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OMG!! I'm in line waiting for halo 2!!! It's insane!!!


i just got back from my GS, they had over 1000 pre orders. there were atleast 300 people in line at mine as well. pretty much everyone had VIP orders. there were 75 or so that were there first come first serve. crappy pic but i didnt wanna look like a dork snapping away.



aaaaa0 said:
bungie just showed up at the redmond ebx!
I was there. Got a cool pix of it! They had 400+ people in line when i left at 12:30. Then I drove out to the Sammamish which had a good 100 people in line. Then stopped at the Gamecrazy on the way home and that had 30 people still in line at around 1 AM.

it was a little insane at the EBX in Redmond. The people started cheering. It was like a strange homecoming or something. Now with pictures.


for those who want a HUGE photo!
Got back from Arizona Mills mall in Tempe, AZ and there were about 450 people in line by 11:00pm... I got out at about 12:30am, as I waited in line with a friend at about 10pm and we we're #50 and #51. Pretty insane, all around. So far, I love this game...


Screw you bungie, what the hell did you do to the shotgun? Oh and this goddman atuto auim shit with the smg is god damn annoying. Also too much swaying with some of the weapons.
No huge line for the suburban Chicagoland EB here. Got there around 11:30, and was the 66th person in line. (Was hoping for 77 but oh well.)

And now, before I tumble off into sleep..

I must say.. damn good multiplayer. Can not wait till Wednesday which I have off! Also, Stat tracking on Bungie.net? AWESOME!


GameFan Alumnus
Wow, Element, that picture is badass. It was worth messing up the formatting of this thread to see how long that line stretched. That is insane.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Very cool photo Element :). Is Halo 2 the first game in the states that manages to generate this (lining) etc?


Eggo said:
Wow, Element, that picture is badass. It was worth messing up the formatting of this thread to see how long that line stretched. That is insane.
I hate photos that do that as well. but i broke my own rule tonight.

Is Halo 2 the first game in the states that manages to generate this (lining) etc?
outside of random lines for big games, i think this is probably the most wide spread lines for a game.


I thought my line was long....that's just insane. Was that where Bungie showed up to? And who exactly showed up? I doubt a bus pulled up painted Green and Black with the entire team inside waving flags :lol Or do I?


My god. Halo 2 has to be the biggest launch for a game ever in the states. Ive never seen anything like it. Close to 100 peeps at my EB. Some chicks, some kids, but mostly grown ass men, shootin the shit, and tryin to stay warm (its fuckin cold in the DC area!) And peeps were still comin when I walked out with my copy at around 12:20.

They did a raffle with everyone in line before 11:30pm geting free XBN subs, and the winners of the raffle (3) won Counterstrike, PGR2, and Crimson Skies. They also handed out some Halo 2 keychains. The first dude in line was there at 5pm (sick).

Got to exchange some gamertags too.

Oh. And Halo 2 is pretty awesome so far to boot :p


I was surprised by how many people were out there tonight...

First, I went to the local Game Crazy, where I had preordered. I'd guesstimate there were about 50-70 people there at 11:30pm. Too bad I preordered a year ago, before they announced the LE...they wouldn't sell me an LE since they said they were all spoken for. (Surprised that they would have no extra copies! Well, if they don't want my money...)

Then I drove by a Gamestop a block away - I had passed by on my way to Game Crazy and there were maybe 30-40 people here, but now I saw maybe 70-100 people lined up around the corner...

I thought that maybe the local Toys R Us would have a midnight event, but nope, denied...Tried to think who would be likely to sell one to me without a preorder, decided to go to Best Buy (hoping they would have a midnight event)...and even if not, there was a Gamestop next door to that Best Buy.

Well, the Best Buy was closed, but hot damn! The Gamestop had a kiosk in the parking lot set up and had some kind of event going. There must have been a few hundred people in that line, which stretched back about a hundred yards to the other side of the shopping center. There was no way I would be waiting in that line only to possibly still not get a copy of the LE :)

So I drove a few freeway exits away to a mall, which had both a Gamestop and an EB...Stopped into the Gamestop around 12:20, only like 5 people in the store, walked right up and bought my copy.

First impression: Game is laggy online with 16 players :( (maybe it's my connection? I have like 3mbit down 768k up, though...) Don't like the matchmaking - I want to be able to browse servers manually. Game is reasonably fun when you're playing, though...it'll probably be more fun when the clan stuff is all set up...time for bed now.


Rei_Toei said:
Very cool photo Element :). Is Halo 2 the first game in the states that manages to generate this (lining) etc?

halo2 is the only game to use the midnight sale marketing thingy.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Because i can't PM mike works

Why was the “The official “I just jizzed on halo 2 and it no longer works” locked??

It was a halo 2 post full of original content, in which members of the GAF were helping me to fix my broken game disc.

I speak for many angry GAF’ers that a thread of such high quality should not be locked!

It encourages robust debate to a serious design flaw of the Halo two disc, the flaw being the disc’s inability to handle fresh man juice and still work.

I am sincerely hoping the thread is reopened.


We handed out cotton candy, popcorn, and other assorted crackers and candy 1.5 hours leading up to H-Day. When Hour Zero finally came, Operation Halo 2 went off mostly without a hitch. Honestly, I think there were just about two mishaps. I was out of there by 1:10.


PhatSaqs said:
My god. Halo 2 has to be the biggest launch for a game ever in the states. Ive never seen anything like it. Close to 100 peeps at my EB. Some chicks, some kids, but mostly grown ass men, shootin the shit, and tryin to stay warm (its fuckin cold in the DC area!) And peeps were still comin when I walked out with my copy at around 12:20.

They did a raffle with everyone in line before 11:30pm geting free XBN subs, and the winners of the raffle (3) won Counterstrike, PGR2, and Crimson Skies. They also handed out some Halo 2 keychains. The first dude in line was there at 5pm (sick).

Got to exchange some gamertags too.

Oh. And Halo 2 is pretty awesome so far to boot :p

where in dc was this? i was hanging at my local videogame store and we had about 40 people show up total.


teepo said:
where in dc was this? i was hanging at my local videogame store and we had about 40 people show up total.
EB in Landover, MD. You in the area? Cold enough for ya :p

Here's a pic from TXB @ Times Square TRU


and another:



Was that where Bungie showed up to? And who exactly showed up? I doubt a bus pulled up painted Green and Black with the entire team inside waving flags Or do I?
yeah, that is one of the stores that many of the bungie staff stopped at. I think they stopped at 5 stores locally, with this EBX being the last one.

I saw Jaime Griesemer, Michael Evans, Michael Wu, Pete Parsons, Alta Hartmann (bungie princess), Curtis Creamer, Marty O'Donnell, and Frankie. there were lots more. I didn't see jason jones.

Kon Tiki

element said:
yeah, that is one of the stores that many of the bungie staff stopped at. I think they stopped at 5 stores locally, with this EBX being the last one.

I saw Jaime Griesemer, Michael Evans, Michael Wu, Pete Parsons, Alta Hartmann (bungie princess), Curtis Creamer, Marty O'Donnell, and Frankie. there were lots more. I didn't see jason jones.

Didn't Frank O'Conner (sp?) work for Gamepro? I hope his job at Budgie does not involving typing, his spelling is atrocious.


Matt Groening was in line at my EB games in L.A.

Nobody recognised him, so I said, "Hi, Matt" and he walked over and shook my hand.

Apparently Abe and Homer like Halo.
I stood in line for 3 hours at a Software Etc. The line was absolutely insane, even the local news was there covering it. They estimated around 1500 people were waiting but it sure as hell looked like a lot more than that to me. Even crazier, there was a Gamestop on the first floor of the same mall that had a line about as long as the one I was in. Someone got jumped in the parking lot for their copy but luckily there was a small army of security and police officers around.

I've never seen so much chaos over a videogame. Shit balls insananity tonight.

Now I gotta leave GAF until I finish the game. Too many freakin' spoilers around here.


element said:
suckass!! :( copy cat che!!

Damnit stop confusing me with chespace. Can you see a "space" after "che"? NO? That's because I'm not chespace morons!

PS. You suck.


Went to Toyrus this morning at 8am. There was nobody. The store opened. Walked in. Picked up a LE edition. and i am now owning bitches online


keep your strippers out of my American football
Flynn said:
Matt Groening was in line at my EB games in L.A.

Nobody recognised him, so I said, "Hi, Matt" and he walked over and shook my hand.

Apparently Abe and Homer like Halo.

Sweet. You would think he could have pulled some strings and gotten it free. Heck, he should have been able to get one of those swet X-Box/Halo 2 suitcases all the celebs got.

Edit - Here are vids from the NYC launch. They must have filmed them with a $50 digital camera, the quality is horrible. Very surprising for Microsoft.



That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
anyone else waiting to purchase at Wal-Mart so it won't count towards the NPD???!?

the above was a joke
Got in line at around 10:45. By midnight I guess there were probably 500-600 people in line. Pretty good turn out.

They had two lines - one for pre-paid and the other for pre-order. The pre-order line moved so much faster than the pre-paid line. I waited in the pre-paid line for over an hour because the fucking store clerk asked every single person in line if they wanted Halo 2 accesories!!! God it was infuriating!! It went something like this:

Clerk: Do you want the hint book? Its 20% off.

Customer: No.

Clerk: Do you want the one year gaurantee? Its only three dollars.

Customer: No

Clerk: Are you sure? You never know what may happen. We'll replace your game for free.

Customer: Yes, I'm sure.

Clerk: Do you want this beautiful Halo 2 headset I'm wearing? You can use it while playing on Live.

Customer: No.

Clerk: What about a Halo 2 poster? Books? T-shirt?

Customer: No. No. And no.

Clerk: Are you sure? There might not be any stuff like this in a couple weeks.

Customer: Yes, I'm positive.

Clerk: Ok. Here's your copy of Halo 2. Have a nice evening.

Seriously, I know that they had to do what their bosses told them to do, but it was ridiculous. It completely made the "faster" pre-paid line worthless. I feel bad for the people who were waiting a the end of the line. They probably didn't get out of there until after 2:00 am.
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