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omg phantom brave is finally out ;_;


force push the doodoo rock
this forum makes me cry.



Im scarred to try it. I dont think it will be able to top the awesomeness of Disgaea. La Pucelle kinda sucks so I dont know about this one.



AeroGod said:
Im scarred to try it. I dont think it will be able to top the awesomeness of Disgaea. La Pucelle kinda sucks so I dont know about this one.


Well, in the chronological order of Japan releases, La Pucelle came out before Disgaea. Phantom Brave came out after. Phantom Brave should be the next evolution, I hope.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
EB just called me 10 seconds ago; my copy is in, but I want pikman too. Only one can come home.


Mrbob said:
Well, in the chronological order of Japan releases, La Pucelle came out before Disgaea. Phantom Brave came out after. Phantom Brave should be the next evolution, I hope.

The thing I loved best about Disgaea was the humor. The Prinny's D00D and Etna's Chapter speech things, it was all fantastic. The battle system and gameplay was only okay with me, im not a HUGE fan of strategy RPGs but I can play them if its a good story and likeable characters. Otherwise...no. Disgaea had all this deep gameplay with the item world, monster council, the crazy ass class system and the diamond panels and everything. It wasnt confusing, but it felt kinda pointless. Like...Why. I beat the game without doing any of it. And then they say "GET level 500,000!" but then you go ahead and get like 1000 levels per battle. The large numbers just felt tacked on as like a "wow" factor or something. I dunno.

Then comes La Pucelle, story was dumb and I hated the characters. :p I dunno about this one. maybe Disgaea was a one time thing.


Fuck I hope this gets more copies printed than Disgaea or La Pucelle, (both of which I had to snag the last copy from EB) I really don't have the cash right now. Maybe we'll get some copies at TRU and I can put one on hold for a while.
Nippon Ichi better not have another release so soon, having to secure means to guarantee my copy of a game sucks, haha.
3rd Strike... Phantom Brave... 3rd Strike... Phantom Brave... 3rd Strike... Phantom Brave... 3rd Strike... Phantom Brave... 3rd Strike... Phantom Brave... 3rd Strike... Phantom Brave... 3rd Strike... Phantom Brave... 3rd Strike... Phantom Brave... 3rd Strike... Phantom Brave... 3rd Strike... Phantom Brave... 3rd Strike...

*head explodes*


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
White Man said:
Hmmm, does the game appear to have as many things to do as Disgaea? Is it humorous?

It has a more serious/darker tone as compared to Disgaea.


I'm so damn busy with school and work now... I wont have nearly enough time to play this AND Pikmin 2 plus I am nowhere near beating La Pucelle yet. Argh -- choices, choices!


Cool beans. I don't think I'll be opening it soon though. Too much shit to play and Chains of Promathia for FFXI is coming out soon too.


force push the doodoo rock
been playing it for the past 3 hours or so and i have to say, the battle system in this game is much harder and MUCH MUCH more complicated than disgaeas. I'm still at the beginning of the game so i dont have much of an opportunity to explore some of the cooler things like fusion and random dungeons. I need more money and stuff :(

the gets smiley rules btw


Unconfirmed Member
My copy should arrive tomorrow. :)

I almost bough SFAC today, but I realized as was literally about a dollar short and didn't want to put it on my credit.

Ugh, being an unemployed college student blows at times like this.



*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*

I can do it!


force push the doodoo rock
IJoel said:

*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*
*Can't fall prey of GAF's hype*

I can do it!



Tag of Excellence
I'm holding out for the possible 2 for 1 deal at TRU. If not then I'll have to wait a bit for this game, =(. GAF HYPE TRAIN HAS LEFT AND I WANT TO BE ON.


Man I wasted so much damn money this week already! I got Star Ocean 3, Phantom Brave then I have Shin Megami Tensei Nocturn preordered and Street Fighter A Edition :( man I'm going to be broke when it comes to paying my rent... damn you gaming industry!! But anyways I'm liking how Phantom Brave it shaping out, not a lot like Disgaea but hell still good :D


Mejilan said:
I don't even know why I got this game. But I did.
LOL!! So very true, I have a stack of games I look at daily and ask myself the same question. Yet I am still buying Phatom Brave and Star OCean.


Running off of Custom Firmware
wipeout364 said:
LOL!! So very true, I have a stack of games I look at daily and ask myself the same question. Yet I am still buying Phatom Brave and Star OCean.

Well, that's true. In the last week, I've picked up Gradius III & IV, Gradius Galaxies, Dynamite Headdy, Silhouette Mirage, Stretch Panic, Pikmin 2, .Hack Part 4, LotR TTT, SFAC, Phantom Brave, DW4: Empires, and Star Ocean 3.

But what I really meant by my last post, is that I hated Disgaea and moderately disliked La Pucelle.


Scary Euro Man
Phantom Brave and Star Ocean are the first games I've pre-ordered in years, mostly on the grounds that I wanted the LE version of Phantom Brave and I wanted Star Ocean on launch day. :)


Running off of Custom Firmware
I think ALL of the first shipment of PB is the Special Edition. I preordered also, just in case, but I walked into a store today and looked at a game (actual sealed game, not a display case) and I could have sworn it said Special Edition in the back.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
i find strategy games to be really appealing, but i just haven't had the mental capacity to make it through them. i got stuck on the third fight of final fantasy tactics, for example, where archers were introduced.

could i get into phantom brave? would i be better picking up disagea or la pucelle? is it not even worth trying if i can't even figure out FFT?


eXxy said:
i find strategy games to be really appealing, but i just haven't had the mental capacity to make it through them. i got stuck on the third fight of final fantasy tactics, for example, where archers were introduced.

could i get into phantom brave? would i be better picking up disagea or la pucelle? is it not even worth trying if i can't even figure out FFT?
From what I hear about PB, Disgaea is a much more polished, light hearted affair. PB seems to be pretty daunting with the possession aspects, so far that GS knocked off a few points for that. Not to say Disgaea doesn't have its fair share of depth, but you can ignore certain aspects of that and still be fine.

If it makes you feel any better, Disgaea was the game that sucked me into the SRPG genre - I wasn't a big fan of it before, but Disgaea had an easy to learn battle system and just a fun story.


Disgaea is much faster than FFT too; character menus are more reponsive and actions don't take as long. Haven't played PB yet (comes tommorrow for me) but I assume it's similar there.


Phantom Brave and Star Ocean are the first games I've pre-ordered in years, mostly on the grounds that I wanted the LE version of Phantom Brave and I wanted Star Ocean on launch day.


Was considering ordering the two games from them today, but should be able to get them cheaper elsewhere pretty soon, and still got ToS to beat.
I haven't really played the game enough to decide if I like it or not, but I do know that I discovered you can jump on the heads of your units at your home island, injuring them, and I found it funny.

I'm afraid to try to kill one of them in this fashion though... I suspect the game will eject the DVD at a high rate of speed at my neck and I wouldn't appreciate it.
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