I had a bot asked me if I have a yahoo account. Who the fucking hell has a yahoo account in the last 13 years?
If you live in some parts of Asia, you pretty much need a yahoo account. Yahoo is very popular there.
I had a bot asked me if I have a yahoo account. Who the fucking hell has a yahoo account in the last 13 years?
Hey I found a girl whose enemy rating was 99% and it turned out she was this girl I absolutely loathed back in high school. So it seems good to me!
I signed up just to try it, I live in the Broward/Miami area, not one good looking girl is a match.
I sincerely hope you had a chance to ask her the "sushi or pizza" question...
No, actually I messaged her saying "high five, we're mortal enemies!" then she revealed herself as remembering me from high school, and I cut off all communications haha
People actually give a shit about those match numbers? Seems really silly not to message someone because of that
haha actually she messaged me back saying she was friends with so and so. I replied with a "Cool. good luck with OKC." And then she replied with a "Don't you remember me???"
I cut it off there haha
Edit: regarding the match ratings. If you answer the questions a certain way, they can really filter out things you dislike. For me, I made having kids and being extremely religious as mandatory dealbreakers so people with low match ratings probably fall into those categories
Then again, it's not an exact science, you have to make sure you see the questions they did answer
If you're positive that she doesn't deserve another chance, then by all means move on. HOWEVER, if there's any lingering doubt ask her out again. Sometimes it takes people a bit of time to get warmed up to strangers. Don't make the same mistake I did the first time I got a date off OKC two years ago. I built this Godly image of this one girl I was talking to over messaging that she couldn't possibly live up to and ljbf'd her...and I was in a very similar predicament as you (no date in five years).
Jedi Masters at sharing experiences in this thread..hah, this happened to me before. I decided to ask her our for a second time and give it another shot, and nope..same thing happened, trying to talk to her was like pulling teeth.
Jedi Masters at sharing experiences in this thread..
I gave eVow a try aannndd doesn't come close to Okc's features and how many girls/ladies within my area. But that depends I guess.
Welp everything is going great with the girl I met from OKC. We agreed that we should be dating each other exclusively while we were out getting drunk last night. She's hot and awesome so don't give up GAF. Don't be afraid of messaging a girl if you think she's out of your league and being bombarded with messages, you might just get a response back.
I think I might have actually found a cool girl, meeting over 2 weeks (because of work).
Not too long ago I was hating on online dating, joke's on me I guess.
Props, friends! Love to hear these kind of stories
Messaged a girl on pof.
Under first date she wrote: Pfft I'm the girl you plan it.
My message: First date...nice homemade meal. Since you're the girl, you cook it.
Got a laugh out of her. Hopefully I'll get a date out of it.
This site had been a complete failure for me. I've never realized I'm hideous, live a boring life, and communicate worth shit. Hey, but at least Okcupid gave the consolation price and asked me to be a moderator. So I guess there's that...
So... I'm on POF again. I don't really know why. But it doesn't make me sad when guys stand me up now! Thicker skin, mostly just get annoyed.
But seriously, guys, most of you are men here.
So WHY does "Let's meet! This is where we are meeting! See you at 7!" from YOU, mean "lol I'm gonna stand her up, this is awesome"?
Seriously. I've had four "dates" and been stood up on all of them? Is it THAT horrifying to meet me?
I just don't get it. None of my friends deal with this.
I just don't understand what is so wrong with me. :/ I'm trying to get out there and just put myself out there and have fun and get to know people and get more comfortable.
I am worth getting to know. So why does no one want to?
maybe yr too beautiful
But really. Why does making plans mean not going through with them?
Happens to everyone.
But really. Why does making plans mean not going through with them?
So... I'm on POF again. I don't really know why. But it doesn't make me sad when guys stand me up now! Thicker skin, mostly just get annoyed.
But seriously, guys, most of you are men here.
So WHY does "Let's meet! This is where we are meeting! See you at 7!" from YOU, mean "lol I'm gonna stand her up, this is awesome"?
Seriously. I've had four "dates" and been stood up on all of them? Is it THAT horrifying to meet me?
I just don't get it. None of my friends deal with this.
I just don't understand what is so wrong with me. :/ I'm trying to get out there and just put myself out there and have fun and get to know people and get more comfortable.
I am worth getting to know. So why does no one want to?
Yes, but four times in a row?
I'm 0/4 so far on this site... lol
Four times in a row? Geez.
Their loss though.
It is their loss.
But still. lol...why is this happening?
It is their loss.
But still. lol...why is this happening?
No idea. Tell me what the process is usually like. Meaning from pof to the planned meet up.
Gonna be that person and wonder if the story's even legit. We know your anxiety and validation problems, so it's strange that this has happened to you FOUR times before you come in here to talk about it.
It is their loss.
But still. lol...why is this happening?
Anything stick out as unneeded or stupid here?
I talk with them on POF for a bit, they usually give me their number...we text for a few days. I suggest calling to just get a feel for how we actually speak. They say let's meet up! I say okay. We plan a date and time. And then I go, and they don't, and I never hear from them again lol.
EDIT: Why won't you date anyone that's even one year older than you? just curious
Used Zoosk a year or two ago. Never Again lolHeck, I prefer OKC OVER paid sites like eHarmony and Also lol Zoosk.
Shit happens, you know? I've been stood up/had girls bail on me many times on this site, and if the timing was slightly worse, i'd prob have 4 times in a row as well
All that talk gives them time to find someone else faster.
I talk with them on POF for a bit, they usually give me their number...we text for a few days. I suggest calling to just get a feel for how we actually speak. They say let's meet up! I say okay. We plan a date and time. And then I go, and they don't, and I never hear from them again lol.
Nooooo, but I'd like to not get stabbed or anything.
That's how it usually goes for me, minus the being stood up part.
(I hope I'm not giving out confidential info here, if so I'll edit)
My advice for that:[/img]
Hmm, only age question I remember answering was double my age. >.>
Thanks for pointing out the typo, I hate that shit.
Your personality: Really great
How bad girls want you: So bad
Your profile, as of 8 milliseconds ago: Approved!
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