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OMG!! I'm in line waiting for halo 2!!! It's insane!!!


siamesedreamer said:
Got in line at around 10:45. By midnight I guess there were probably 500-600 people in line. Pretty good turn out.

They had two lines - one for pre-paid and the other for pre-order. The pre-order line moved so much faster than the pre-paid line. I waited in the pre-paid line for over an hour because the fucking store clerk asked every single person in line if they wanted Halo 2 accesories!!! God it was infuriating!! It went something like this:

Clerk: Do you want the hint book? Its 20% off.

Customer: No.

Clerk: Do you want the one year gaurantee? Its only three dollars.

Customer: No

Clerk: Are you sure? You never know what may happen. We'll replace your game for free.

Customer: Yes, I'm sure.

Clerk: Do you want this beautiful Halo 2 headset I'm wearing? You can use it while playing on Live.

Customer: No.

Clerk: What about a Halo 2 poster? Books? T-shirt?

Customer: No. No. And no.

Clerk: Are you sure? There might not be any stuff like this in a couple weeks.

Customer: Yes, I'm positive.

Clerk: Ok. Here's your copy of Halo 2. Have a nice evening.

Seriously, I know that they had to do what their bosses told them to do, but it was ridiculous. It completely made the "faster" pre-paid line worthless. I feel bad for the people who were waiting a the end of the line. They probably didn't get out of there until after 2:00 am.

Wasn't that awful? :\ You forgot about whether they wanted to switch their pre-order to another game, too. I tried to keep my questions down to two, three tops, because not only did the people in line have to stand through that, but most of the people just wanted to go home and play.

Ploid 3.0

PhatSaqs said:

The mother: I wonder if they have any copies of (looks at list) Halo 2 in... (looks around)


PhatSaqs said:
Not to sound like many other people, but is that the EBX at the RTC? The employee looks like him.

Edit: I guess so. Damn, I was planning on dropping by last night to see how it went down. I'm surprised to a see a woman in that shot.

What I didn't understand last night were the people getting the regular edition and not the collectors edition. Shit, if you're already crazy enough to stand in line for hours in the middle of night for a videogame why the hell don't you spend the xtra 5 bucks for the whole enchilada? It made no sense to me.
Counting down to midnight? FUCKIN GAY!!!!

Dude EB by my house had a line of like 200 people or more. I proceeded 5 minutes down the road to GameRush and there were only 4 people.


At the store I was at, this 14-15 year old couple was groping each other and trying to suck the skin off their faces while in line. The older dudes in the line were scared and confused thinking if they looked at them a SWAT team would bust through the windows :lol

Good times.


As my first post, I'll post here..

My pre-order ticket was older than the local EB. I got mine at GameStop across the street. There was only 11 people in the EB. But a hundred at the time lined up outside the GS. And this was at 12:05. I hate to see what it was before.

Either way, it took us about 30 minutes to get inside. Another 5 to get to the counter.

All they asked me was if I wanted the guide. I politely said no. That was that. The woman was nice. Yeah, a woman clerk. They never had a woman clerk at that store. Hmm.. She's either new or they brought her in for this. Whatever. I wanted the shirt she had.

Paid for my copy, (Yeah, I only put down $5 in November 2002.) grabbed a sandwich and left.

Drove home. Hooked up Xbox on bigger TV. (Sadly only like 30~ inches. Looks tiny from across the room.) Turned it on and played for 4 hours. Then went to sleep for 10.

Got the cool LE version. It's darn fantastic it is. Cheap way to include a DVD, but small gripe. I like the sleeve. But I hate it because I can't throw it away. I just can't. I even keep the cardboard sleeve from Disney movies.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
My god this article scares me http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6441598/ and these quotes stand out :lol

By 10 p.m. the crowd was so large even the crusty city dwellers were starting to take notice.
"Excuse me, what is this line for?" asked a passerby to a young man bearing a "Save the earth!" sign.
"Halo 2!* Halo 2!" yelled the sign bearer.* The entire line picked up the chant.* "Halo 2!* Halo 2!" they yelled.
"Get a life, you freaking losers!" yelled another passerby.*
"Halo 2!" they yelled back.

"In the pedi-cab, Kim Cattrall — Samantha of "Sex in the City" fame —**whose face bore the shock one would expect of a sexy celeb running head-on into a thousand or so unshaven 25-year-old males.* She quickly exited the pedi-cab into a nearby town car.
"Samantha!"* They yelled.* "Halo 2" fanatics may play video games, but they know their "Sex and the City."*

One young man, his bare chest bearing the number "2" painted in blue paint, charged towards the pedi-cab.* "Sex and Halo! Sex and Halo!" he chanted and once again the crowd took up the chant.

"'Halo has changed my life,"* Robert Caraballo, the bare-chested blue man admitted later.* "I'm just so lost in the excitement here. I'm just realizing how many people love this game."
Caraballo added that he had just been laid off earlier that day and called it the best day of his life because he would have more time to play "Halo 2."

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member

i went to the midnight launch in NZ, first in the world and I sat in the car while burger ran in and grabbed 2 copies. We took off 5 minutes later. Probably about 10 people in store. probably spoke to all of them 15 minutes later when loggin into live.


good credit (by proxy)
Matrix said:
My god this article scares me http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6441598/ and these quotes stand out :lol

By 10 p.m. the crowd was so large even the crusty city dwellers were starting to take notice.
"Excuse me, what is this line for?" asked a passerby to a young man bearing a "Save the earth!" sign.
"Halo 2!* Halo 2!" yelled the sign bearer.* The entire line picked up the chant.* "Halo 2!* Halo 2!" they yelled.
"Get a life, you freaking losers!" yelled another passerby.*
"Halo 2!" they yelled back.

"In the pedi-cab, Kim Cattrall — Samantha of "Sex in the City" fame —**whose face bore the shock one would expect of a sexy celeb running head-on into a thousand or so unshaven 25-year-old males.* She quickly exited the pedi-cab into a nearby town car.
"Samantha!"* They yelled.* "Halo 2" fanatics may play video games, but they know their "Sex and the City."*

One young man, his bare chest bearing the number "2" painted in blue paint, charged towards the pedi-cab.* "Sex and Halo! Sex and Halo!" he chanted and once again the crowd took up the chant.

"'Halo has changed my life,"* Robert Caraballo, the bare-chested blue man admitted later.* "I'm just so lost in the excitement here. I'm just realizing how many people love this game."
Caraballo added that he had just been laid off earlier that day and called it the best day of his life because he would have more time to play "Halo 2."




^^ LOL, yes it's been quite a hectic 24 hours. It's gonna be really interesting to see how many games Microsoft sold through. And for all the naysayers that say It's impossible for Halo 2 to outsell Halo 1, I'm living proof. I don't even own Halo 1! I played a friends copy and rented it once(always hoping it would drop down in price). But Halo 2, I just couldn't resist, and I'm sure a lot of other people couldn't either.

Also to the people that were PMing me about the phone I was using in my first post. It's called The Sidekick II. The best phone I've ever owned. Here's a link to a review of it and some pics.



Such a line makes mit want to shout at them "Isn't it cool you can play ****** and there is ****** in it, too! And the end, when ****** ***** and ******.... you didn't expect that, did you?" Where *** would be the actual spoilers :D

Man, that would be like the "Dangerseeker" in the Kentucky Fried Movie :lol


You guys must live in some big fucking cities or something because I've never had to wait in line for more than 10 minutes for a game (except for Xmas, and then I just order online.) Hell, I went out with my father to pay bills this morning and went to Target as a side trip, and saw like 15 copies in the display case, with no one in the electronics department. Or maybe Indianapolis is just that deserted

after reading that article I don't think I want to share my story of Union Square CC and the 3 lines.

but I will...

I was expecting a hard time finding this game at lunch today (1:30 pm) but I figured screw it I work a block and a half away form Virgn Not so MEga Store, CC, EB Games, and TRU. I went into virgin earlier that week and they did away witht hier gaming section or are rebuilding it but it wasn't in the store. So I went to CC. I wated online and asked them if they had any after waiting 10 miuntes hearing 2 girls arguee over what to do withthe free watches I was told I have to wait on this long line then pay for it and come back to the line I was at the front of an pick it up....WTF!? The line was at least 50 people deep withon cashier. 4 copies of Halo 2 left...50 people online...screw it.

Went to TRU a block away...walked in picked up and empty box and paid for it....no pre-orders...no midnight madess...obvioulsy there's no point. If 13 hours later you can just walk into a tru in NYC and they have pleanty.
+1 to the ease and aninomity of TRU. Waltzed in at noon and exchanged my second copy of THUG2 that I got through the 2 for 1 deal and was out of there at 12:05 with the LE. Proceeded to head over to my friends house for 6 straight hours of Co-Op. I think once MGS3 is out I'm just going to cut myself off from anything new. This year is redonkulous.


That's hilarious.

God I love Canada. I went to EB this morning. The line was 40-50 deep, and it snaked through the whole store. So I came to my damn senses and went to Future Shop, where I got the limited edition, a free hat, and two figurines, for cheaper than at EB. And without any line whatsoever.

I went back to EB and stood in line, talking loudly with other people about the Future Shop deal. Turns out, I shanked EB out of 20 Halo 2 sales. TAKE THAT EB.

Seriously. Nobody wants to pay $5 to preorder a game then wait in a damn line.


You should have been at the launch in the UK everyone.. Aye hang on a sec its not out till tomorrow. Bloody typical isn't it, 2 days later than everywhere else just to keep retail happy. Oh well its good to read about the game...NOT.
Pug said:
You should have been at the launch in the UK everyone.. Aye hang on a sec its not out till tomorrow. Bloody typical isn't it, 2 days later than everywhere else just to keep retail happy. Oh well its good to read about the game...NOT.
Yeah it really sucks. :\ Well we can always blame Osama....why did he must hit WTC on 09.11...oh why... DAMN you Osama!
Went to Wal-mart after work and they were sold out. Drove down to Fred Meyer and they had stacks and stacks of the plain version. Bought one for me and one for my little brother. Quick and painless, lines are for suckers :p


Dyne said:
That's hilarious.

God I love Canada. I went to EB this morning. The line was 40-50 deep, and it snaked through the whole store. So I came to my damn senses and went to Future Shop, where I got the limited edition, a free hat, and two figurines, for cheaper than at EB. And without any line whatsoever.

I went back to EB and stood in line, talking loudly with other people about the Future Shop deal. Turns out, I shanked EB out of 20 Halo 2 sales. TAKE THAT EB.

Seriously. Nobody wants to pay $5 to preorder a game then wait in a damn line.

LOL exactly, I went to Future Shop, no lineups at all. Got in and out. I also went by Zeller's since it's in the area and they also had tons of copies with noone around.

This also happened with GTA:SA, there were people just hanging around the EB waiting for the day's shipment to come in (They were sold out of this game) but if you head to Zellers / FutureShop / Walmart, there were tons of copies around.

People are dumb.


Little late, but I picked mine up at midnight at my local EB in a backwater town as well. I was shocked at how many people were there. There were about 50 people there when I showed up about 11:15PM. By midnight there was easily 150 people outside. This EB was very efficient in handling it all though. They had everyone get their transactions done before midnight so when the time came all we had to do was go in and pick up our copies and leave! Plus I guess a couple guys had been camping out there since 4 or 5 in the afternoon playing Halo on a projector they brought (This EB is located inside a mall). They had a white cardboard sheet taped to the wall with the projector focused on it and were playing Halo until about 11:45 Pm when they took it all down!


Steroid Distributor

My story kills all of yours.

I put $10 down each on two copies of the Special Edition at Future Shop. I go in midnight monday. Give the cashier my reciept. He asks me if I want the guide. I say yes. He scans the guide. Charges me another $16.02 for the guide and hands me my two copies of the game. I get out to my car and realize that this is all he charged me for. Not the copies of the games at all. :lol.
So I got each copy for $10 plus tax. I knew someone would have a story about a screw up. I just never thought it would have been me.

Truelize said:

My story kills all of yours.

I put $10 down each on two copies of the Special Edition at Future Shop. I go in midnight monday. Give the cashier my reciept. He asks me if I want the guide. I say yes. He scans the guide. Charges me another $16.02 for the guide and hands me my two copies of the game. I get out to my car and realize that this is all he charged me for. Not the copies of the games at all. :lol.
So I got each copy for $10 plus tax. I knew someone would have a story about a screw up. I just never thought it would have been me.

shit, $36.02 CANADIAN for 2 CE's and the guide!?!?
:lol :lol :lol
you win man
Matrix said:
My god this article scares me http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6441598/ and these quotes stand out :lol

By 10 p.m. the crowd was so large even the crusty city dwellers were starting to take notice.
"Excuse me, what is this line for?" asked a passerby to a young man bearing a "Save the earth!" sign.
"Halo 2!* Halo 2!" yelled the sign bearer.* The entire line picked up the chant.* "Halo 2!* Halo 2!" they yelled.
"Get a life, you freaking losers!" yelled another passerby.*
"Halo 2!" they yelled back.

"In the pedi-cab, Kim Cattrall — Samantha of "Sex in the City" fame —**whose face bore the shock one would expect of a sexy celeb running head-on into a thousand or so unshaven 25-year-old males.* She quickly exited the pedi-cab into a nearby town car.
"Samantha!"* They yelled.* "Halo 2" fanatics may play video games, but they know their "Sex and the City."*

One young man, his bare chest bearing the number "2" painted in blue paint, charged towards the pedi-cab.* "Sex and Halo! Sex and Halo!" he chanted and once again the crowd took up the chant.

"'Halo has changed my life,"* Robert Caraballo, the bare-chested blue man admitted later.* "I'm just so lost in the excitement here. I'm just realizing how many people love this game."
Caraballo added that he had just been laid off earlier that day and called it the best day of his life because he would have more time to play "Halo 2."

lol @ sex and halo....
2 hours!!!1111 Oh god this is funny, I know I'm not supposed to be this hyped about a videogame but I just am...lol! I guess the 2 day delay of PAL release date made this extra exciting. :lol


Project Midway said:
2 hours!!!1111 Oh god this is funny, I know I'm not supposed to be this hyped about a videogame but I just am...lol! I guess the 2 day delay of PAL release date made this extra exciting. :lol

Cortana goes berserk and kills everyone and Master Chief has to destroy her.


One young man, his bare chest bearing the number "2" painted in blue paint, charged towards the pedi-cab.* "Sex and Halo! Sex and Halo!" he chanted and once again the crowd took up the chant.

I had to stop reading, I actually felt myself getting dumber.


My friend and I walked into EB the next morning and bought the Limited edition. No lines at all,no bullshit pimping of t-shits or Halo novels either. Though they did come on strong with the strategy guides,had to tell the girl twice that I wasn't interested. I did buy the 3 dollar game protection plan though. Eh why not? 3 bucks is nothing and worth the peace of mind should I scuff up the game with all the use it'll be seeing the next year or so.

WE also dropped by Best Buy to pick up a few Xbox controllers and my god were they ever pimping Halo 2. You walk into the store and there are 2 tables some 30 feet apart with Xboxs and stacks of Halo2 next to it.

Target was the last stop. Walked by the gaming section and saw one hell of a mighty sight. The largest mountain of Xboxs stacked so damn high that it made youactually not want to walk by. If one were to fall then they'd come crashing down.

Halo craziness...just wow. Its fun to watch and be a part of.

Its also sorta scary too.
Finally, the day has come:


It was only €45 so I just had to buy two copies!! Actually the other is for my friend. Lots of "casuals" were there, mostly mother's buying Halo 2 for their kiddies. One of them talked at the cashier how his little boy has waited for this over one year. I coughed and said "madam, I have been waiting this for almost three years". :lol

And now...to play...some...HALO 2!!!!!11


I went to Target last night and picked up one of their last copies of Halo 2. Their shelves were sucked dry and barren. Their clerk said that they were full in the morning. While I was walking out with my purchase, another dude was buying a copy as well and the token black guy clerk was like "Is Halo 2 any good?" and the other clerk said "I've never even played the first one". I was about to slap the spit out of his mouth with my newly purchased Halo 2 box, but thankfully I came to my senses once I realized it wouldn't do that punk or my beloved Halo 2 any good--but mostly my Halo 2.

Total Halo 2 purchase time from when I left my house to when I returned: 8 minutes.
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