Luffy will never die!
Watch Luffy get back to his hometown and Mako kill him because he couldn't repay his debt.
Luffy will never die!
Until after he found the One Piece, then gears will catch up with him.Luffy will never die!
Oda not going kill ever kill off Luffy, though he may die before anyone else, it's going to be ages before it ever happens.Until after he found the One Piece, then gears will catch up with him.
One Piece is probably going to have a Gurren Lagann style "old heroes set up another generation" ending.
There's a 90% chance Luffy gives someone his strawhat.
One Piece is probably going to have a Gurren Lagann style "old heroes set up another generation" ending.
There's a 90% chance Luffy gives someone his strawhat.
Coby.One Piece is probably going to have a Gurren Lagann style "old heroes set up another generation" ending.
There's a 90% chance Luffy gives someone his strawhat.
They'll find a way regardlessLuffy has to die to prevent Toei from making One Piece GT
I doubt Zoro would get married though, he comes across as a Vegeta of not wanting none of dat.
Unless they married off-screen to my knowledge.
Ironic, since Vegeta got married.
She was with yamcha, maybe she was really desperate to improve her partner.How the hell did Bulma accomplish that, lol.
And had two kidsIronic, since Vegeta got married.
Who will also be the one to capture him.
Despite fighting for the opposite side, Coby has followed his dreams in a way that mirrors Luffy more than anyone. Luffy is directly responsible for his rapid development and I bet you he'll be an Admiral by the time the series is over.
Sanji and Pekoms are the true L's of this arc.As great as it is to see Jimbei leave big mom, it stings to see that Pekoms is getting screwed (again!). I hope the arc ends with something good happening for him lol.
Chopper without the hat always catches me off guard. Good to see Caesar back in the mix.
Not even pfftSanji and Pekoms are the true L's of this arc.
Epilogue's Gorosei: Vivi, Shirahoshi, Momonosuke, ????????,Sanji :lol
Oda author comments are always good.Reading this weeks digital mag reminded me about last weeks Author comment I forgot to post
This is basically me lolReading this weeks digital mag reminded me about last weeks Author comment I forgot to post
Reading this weeks digital mag reminded me about last weeks Author comment I forgot to post
Even as a sanji fan learning a big focus would be on him I've had my doubts but this arc really did turn into something special that I'm enjoying way more than I thought! Also happy birthday Sanjiso i just caught up on one piece
watched the anime from the beginning of the luffy/doflamingo fight all the way to the end of zou, then read the manga from there
you ever say "i'll just read a chapter or two tonight then go to bed"
and then 4 hours pass and you suddenly you just read 30 chapters in one sitting
this arc is fucking amazing
Watch dbz abridgedHow the hell did Bulma accomplish that, lol.
It can still happen.Luffy has to die to prevent Toei from making One Piece GT
so i just caught up on one piece
watched the anime from the beginning of the luffy/doflamingo fight all the way to the end of zou, then read the manga from there
you ever say "i'll just read a chapter or two tonight then go to bed"
and then 4 hours pass and you suddenly you just read 30 chapters in one sitting
this arc is fucking amazing
Some spoiler pics are out:
Pudding looks great in the wedding dress
Some spoiler pics are out:
Pudding looks great in the wedding dress
Evil Overlord List #221 said:Whatever my one vulnerability is, I will fake a different one. For example, ordering all mirrors removed from the palace, screaming and flinching whenever someone accidentally holds up a mirror, etc. In the climax when the hero whips out a mirror and thrusts it at my face, my reaction will be "Hmm...I think I need a shave."
Also, it's quite kind of Bege not to cut brulee's throat and have one of his men eat her fruit so you don't run the risk of her working against you.
We don't get to hear their plans out loud ever they are screwed
Also is pudding getting cold feet or what I can't tell with this women anymore
...? I don't think that's how devil fruits work. Bege ain't Blackbeard.
What do you mean? We know that when fruit users die, the devil goes into the nearest fruit nearby. Just kill Brulee and have one of his thugs eat it for the mirror mirror powers.
We know it, but does Bege know it?What do you mean? We know that when fruit users die, the devil goes into the nearest fruit nearby. Just kill Brulee and have one of his thugs eat it for the mirror mirror powers.
Ok either Luffy fucks up the plan, Big Mom is now resistable against someone damagin the photo or another emotion overwrites her weakness.
Even if the plan works, Ceasar just letting no one into mirror world is also a possibility.
My guess is she's going to think of another way to take out as not to get blood on her dress and thus throw everything into chaos and ruining Luffy's funny entrance.