Uncharted 4 was the 1st in the series that had no supernatural enemies at all. People expected ghost pirates or something, but no, Druckmann had to remove them.
That UC3 Djinn fight near the end was tough as nails on Crushing, BUT there were power weapons lying around and if you made careful use of your ammo, it was definitely doable.
PS3 Uncharted games have this old school gameplay philosophy where you get hidden power-ups, but you have to explore a bit to discover them. I guess most people don't do that. They treat it like a straight line to the end, like a movie as they say. To each his own.
Another chronic complaint I hear all the time (and it's what ultimately destroyed UC2 MP 1.04) is the "bullet sponge" one.
NPCs are bullet sponges ONLY if you go for bodyshots. They're easy to take down with headshots (some power weapons like the Dragon Sniper and Desert-5 are 1HK). Conclusion: if you're a skilled marksman, it's not that bad as people claim it to be. Headshots require more skill than bodyshots, so this definitely makes the game more challenging.
I understand if someone is not a big fan of shooters (let alone 3rd person ones), but these games were highly immersive for me back in the day. UC4 less so, since they changed Amy's recipe more than they should. Gameplay (aiming) could be improved with the DS4 gyroscope, since apparently many people have trouble aiming with the analog sticks (especially if they come from PCs). Gameplay criticism is fine, as long as you can offer constructive criticism (which most people sadly don't do).