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Olympics ratings down, NBCU CEO predicted this and preemptively blamed millennials

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Kills Photobucket
NBC's coverage is a joke. Besides the tape delay to cram in commercials on things, NBC's spots app, where you could watch things live, was crashing on me every 30 minutes or so on Apple TV. Eventually said "screw it" and watched foreign broadcasts from CBC and BBC.

There is only one good thing about NBC Olympic Coverage.


That theme song


Having variety during prime viewing hours probably would have helped. I can only watch so much swimming and people running fast in a two week span before it gets boring.
Having variety during prime viewing hours probably would have helped. I can only watch so much swimming and people running fast in a two week span before it gets boring.

Totally agree, at least in regards to Track. It was fucking dull by the end. And really, prime time was the only time I could watch so the majority was track and swimming.

So many other interesting events to highlight.


The issue wasnt aware of them being on. The issue is that either the internet would spoil the results for their primetime block, of even the nbc nightly news fucking would. It takes the whole excitement out of it. I'm also a cord cutter, so i only watch on NBC via OTA, so the rest of their showing, i didn't watch.


Get better fencing coverage next time and I'll watch!

Unlike this time when coverage wasn't great and I...still...watched.

...Look my point is, more fencing on television, please?


They're not that exciting. The announcers were told to scream to excite us. It didn't work on my end.


“If that happens, my prediction would be that millennials had been in a Facebook bubble or a Snapchat bubble and the Olympics have come, and they didn’t know it.”

Uh, Facebook promoted the fucking thing to every goddamned user whenever they logged in. I know my status update thing said I should post about the Olympics for the first few days. People knew it was happening, they just didn't feel like watching for some reason.

NBC charged up to 50 percent higher rates for internet ads than for TV because the web audience trends younger and marketers are eager to reach millennials, Lazarus said, and there was little trouble selling spots on both platforms. NBC said its profit from the London games was about $120 million, and that it sold more than $1.2 billion in commercials this year and expects to even bigger earnings than four years ago.

So why the shit-fucking-christ did it only give a trail time period to watch online? I don't get this at all. I don't have cable. A lot of people I know don't have cable. We watch shit online. If you can make some bucks showing us ads, then why not do that? Why require the cable log in. Personally I wanted to watch more olympics but that trial time period of a half a freaking hour killed it for me. Fuck that shit I've got other things to do.


Gen x here... First Olympics ever I didn't watch a second of. Corruption and fatigue from the commercialisation and patriotism of it all made me nope outta there.


Stream it on Twitch or Youtube - because the player used on the site was total garbage.

And play it Live - way too many restreams. People who know the sport and like to talk about it rather than people saying, "wow that was pretty", "they're really talented" over and over and over again. As everyone else has suggested, stop covering just the USA.

The Beard

It's gotta be live for me to give a shit. The app isn't cutting it for me. All I have is an iPhone, I'm not watching anything on my phone when I have a 60" and surround sound at home.

Will NBC ever learn?
The only sport I care about is Basketball and I didn't watch any full Olympic game. Frankly the NBA is much more competitive and interesting. But maybe that's just me.

Either way, fuck off NBC. I do what I want.


The only sport I care about is Basketball and I didn't watch any full Olympic game. Frankly the NBA is much more competitive and interesting. But maybe that's just me.

Either way, fuck off NBC. I do what I want.

this post allows you to use the whole seat, but the only part you'll need is THE EDGE.
Then they shouldn't let you watch every event live without adds from your TV if they want you to watch it on the broadcast. They are basically competing against themselves. Why would I watch swimming on NBC when they also provide an stream of the same content through cable and with just one add before it starts?

You can have the most exciting content in the world, but that changes nothing if you offer it on another more comfortable way to consume it. I don't need it twice.


This just sounds like old people yelling at young people for being young. Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat had tons of footage of the Olympics.


"hey guys, everyone is using social media. instead of letting the sports be a social experience where everyone is watching it at the same time, let's timeshift it all over the place so nobody knows who's watching what at what time!"


NBC it's your own fault. You paid 12 billion and still tape delay the west coast like it's a 3rd world country. Every night it was swimming or track and field at night. Gymnastics was on tape delay so moat people were spoiled during the day. Seeing the 100th video perspective about Michael Phelps put me to sleep. Yes, you can stream from the web, but not all events for some reason. Also, why can't I find certain events easier on your garbage website. And when I do find the event I'm looking for it tells me it's already over yet saying it's live. Prompt me if I want to start coverage from the beginning so I can watch the event. Old people in corporations need to stop complaining about how people want to consume and change with the times. It's not just younger people, but older ones as well that have grown accustomed to on demand services. If it wasn't for the gaf olympic thread I wouldn't have watched half as much. Someone would post hey tune it to X this is amazing and I would open a tab on the computer. The tv channels should have a scrolling bar at the bottom notifying you of the channels and current event. There's no way anyone can find a damn thing with their pissed poor setup.
Live sports are alive and well.

Unfortunately, in a country where we win 50 more medals than second place...

In country where the sports we watch, in mass, are represented by one gold medal for the men, one gold medal for the women (Basketball. No football, no hockey, no baseball.)...

And in a time where you can literally get every important thing about the results in a second on Twitter...

Of course the Olympic ratings are down. Every four years I met fewer and fewer people that actually care about it. I'm one of them now.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I don't care about the Olympics..

Replace this with the general "sports" and yeah. I can't care about them. As soon as NBC started up with it (along with USA) I'd tune to something else. Thankfully, USA didn't screw up Mr. Robot's airing times with it, so...


We all need to realize that major network content is always aimed at fat, past-middle-aged parents in the Midsouth who come home from their jobs mining corn at the plant, pop some Big Macs in the oven with some green beans for dinner, and sit their wide asses in branded La-Z-Boy recliners for an evening in front of the TV. Every night. These people still act surprised at the conclusions of Bible stories they've heard hundreds of times.

I picture these people with their portraits of Jesus wrapped in the American flag every time I see pandering, sob stories, selective editing, and commercials for The Voice.


Streaming being locked behind a cable subscription left me out. I saw bits of women's basketball and track while out and about, but my apartment only offers cable as an additional cost that I'm not willing to pay so I pretty much missed the entire event.


Perhaps stream more (stream EVERYTHING!!!)? I don't know what ratings are being counted. TV only? Yeah that's a tougher sell for under 30s who may not grab cable for only 2 weeks to watch the Olympics.
They probably won't learn anything. By the next Olympics, their coverage will probably become worse, their streaming site will probably be as bloated as ever, and everyone else will have moved on to better options if they hadn't already in 2016.


You can't blame millennials for their aversion to watching sports when your Olympic coverage adds up to 5% sports, 80% human interest vignettes and 15% commercials.

It's about as bad as Super Bowl Sunday with its 8 hours of pre-game analysis from 6-man panels.


Best televised Olympics was the 1992 Olympics ppv Triple Cast with the illegal black cable box, you got to see everything at the same time on three different channels.

Barcelona, the real Dream Team
That was a good one

Always preferred the Winter Olympics though
The Olympics to me are boring. Just simply isn't something I'd like to watch . I enjoy sports, I've watched, or listened to nearly all the St. Louis Cardinal games while the Olympics were going on, but I didn't watch a single Olympic event. Just not for me.


I sincerely hope NBC loses money on this deal after the god-awful production they put out for Rio. Their opening ceremony coverage was awful, their tape delayed event coverage was awful, their streaming app was buggy, and their coverage of several non-spotlight events had high school AV club levels of production quality.
I can't speak to whether it's a trend amongst millenials as a whole, but I've definitely grown less and less interested in the Olympics as I've gotten older. It's gone from something I'd try to at least watch parts of when I was a kid to something I just passively absorb whenever something interesting enough warrants a thread I see on GAF or a clip I see posted on Twitter.

I can't speak for y'all, but yeah - my "millenial" browsing habits have decreased my interest in the Olympics overall.


41 > 38
My other favorite part of NBC's coverage is when the channel guide would say something like "Badminton, Beach Volleyball, Equestrian" for a three hour block, so I'd watch because I like those three events and it would be nothing but a water polo match and then an hour of newscasters on the beach talking to each other about what food they ate.


aka andydumi
The issue is that NBC was time shifting. I don't think many people time shift sports.

Indeed. And also that they did not have a widely available streaming option. Having to have a cable subscription is a killer these days when people are moving away from it.

The fact that they tried to block social media posts of Olympics pictures and gifs was just icing on the cake.

The other thing I thought was far weaker this time around was the lack of details on the athletes themselves. They picked a dozen popular athletes (swimming, gymnastics) and had too much depth rather than profiling the top athletes (from all countries) for each sport in shorter bursts.


Make the online experience amazing like the CBC does and people would be happy to watch. People don't like restrictions and don't want to watch dressage during prime time when they could be watching something interesting.


Unconfirmed Member
My other favorite part of NBC's coverage is when the channel guide would say something like "Badminton, Beach Volleyball, Equestrian" for a three hour block, so I'd watch because I like those three events and it would be nothing but a water polo match and then an hour of newscasters on the beach talking to each other about what food they ate.

Yes, fucking this. It was IMPOSSIBLE to actually know where to look for events or when they were occurring because if it wasn't Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Simone Biles, or Kerri Walsh-Jennings (who was always on at like fucking midnight, by the way, for BEACH volleyball) NBC didn't give a fuck about telling you even what day something would be occurring let alone what time and channel it would be on. You had to just get lucky and magically discover it for yourself.


Why tape delay. Its unnecessary. In my country we had at one time almost 1/16 of the population watching a event at the Olympics at 3.30 at night. If it was during the day and outside of the Olympics then this events amount of watchers would be in the top 3. So people are willing to set their alarms at night to watch.

I liked our coverage. We had most of the time +- 12 streams going on raw and not edited and without ads. The main channel had ads rarely. The times they came on i was surprised.


I hate how "millenials" has become a scapegoat for "Something one, maybe 2 generations liked is now suddenly financially unviable because objectively better alternatives have popped up and we'd rather make these older generations bitter than change."

I'll admit, I've never been a big sports fan. Even though some Olympic sports interest me, that apathy, alongside an inability to see some of them/the fact that Rio is in a sorry state and these Olympics just made things worse so I didn't really want to support them, gave me no desire to watch them unless someone else turned them on. I know I'm just an echo with less of a personal stake, but there really needed to be easier ways to watch them. And also for the Olympics to not take place in an unstable city at their lowest point.
I didn't watch because the olympics are boring to me. I watched most of the 2012 games but that was because I was unemployed.

also I don't have a TV license anymore because screw you BBC


It's disappointing to see so many not into the Olympics. It's something that brings the world together. It's two weeks of positive vibes and powerful emotions that hundreds of countries get to share on. I see something like this http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1264530 as worth more than anything from any TV drama because it's real emotion.

Even if you watch it on DVR to fast forward through the commercials and background stories, it's better than not watching it at all. I feel bad for people that missed out on seeing it.
I liked DirecTV's Olympic Interface and how I could keep track of the medal count, and I could record the events I wanted to (even though it wasn't perfect because their schedule and what they actually showed didn't quite match up). I'm actually still catching up with all the recorded footage. The nice thing about recording and then watching it, I can fast forward through all the boring stuff or sports I don't really care for. Unlike a lot of people here, I don't mind the profiles and "local correspondence" but watching SO much but man things like Track and Field and the endless heats and that they tried to jump back and forth between things. So terrible and sloppy!

I tried using the App on my Apple TV (3rd Gen) and it was actually quite nice watching stuff unedited and live with no commentary. Watching rowing without any extra noise is beautifully relaxing. The only thing that really sucked is that fast forwarding doesn't work well.The screen goes black, so it's difficult to get to the spot you need.

It's disappointing to see so many not into the Olympics. It's something that brings the world together. It's two weeks of positive vibes and powerful emotions that hundreds of countries get to share on. I see something like this http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1264530 as worth more than anything from any TV drama because it's real emotion.

Even if you watch it on DVR to fast forward through the commercials and background stories, it's better than not watching it at all. I feel bad for people that missed out on seeing it.

Yeah I love seeing moments like that. Of course my sister and I have fun at laughing at things that amuse us like the loud yells of the hammer throw or shot-put, the enthusiastic Archery announcer, or a woman making a really cute squeak doing a high jump.
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