Early humans died for other reasons than food scarcity oftentimes. (disease/sanitation/predators)H
Hmmm. Yes. The life expectancy of those early humans and obviously their ripped physical appearance….Something to aspire to for sure.
(Don’t fall for this nonsense as the ONLY reason to do this kind of stuff)
I think everyone should listen to their own body, but I think there's plenty of evidence to support that, generally speaking, the human body functions optimally when not subjected to an overabundance of calories (and nutrient poor diet, which is clearly problematic - just look around) and also includes periods of fasting. The digestive process is incredibly demanding and energy intensive, and when the body can rest from that occasionally, it has time to address other issues that receive little attention when so many resources are continuously preoccupied with food-assimilation. I mean, the diabetes epidemic is largely a disease of "too much, too often" for example. And diabetes connects with a whole host of related conditions that lead to compromised health and early death.