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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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it keeps you online almost always. No idea why, but it does. As said it will show you offline 30 minutes after you close it down completely.
Hey guys need some opinions...I lost all my old photos on my old laptop and am looking to make a new POF profile. Whats everyones opinions on black and white photos? I (like most people I guess) look way better in black and white but does it come across as trying to hard?

I don't want to post my pic here but will PM them to some of the regular members here. Any help here will be appreciated.

I also don't have any "social" shots. I had one of me at a dance party on my old profile but can't access it anymore. I know this could hinder my success but I just recently got a smart phone, so have never really taken many photos when I'm out.


I've completely lost interest in OkCupid as a viable means to meet people. I've already talked with way more people on Tinder, and none of them have been the floozy types that a lot of people seem to think are on there. Convos have been much more fun too.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Does one of you fellas with a-list mind if I PM my nick so you can tell me my rating? I'll obviously do the same in return for anyone, thanks!
I can do it.
Have you found that A-List has been worth the money? I'm not even sure what the benefits are besides being able to browse invisibly and see who's read your messages. It seems like paying to get promoted during a peak traffic hour would be a better (though still kind of bad) investment.
Have you found that A-List has been worth the money? I'm not even sure what the benefits are besides being able to browse invisibly and see who's read your messages. It seems like paying to get promoted during a peak traffic hour would be a better (though still kind of bad) investment.

Wonder if the boost is actually worth it, but that's seperate from the a-list should've been added together tho since you paying for a premium service.
Have you found that A-List has been worth the money? I'm not even sure what the benefits are besides being able to browse invisibly and see who's read your messages. It seems like paying to get promoted during a peak traffic hour would be a better (though still kind of bad) investment.

I actually only just started my subscription yesterday, so I haven't really gotten to play around with all of the features. However, the few I have used haven't really convinced me to pay for a long-term subscription. Being able to browse invisibly and see who's read your messages are definitely nice features, but they're not worth $10/month. It isn't terribly difficult to find out who rated you highly without paying, so A-List really only offers convenience in that regard. As for the A-List exclusive search criteria, they don't seem like something I'd ever use, but YMMV.

Since smiley90 brought it up is rating important? I'm quite curious to know mines now lol

From what I understand, it's not actually used for anything other than determining if you show up when another user performs a search based on attractiveness (I may be wrong; feel free to correct me). So I wouldn't really call it important if that's the case. If you feel comfortable PMing me your username, I can find your rating.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I actually only just started my subscription yesterday, so I haven't really gotten to play around with all of the features. However, the few I have used haven't really convinced me to pay for a long-term subscription. Being able to browse invisibly and see who's read your messages are definitely nice features, but they're not worth $10/month. It isn't terribly difficult to find out who rated you highly without paying, so A-List really only offers convenience in that regard. As for the A-List exclusive search criteria, they don't seem like something I'd ever use, but YMMV.

From what I understand, it's not actually used for anything other than determining if you show up when another user performs a search based on attractiveness (I may be wrong; feel free to correct me). So I wouldn't really call it important if that's the case. If you feel comfortable PMing me your username, I can find your rating.

AFAIK you're also less likely to show up in other people's general searches if they are ranked much more attractive than you. As in, the "special blend" or homepage will show people with a similar attractiveness ranking. Other way around too, you won't see people much more attractive than you. You can still search for them, they just won't show up in random searches.

I sent you a PM Kyle!

If anyone wants their rating send me nick, age and area, and maybe ethnicity, that'll simplify searching immensely. (since just searching by username won't show attractiveness, so I wanna make the list I have to sort through as short as possible haha)


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Also if anyone inquires about their rating and thinks "omg so low I'm so ugly", take a look at this graph:


Most men don't even make it above 2/5.

Women for comparison, ranked MUCH more accurately on a reasonable curve:



Women don't rate men highly, but STILL message the lower-rated men.

Men rank women more or less accurately, but only message women that are ranked at least average, highly skewed towards the really hot ones.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I FEEL SO SEXY RIGHT NOW. Though I also wish I were lower on the scale so more women would message me.

Just gonna take a guess, they probably assume that the hot guys are just looking for sex and not "relationship-material"... or the messages the hot guys send are ACTUALLY that bad and don't deserve a response :lol
Also if anyone inquires about their rating and thinks "omg so low I'm so ugly", take a look at this graph:


Most men don't even make it above 2/5.

That's like the inverse of game review ratings. Do women not understand how a scale of 1-5 is supposed to work?

But does the message graph mean how often you get first messages with that rating or does it also include replies?

btw I would like to see graphs for non-English-speaking countries. In my experience, there are obviously not many locale people on okc but almost all of them have some form of higher education (or are students). It seems to basically weed out matches from the start as the general public is flooding the locale websites.
Also, like half of the women declare themselves as bisexual (so I guess they are using it primarily to look for girls).


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
That's like the inverse of game review ratings. Do women not understand how a scale of 1-5 is supposed to work?

But does the message graph mean how often you get first messages with that rating or does it also include replies?

btw I would like to see graphs for non-English-speaking countries. In my experience, there are obviously not many locale people on okc but almost all of them have some form of higher education (or are students). It seems to basically weed out matches from the start as the general public is flooding the locale websites.
Also, like half of the women declare themselves as bisexual (so I guess they are using it primarily to look for girls).

It includes all messages

and women are supposedly hesitant to rate men 4/5 stars because then the men will get the notification that a women "likes" them and they don't wanna do that? At least that's the hypothesis. Men just don't care/appreciate if the women gets the notification.

And I wouldn't say that women declare themseles as bisexual to primarily look for girls, I'd say they declare themselves as bisexual because they just a) also have an interest in girls, which a LOT of girls do, consciously or subconsciously or b) they want more female friends


I don't know if I'm convinced by that graph, too many factors at play with why a girl may message a guy. I have a 5* rating on OKC and I get messaged 1-3 times a day but ONLY if I answer questions to get my profile at the top. If I don't, I usually get visitors still but it realllllllly slows down. I also noticed most girls prefer to just rate me highly and avoid messaging me altogether. Lastly, about 90% of the girls who message me would probably qualify as average looking. Sometimes I get hit with a "ZOMG 10/10" but usually not.

Just my experience. *shrug*


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
That's exactly what the graph shows though?

- guys ranked very highly don't get more messages than guys ranked lower

Also for reference, I'm ranked 4-star and I get 1 message a MONTH at most. Getting 1-3 messages a day as a guy IS a lot. That's just the situation of online dating. Don't act like that's little. :p and the few messages I DO get are from girls definitely not even average.


Do what I do: answer the questions. If I don't do them then I'll probably get one message a week, if that. To be honest, I got really bored with online dating. Especially on OKC I feel like I've seen every girl. The last time I exchanged messages with a girl I was actually interested in was at the beginning of March. Gonna try POF again at some point, lol. :D


To be fair, not trying to generalize but women rate men highly in hopes that they would message/notice them instead of messaging guys directly. It's like the poke feature in Facebook. I'm speaking from personal of course having been rated highly multiple times (besides by GAF members).

Edit: Admittedly, messaging multiple girls a day is getting old. I haven't gotten any dates so far even though perserverence is key. Might make a new POF account and try my hand there again.


Yes, of course. Only problem is that those of us without A-list don't get to see who's rated us. I mean, its easy to guess when the person views you right as they rate you. But otherwise...


Yes, of course. Only problem is that those of us without A-list don't get to see who's rated us. I mean, its easy to guess when the person views you right as they rate you. But otherwise...
Emails man. The email notifications tell you who rated you highly. I don't have A-list but whenever I get a "Someone Likes You!" email, it shows me the person's profile and encourages me to check the person out.

Edit: Just not the anonymous ratings.


Yet another problem. I get e-mailed when some "likes" me but not all the time. It seems totally random. I definitely did not get an e-mail for every "like" I have. Things were much easier when I had A-list but I tried it once and don't think its worth it. I actually feel like I've drained every good option on OKC. Oh well!
Yes, of course. Only problem is that those of us without A-list don't get to see who's rated us. I mean, its easy to guess when the person views you right as they rate you. But otherwise...

If you have a smartphone, download the app. It blocks out most of the info, but sometimes you'll still be able to see things like the match %, age, and location of the people who have you rated you highly. Once you know those things, you can just filter your matches to find the users with the matching info. I've been able to identify every woman who's rated my profile using this method.
Wonder if the boost is actually worth it, but that's seperate from the a-list should've been added together tho since you paying for a premium service.
Yeah, how does that even work? Do you pay a flat rate for one boost? How long does the boost last?

I actually only just started my subscription yesterday, so I haven't really gotten to play around with all of the features. However, the few I have used haven't really convinced me to pay for a long-term subscription. Being able to browse invisibly and see who's read your messages are definitely nice features, but they're not worth $10/month. It isn't terribly difficult to find out who rated you highly without paying, so A-List really only offers convenience in that regard. As for the A-List exclusive search criteria, they don't seem like something I'd ever use, but YMMV
Interesting. Keep us abreast on your experiences with A-Listing! I just reactivated my account yesterday so I'll be hanging around with you beautiful blokes for the foreseeable future.

If anyone wants their rating send me nick, age and area, and maybe ethnicity, that'll simplify searching immensely. (since just searching by username won't show attractiveness, so I wanna make the list I have to sort through as short as possible haha)
This is the third random thread we've overlapped in. I think I need to add you to my friends list.

What rating are you talking about? The star rating? Can random people see that? I haven't noticed the star rating on any profiles I've browsed thus far.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Yeah, how does that even work? Do you pay a flat rate for one boost? How long does the boost last?

Interesting. Keep us abreast on your experiences with A-Listing! I just reactivated my account yesterday so I'll be hanging around with you beautiful blokes for the foreseeable future.

This is the third random thread we've overlapped in. I think I need to add you to my friends list.

What rating are you talking about? The star rating? Can random people see that? I haven't noticed the star rating on any profiles I've browsed thus far.

You're creeping me, aren't you.

And no, it's not visible, it's a hidden stat. People with A-list can search by attractiveness, so we can fine-tune the search and by finding the cut-off between where you show up (e.g. 5/10) and where you don't show up anymore (e.g. 5.1/10) we can tell someone's attractiveness rating. It's out of 10'000 but out of 10 should be enough to satisfy everyone's curiosity. Keep in mind that like 80% of guys are rated <5/10, whereas girls' attractiveness rating more resembles a normal bell curve, see graphs above.
You're creeping me, aren't you.

And no, it's not visible, it's a hidden stat. People with A-list can search by attractiveness, so we can fine-tune the search and by finding the cut-off between where you show up (e.g. 5/10) and where you don't show up anymore (e.g. 5.1/10) we can tell someone's attractiveness rating. It's out of 10'000 but out of 10 should be enough to satisfy everyone's curiosity. Keep in mind that like 80% of guys are rated <5/10, whereas girls' attractiveness rating more resembles a normal bell curve, see graphs above.
How is that statistic even calculated, though? Is there some way to rate another member on appearance that I've just not seen in my several years of off-and-on usage of this site?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
How is that statistic even calculated, though? Is there some way to rate another member on appearance that I've just not seen in my several years of off-and-on usage of this site?

....... yes

you can give everyone a star-rating /5, it's one of the most essential and most advertised features of the entire site. :p


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So I reached a milestone today. There have now been 3, count em 3 people who have messaged me so far since September 2012 (when I signed up). This most recent one is okay, but she definitely beats the other two (one was a manatee and the other was transgender).


Homeland Security Fail
Emails man. The email notifications tell you who rated you highly. I don't have A-list but whenever I get a "Someone Likes You!" email, it shows me the person's profile and encourages me to check the person out.

Edit: Just not the anonymous ratings.

I stopped getting these emails. Anyone else? Or it is just me?

I figured they stopped to promote their A-list crap.
....... yes

you can give everyone a star-rating /5, it's one of the most essential and most advertised features of the entire site. :p
Oh! So we ARE talking about star ratings. I thought that was how you rated the overall package -- what you thought of their profile as a whole, NOT just physical attractiveness.

Anyway, I was in a ponzi scheme with some GAFfers back in the day so because of that I've had over 30 people that have rated me highly. That should be good enough to get me to five stars :p


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Oh! So we ARE talking about star ratings. I thought that was how you rated the overall package -- what you thought of their profile as a whole, NOT just physical attractiveness.

Anyway, I was in a ponzi scheme with some GAFfers back in the day so because of that I've had over 30 people that have rated me highly. That should be good enough to get me to five stars :p

Yeah well that's how you're SUPPOSED to rate the overall profile, but..... it's an attractiveness rating, really.

you can PM me your nick if you want and I can tell you your rating out of 10.


Yeah well that's how you're SUPPOSED to rate the overall profile, but..... it's an attractiveness rating, really.

you can PM me your nick if you want and I can tell you your rating out of 10.

I'm tempted, but man, I think that is probably a number best left unknown after learning like 80% of all guys are average or lower, lol

I was supposed to have a date tonight, but she cancelled. It seems like she wants to reschedule, so we will see if she contacts me after she gets back from her trip. I did get a second date with girl. woo. Out of the few dates I have been on, she is the second one I really wanted a second date with (the other is traveling for like a month, so we will see when she gets back as well).

The odd thing is, is that after signing up for this site, I have found myself trying new things. Like a number of women are interested in rock climbing and biking. And I am like, hmmm, that shit sounds interesting! I'll give it a shot. I tried rock climbing, which was pretty neat and I htink ill stick with it. I am strongly considering picking up a bike because I think it would be fun exploring on that thing and my ankle makes it really difficult and painful to jog.

So yea, so far its been a good experience even though I havent gotten very far with anyone yet. I got to talk to quite a few new people and started doing some interesting things because of it. A rather expensive experience though. It would be nice If I didn't feel obligated to pay for the first few dates since I am the one always inviting...
Shout out to Smiley for checking some stats for me. He's a scholar and gentleman :D

I have a decently high star rating, ONLY because of the GAF scam I was in back in the day where we would all link our profiles in an email tag (meaning the profile was only visible when the post it was in was being quoted) and then go around and rate everyone 5 stars. I'd be more than happy to do that for anyone that's interested.
Shout out to Smiley for checking some stats for me. He's a scholar and gentleman :D

I have a decently high star rating, ONLY because of the GAF scam I was in back in the day where we would all link our profiles in an email tag (meaning the profile was only visible when the post it was in was being quoted) and then go around and rate everyone 5 stars. I'd be more than happy to do that for anyone that's interested.

Stay scheminnnnn 8 sounds like a plan we should do that to boost are chances 0.o


I was supposed to meet up with a 19 year old tomorrow but she didn't reply to message all day yesterday nor am I expecting to get a reply back by tonight. Since I was planning to go see an art exhibition tomorrow any way, I'm going to stick with it. I always have an original plan before a potential date throws a wrench in it.

Yeah...so about this girl---well apparently life decided to throw a curve ball at me since she replied last night (it's past 2AM on a Monday morning as I type this) apologizing for not getting back to me with a sad smiley face. I now have her number and texted her which is safe to say that things are looking good for me; plan on rescheduling something for this week. Unfortunately I'm feeling under the weather since I have a stuffy/runny nose, sneeze constantly, and I'm coughing up mucus. Gotta love summer allergies.

In other news regarding OKC, exchanges are going well with this girl we'll call "opera girl" since we've been having a flirtatious back and forth over the topic of opera that she sent me 3 paragraphs' worth of stuff capping the last paragraph off with a wink. It seems clear to me that she's extremely interested which is great.

My only concern is that it looks like she's insecure about her body since all her pictures cut off at her mid/breast section. Not that it matters since I like thick girls (dat ass) and she has a nice face. Maybe she's emphasizing her boobs as her best asset since they're present in every shot. We'll see how it goes but it's looking good so far; I don't see it fizzling out.
Stay scheminnnnn 8 sounds like a plan we should do that to boost are chances 0.o

Hahaha, what?

I'm going to be gone all day, but when I get home tonight I'll five star anyone that's linked their profile in a post. Again, you can keep it hidden from lurkers without an account by hiding it in an email link, like so: [SUPER HIDDEN CONTENT HERE].


Hahaha, what?

I'm going to be gone all day, but when I get home tonight I'll five star anyone that's linked their profile in a post. Again, you can keep it hidden from lurkers without an account by hiding it in an email link, like so: [SUPER HIDDEN CONTENT HERE].
I have nothing to hide. I've posted my profile publically before. My OKC name is up above in the pic I posted if you want to take a look at it. Lol at your quote to reveal message.

So a few quick updates on my end. The 19 year old girl never replied to the follow up text I sent her on the night she gave me her number. I haven't sent her a follow up text ever since. I'll assume that she'll send a follow up apology text one of these days. If not, then no worries.

However, there's a silver lining in my horizon. Things are going well with opera girl who usually replies every 5 days since she's doing an internship. A couple of messages fizzled between a couple of girls but not really mad about it since they felt satisfying.

Most importantly of all, I have a date tomorrow with a girl I had a back and forth with her going from last night up until the evening today before we exchanged numbers. She wasted no time bringing up when we should hang out when we texted. We set it at a favorite bar I've been to several times which she's never been to. Unfortunately I'm sick so if things go well, she'll know that I won't be able to make out with her because I'll be coughing into my sleeve. I also told her that I'm feeling under the weather before we switched to the phone.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to it after having been out of the dating market for almost a year to focus on school. The only 2 dates I went on from the website were disapppointing because the girls were insecure about their bodies and looked much different in person. I'll keep my expectations in check going into this one; be less picky. She's a tall red head with black framed glasses.


I have nothing to hide. I've posted my profile publically before. My OKC name is up above in the pic I posted if you want to take a look at it. Lol at your quote to reveal message.

So a few quick updates on my end. The 19 year old girl never replied to the follow up text I sent her on the night she gave me her number. I haven't sent her a follow up text ever since. I'll assume that she'll send a follow up apology text one of these days. If not, then no worries.

However, there's a silver lining in my horizon. Things are going well with opera girl who usually replies every 5 days since she's doing an internship. A couple of messages fizzled between a couple of girls but not really mad about it since they felt satisfying.

Most importantly of all, I have a date tomorrow with a girl I had a back and forth with her going from last night up until the evening today before we exchanged numbers. She wasted no time bringing up when we should hang out when we texted. We set it at a favorite bar I've been to several times which she's never been to. Unfortunately I'm sick so if things go well, she'll know that I won't be able to make out with her because I'll be coughing into my sleeve. I also told her that I'm feeling under the weather before we switched to the phone.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to it after having been out of the dating market for almost a year to focus on school. The only 2 dates I went on from the website were disapppointing because the girls were insecure about their bodies and looked much different in person. I'll keep my expectations in check going into this one; be less picky. She's a tall red head with black framed glasses.

Nice. good luck dude. I have also had that experience of girls looking quite a bit different than their profiles. I mean, they were really nice, but I need to at least be somewhat attracted to the person to want to pursue it further. Personally, if you aren't attracted to her or don't feel like you could become attracted to her, I wouldn't pursue it further (or beyond the 3rd date) since it really isn't fair to her.

Speaking of making out, what is the usual OK Cupid protocol on that? I have ended my Ok Cupid first dates with a hug since I am oblivious and feel that the first date in this instance is just a get to know you and see if you are compatible and attracted, so a kiss seemed a bit forward to me.


Nice. good luck dude. I have also had that experience of girls looking quite a bit different than their profiles. I mean, they were really nice, but I need to at least be somewhat attracted to the person to want to pursue it further. Personally, if you aren't attracted to her or don't feel like you could become attracted to her, I wouldn't pursue it further (or beyond the 3rd date) since it really isn't fair to her.

Speaking of making out, what is the usual OK Cupid protocol on that? I have ended my Ok Cupid first dates with a hug since I am oblivious and feel that the first date in this instance is just a get to know you and see if you are compatible and attracted, so a kiss seemed a bit forward to me.

True. I usually know within the first several minutes of the first date on whether or not I'm attracted to a woman; first impressions matter. The two girls I'd gone out with both had their phones on the table and would stop mid conversation to text. That's a huge red flag for me. I deleted their numbers/messages on OKC and never heard from them again. If I feel like a date is going bad because I'm not feeling the girl, I know when to fold it and exit. Did that on the date with the second girl; stood up, shook her hand, announced my departure and left her in the bar.

She's also a social worker with a Master's Degree to me being a college student but I won't let that phase me. Still, she goes out drinking way more often than I do because she has money to blow and mentioned that if she likes the bar, she'll turn to me for more places to visit. I don't want to read too much into that but it sounds like I'll become her drinking buddy should things go well. I wouldn't mind staying friends with her if there's no attraction since we had a great conversation and I can always use more female friends in my social circle.

In regards to your question: There is no standard protocol; everyone is different. For example my brother and several friends usually kiss on the first date to show that they like the girl. Others wait until the second date and use the first date as a litmus test. Girls are just as oblivious as guys are to signals hence why body language is important to examine while you're on the date; you want to be attentive to the signs of interest as well as disinterest. What you and the woman communicate verbally is conveyed non verbally. If I'm not feeling a girl, I won't make an effort to flirt and keep my distance to show my disinterest. If you're listening to another person talk, you'll nod your head as you make strong eye contact and say "uh huh" or "mmhmm" to show that you're attentive.

For example, women usually wear accessories that have a history behind them. If I'm feeling attracted to a girl and I notice a necklace dangling on her neck, I'll say "That's an interesting necklace you're wearing" reach out to grab it/get close to her, then follow it up by asking "What's the history behind it?"

Physical contact is usually an obvious sign of interest so play it by ear. Obviously I don't mean touching her boobs or touching her face but more light smaller stuff e.g. saying "You're so silly" while touching her arm and she reciprocates, noticing if your legs touch each other underneath the table and none of you move it (a very good sign), high fiving when you both have something in common or an someone talks of an achievement, leaning forward while in the conversation to show careful attentiveness, etc.

The Wikipedia page on body language should give you a better idea on it. Here's also a good WikiHow article on body language. You'll know if you want to kiss if it feels right but quick signs to look for if she wants to kiss are if she suddenly looks down, makes eye contact again, and smiles, licks her lips as preparation as you make eye contact, and smiles as she looks at you. The easiest thing you can do if you want to go for a kiss is grab her hands or put your hand on her cheek/chin while making eye contact and smiling, and pull her in. If both of you don't make out (assuming both parties like each other) and either hug or shake hands then depart, the girl is going to be left wondering if you don't like her and what went wrong.


Funny enough, I stopped looking at OKCupid for a few days, and then got some visits, a girl messaged me saying 'U R so cute' (which is kinda weird, ha ha) and got a mutual like. But eh, I'm not really interested in pursuing OKCupid anymore at this point. I've already had more and better conversations on Tinder (yes, better) and I just exchanged numbers and facebook pages with a girl a few minutes ago.

I'll check back periodically just to see what happens, but I'm out for the most part. Good luck fellow OkGafers.


Funny enough, I stopped looking at OKCupid for a few days, and then got some visits, a girl messaged me saying 'U R so cute' (which is kinda weird, ha ha) and got a mutual like. But eh, I'm not really interested in pursuing OKCupid anymore at this point. I've already had more and better conversations on Tinder (yes, better) and I just exchanged numbers and facebook pages with a girl a few minutes ago.

I'll check back periodically just to see what happens, but I'm out for the most part. Good luck fellow OkGafers.
That's good to hear. A friend of mines has been having a ton of success on Tinder that he's managed to get 3 dates out of it. I keep hearing good things about it such as that it's more to the point than OKC. I tried downloading it the other day but I don't enough space on my crappy phone so I guess it'll have to wait until I either clear out more space, root my phone, or get a new phone.


I usually use okc on my phone, but today I logged in on my pc and it told me.....

There are 18446744073709551596 people who like you.

See everyone who likes you with A-List.

I must be very popular.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Have my first date from Tinder (vs OKC) today, not sure what to expect. I know so much less about this girl than I usually know about girls from OKC, for better or worse. Also not sure if the "culture" about the site is a lot different. I'll just have a nice dinner and chat and see if we click LOL.


Welp, it was a short meeting. She had to leave because her roommate was locked out. =/

I think it went well. She looked like her pics and I was genuinely interested in her. Still at the bar now. I think I'll follow up with her on a second date. Got good vibes from her plus she was comfortable with letting me touch her.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Welp, it was a short meeting. She had to leave because her roommate was locked out. =/

I think it went well. She looked like her pics and I was genuinely interested in her. Still at the bar now. I think I'll follow up with her on a second date. Got good vibes from her plus she was comfortable with letting me touch her.

Good luck, that sounds like an "i need to bail" excuse if I've ever seen one LOL.

I remember during one of my dates (on a Saturday) my date got a call from a "telemarketer". If that wasn't a friend providing an out 30mins in I'll pay everyone in here 5 bucks. :p (as in, if she wanted to discontinue the date she'd have told me it was a friend/family member calling with an emergency) :p


Good luck, that sounds like an "i need to bail" excuse if I've ever seen one LOL.

I remember during one of my dates (on a Saturday) my date got a call from a "telemarketer". If that wasn't a friend providing an out 30mins in I'll pay everyone in here 5 bucks. :p (as in, if she wanted to discontinue the date she'd have told me it was a friend/family member calling with an emergency) :p
Damn, that doesn't give me much hope.=/

I think she was being sincere but it's good to have several pairs of eyes to help me see what I don't see. But ultimately, it'll be determined when I follow up with her.


Damn, that doesn't give me much hope.=/

I think she was being sincere but it's good to have several pairs of eyes to help me see what I don't see. But ultimately, it'll be determined when I follow up with her.

I definitely think that's the best attitude to take. If you are interested pursue it until she makes it clear that she is not interested. Everything else is just a guess.

I am going out with a girl for drinks on Friday, and the most amazing thing is that she is the one who asked me out. It has been kinda nice letting her pick out the place and not having to figure out everything. Though she hasn't gotten back to me on the where yet, so maybe my lack of assertiveness is turning her off, haha.
I like going through random profiles via quickmatch...

"oh cute girl"

*scrolls down*



Lately I'm getting nothing but high ratings, some of which I don't see, and messages from random girls in the Philippines (Seriously, what is it with them over there?). I know I shouldn't be but I'm getting annoyed with OKC.

How is Match.com? I'm hesitant to fork over cash because I'm afraid it'll be more of the same.
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