up there in my excellent pantheon however.

Who could forget Lakers vs. Celtics too? That was the first full-fledged fully licensed basketball game with accurate starters and subs that I can remember. I'll never forget how Dad used to consistently take Mychael Thompson way out to the opposite corner of the court and try to sink 3s with him. And I'll also never forget Tom Chambers' bizarre pump fake dunk from almost the 3 point line, which as we all know was his RL bread-and-butter play.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Yeah, that was back when EA was still pure. Obnoxious cartridges and all. What was that yellow tab for?


Count of Concision
For a launch game, Mystic Defender was pretty cool also; I liked the music and the mechanics. The level design could've been a bit more imaginative, however.

Mickey Mouse: Castle of Illusion was incredible for its time as well, especially visually-- when that funhouse level flipped upside down, my jaw dropped. I used to play it just to admire the art. Pretty fun game, too. Fantasia was UTTERLY unplayable, though.

Oh, and did anyone like Faery Tale Adventure? I never made too much headway with it, as it was a rental, but the atmosphere and scope of the game seemed really cool, even with the stiffish controls.


Borg Artiste
DaCocoBrova said:
Yeah, that was back when EA was still pure. Obnoxious cartridges and all. What was that yellow tab for?

I'm working on convincing my bosses to go back to EA's roots
White Man said:
SNES Shadowrun > Genny Shadowrun

Let's see what the general concensus is.
Shadowrun on the Genesisi was better, especially if you played the real table top Role Playing game. I had a friend that owned the Snes but like the Geneisis Shadowrun more becuase it was more faithful to the FASA role playing game.
Loki said:
Oh, and did anyone like Faery Tale Adventure? I never made too much headway with it, as it was a rental, but the atmosphere and scope of the game seemed really cool, even with the stiffish controls.

Great computer and Genny game. One of my personal faves, even if it has some clunky-ass control and interface issues. Integrated the night/day bit well and I loved the storybook angle it had.

Lakers VS Celtics is one of the very few licensed B-ball games that I really got into. Probably due, in no small part, to that funky Rob Hubbard score. Played well, too.

Final Zone suckered me into it's promise of HOT MECH ACTION...serviceable, but fun. I suggest playing Granada if you like top-down 360-degree-scroll shooters...and especially if you liked Assault.

For the time, I really liked Arcus Odyssey...too bad it hasn't held up so well with time.

Dragon's Fury, Tengen's US localization of the excellent Naxat TG-16 Devil Crush/Crash conversion was mighty fine, too. The tacked-on sequel sucked so, so bad. Better than the PC-E/TG-16 version in every way, except for the distinct lack of iridescent, almost ethereal color found in the original. Music kicks ass to this very day.


Krusty's Funhouse was a good puzzler but so was the SNES version..

Anyone like Pulseman and Eliminate Down? Those are two games I never had the chance to play when they 1st come out..


hyperbolically metafictive
pulseman looks really nice, but the gameplay's a bit pedestrian. i dunno. i haven't really been able to get into it. i guess it's developed by game freak, who went on to do pokémon.
Hey Drohne, wanna sell me your copy of Pulseman? :D

As a quality system, the Megadrive/Genesis is extremely underrated.

If you take away the endless sports simulators, the good game to bad game ratio is great. Especially the first 5 years. From 1989-1993, there was nothing that could touch that system, not even the SNES. If beat-em-ups, Strategy, platformers, and especially sh'mups are your thing, then it's the king. Admittidly, it's lacking a bit in the RPG department, but it's definitely no slouch there either.

And yeah, the Genesis 6 pack contains some of the greatest games ever made on it in Revenge of Shinobi, Sonic 1, and the First Streets of Rage. Golden Axe is a blast with a bud, and Super Hang-On is still a great game, 3 generations later. Columns is an average puzzler...it's not good when you can play a puzzle game for 8 straight hours with little difficulty.
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