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Once Upon a Time Season 2 |OT| Only True in Fairy Tales

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This last episode had some of the worst writing of the whole series. I really wish Charming went off the hook and shot the King...but ABC obviously wouldn't do that.
This last episode had some of the worst writing of the whole series. I really wish Charming went off the hook and shot the King...but ABC obviously wouldn't do that.
If you don't kill an evil - I cut people in half - psychopath after he specifically tells you to do it with the line "I told you should have killed me when you had the chance" then you're a damn idiot.

Charming can be all noble and reap the benefits of positive PR but someone has to do the dirty work to keep all those crazies in order.


This episode was pretty hella boring except for the stuff dealing with the Red flame dream world

So basically the end kinda shows that they can use the Dream World to cross over from each other's worlds

FUck sake

Let's get this over with and get Freddy Krueger up in here


I have to agree that even while high this episode was just plain boring and bad. Did not feel it. I knew it was a Red episode before hand and had my suspicions.

No new episode next week either.

Next two episode names:
Into the Deep
Queen of Hearts

The second one at least suggests we'll get something interesting soon.


The new worlds haven't really given me any cause for concern. The ones that remain important are still the sole focus. But I'm betting we see Neverland soon and Wonderland again.

This dream world seems really forced until they explain it some more though.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Who the hell is Aurora even? I must have been not paying attention to this bullshit more than usual when they introduced her.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
TY both. That explains the relationship to dream land. Oh shit Dream Land, we need to get Kirby up in this bitch!
How many more "worlds" they gonna bring up

This show wants to be Sliders or something

I'm ok with them for now, as long as they hold off on really using them. I hope they save some for other seasons down the road. I would be fine if we never heard any more about Frankenstein's world for a while, or if we don't see anything about Oz for a while even though it's been hinted at. I'd say the same for Neverland and Wonderland, but I kind of doubt that we won't be seeing those this season.
Just watched the latest ep. It was confusing with the whole back story and why Red couldn't control the Wolf in present day if she learned how to do it in the past. I guess it was she doesn't trust herself but I don't understand why as she did in the flashback and that was after she killed her boyfriend.

I also didn't get David's mumbo jumbo speech on how Spencer/King George killed Billy/Mouse. Yes Spencer had Red's cloak but I didn't get how that insinuates he killed the people(even though he admitted it later). Also how did he get the hat?

This show really pulled so much stuff out of thin air in this episode with little details as to why. How do we know that was Red's mom? Gold's potion could have used more detail too.

I thought it was a decent ep...but probably the second weakest of the season behind the god-awful premiere.
OMG THIS EPISODE WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING... until the last few minutes...
I HATE YOU CORA!!!!!! DIE ALREADY YOU B***!!!!!!! :'(

Also I got fooled by Hook, I thought he actually wanted to screw her :( I guess he just wants to get to Storybrooke. Can't wait for next week. I'm worried about Snow and Emma :(


I wouldn't say he "just wants to get to Storybrooke". The guy is playing all sides to make sure it happens. If Cora wins, she takes him as both want revenge on Rumple. If Emma/Snow win, he comes off as sympathetic to their cause with nothing to tie him to Aurora's heart.


Decent episode, hindered in places by questionable acting takes once again that seemed like a bad soap opera

Watching Snow freak out and cry over Charming
Henry can't act his way out of a paper bag

Aurora is purdy, but she's gotta change her outfit once in awhile

Hook is awesome, cuz he's playing both sides very well

I like the fact they keep having to reiterate that Rumple is the most powerful dark force in their magic world
I have not liked these last couple episodes very much at all. We went from a boring Red episode to two episodes without back stories at all. The Cora story didn't really go anywhere in this entire episode. It's in the same spot it already was but now Charming's in a sleep spell and Cora has Aurora's heart. Just meh.
I have not liked these last couple episodes very much at all. We went from a boring Red episode to two episodes without back stories at all. The Cora story didn't really go anywhere in this entire episode. It's in the same spot it already was but now Charming's in a sleep spell and Cora has Aurora's heart. Just meh.

yeah with the streak of last episodes im considering to drop once from my weekly watchlist


Plenty of plotting problems in the last episode. Hook's unexplained ability to be at the right place in the right time, including but not limited to his escape from the giant, his rescue of Aurora and his possession of Aurora's heart. Not to mention that Cora, who is supposed to be Rumplestiltskin's equal, with all her magic she can't just confront three women armed with sword and bow, instead she has to drag it out by concocting some elaborate ruse to get the compass. The show feels all over the place right now.
Plenty of plotting problems in the last episode. Hook's unexplained ability to be at the right place in the right time, including but not limited to his escape from the giant, his rescue of Aurora and his possession of Aurora's heart. Not to mention that Cora, who is supposed to be Rumplestiltskin's equal, with all her magic she can't just confront three women armed with sword and bow, instead she has to drag it out by concocting some elaborate ruse to get the compass. The show feels all over the place right now.

Yup. :/

Honestly felt like an episode trying to drag out for an extra episode for them to end up back in Storybrooke for the mid-season finale.

I actually said out loud "WTF?" to Hook randomly being able to take Aurora's heart. When the hell have people not known that it was taken? Every time it's happened the people haven't forgotten. Guess she was asleep? :lol


The whole heart-taking thing was a bit ridiculous: they already established it's not easy to take a heart, Hook has never shown any magic abilities, no one's questioning why Aurora was released one bit.


Not to mention the whole controlling a person by their heart bit. That sort of came out of nowhere...

How could I miss that.
I guess I was just totally wtf @ it that I didn't notice. The writing hasn't gotten to me too much except for Emma's redundant "I can spot a liar, even in Enchanted-Forest Land." And Gold's fussy "No. I'M more powerful." silly commentary.


Trying not to read much in this thread as I am marathoning season 1.
My gf and I have really enjoyed it so far, and look to catch up soon.


The last few weeks have definitely been pretty weak. The whole FIRE ROOM thing has kinda dragged out too long.

If the next episode's title is anything to go by, though, it should hopefully be a step up.
Cora is an uninteresting villain

Kill her off fast yo

Until......her days as the queen of hearts is revealed.

That was one interesting thing from this episode. Rumple and Regina talked of killing Cora and seeing her body. They're obviously not talking about throwing her through the mirror as that was specifically stated as sending her to another place and not killing her.


Until......her days as the queen of hearts is revealed.

That was one interesting thing from this episode. Rumple and Regina talked of killing Cora and seeing her body. They're obviously not talking about throwing her through the mirror as that was specifically stated as sending her to another place and not killing her.
Would also make sense as to why Regina's father was "kidnapped." I don't recall them mentioning a reason why he was taken.


When was he supposed to be kidnapped? I forget that bit? And her father for the most part.

I don't know how he was. They just implied it. But it makes sense: She asked for a favor to use the hat to get "something of value" that was taken from her by the Queen of Hearts (before Regina's became a baddy, she's always mentioned that the chest full of hearts she used to try to resuscitate her boyfriend was her mother's). She never said what that thing of value was until she was about to leave Wonderland, which then it was revealed that the "thing of value" was her father, leaving the Mad Hatter trapped to make hats for the Queen of Hearts in a attempt to get back to the Enchanted Forest.
I don't know how he was. They just implied it. But it makes sense: She asked for a favor to use the hat to get "something of value" that was taken from her by the Queen of Hearts (before Regina's became a baddy, she's always mentioned that the chest full of hearts she used to try to resuscitate her boyfriend was her mother's). She never said what that thing of value was until she was about to leave Wonderland, which then it was revealed that the "thing of value" was her father, leaving the Mad Hatter trapped to make hats for the Queen of Hearts in a attempt to get back to the Enchanted Forest.

Oh yeah, now I remember. Forgot all about that. Makes you realize how much there is to fill in in all that time from Snow being a little girl and her going under the sleep spell. Makes me more bummed that they're dragging out this reveal and that the last two episodes have been void of flashbacks.
Just watched the episode as I was coincidentally sleeping Sunday night when the show came on. It was a good episode. Hook is becoming my favorite character. Is Sleeping Beauty dead? I don't understand how you can walk around without a heart?
Just watched the episode as I was coincidentally sleeping Sunday night when the show came on. It was a good episode. Hook is becoming my favorite character. Is Sleeping Beauty dead? I don't understand how you can walk around without a heart?

Huntsman did forever. They don't die until it's crushed. Apparently they can now control them with it as well.


Pizza Dog
Was it made clear that it's Aurora's heart that Cora was using? I got the impression that it was someone else's as we never saw her hurt or him attacking her, although I suppose it could have happened while she was knocked out. I seem to remember Cora saying "You took a heart", but it could have been "You took her heart" and I'm remembering it wrong.
Was it made clear that it's Aurora's heart that Cora was using? I got the impression that it was someone else's as we never saw her hurt or him attacking her, although I suppose it could have happened while she was knocked out. I seem to remember Cora saying "You took a heart", but it could have been "You took her heart" and I'm remembering it wrong.

Cora was talking through Aurora with her heart. If it's not hers it's some magical person controlling heart lol. I would actually rather that be true than being able to control people through their heart.

Not sure why I have such a problem with it, but I hate it.


I thought the entire point of collecting the hearts was that they could control people with them?

They never really "controlled" anyone by directly owning their heart because it never stopped the Huntsmen from helping Snow White. I always figured they were @ the mercy of the queen because she used their heart as collateral specifically because she could kill them through it.
Without really seeing any actual controlling it was sort of assumed it was as leverage. Regina even squeezed it whenever Huntsman first resisted I believe.

They never really "controlled" anyone by directly owning their heart because it never stopped the Huntsmen from helping Snow White. I always figured they were @ the mercy of the queen because she used their heart as collateral specifically because she could kill them through it.

Makes sense. Supposedly Cora is more powerful than Regina, though, so maybe Regina's magic isn't strong enough to control people in that way.
Makes sense. Supposedly Cora is more powerful than Regina, though, so maybe Regina's magic isn't strong enough to control people in that way.

The controlling hearts aspect is actually the part I had the least problem with. Sure it wasn't really hinted at before and Gold should know if anything, but if Cora is the queen of hearts and it's some power she acquired over time I could accept that.

My problems more dealt with Hook taking the heart not knowing when or how he took it or who showed him how to do it. Not to mention how he would know Cora could use it to control Aurora. It was stated that it's supposed to be hard to do and we can assume Regina and Gold didn't teach him and we can assume by Cora's reaction of him learning to take a heart that she didn't teach him either. It was just a crappy reveal overall and it makes the whole taking hearts thing more common and makes it possible for anyone's heart to be taken at this point or anyone under someones control without the viewers really knowing.


Oh god, I remember recommending a gaffer to watch this show along with Grimm. I hope he doesnt hate me!!!

This season has been complete shit! The acting, the writing, the twists, the reveals, the characters... everything just took a turn for the worse x 1000000. My gf and I both loved S1 only to be disappointing by S2. We have decided to pretty much drop it. This whole season, the episodes feel like those D-list horror movies, where they try to be serious but it just comes off as comedy because of how bad it is.
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