Yeah, this sugo's a tough call. It's all gold, which is good (and rare), and I'm really curious about the wording on the Law boost: says 5x chance to pull the rate-boosted Law, which, in theory, actually means he's got a higher pull chance (a la the anni sugo) as opposed to the usual rate boost in other sugos. I mean, you still have to answer whether we're looking at 5x a 2-3% chance or 5x a 0.5% chance, which are very different things.
But my goal as of late was to save up 6 multis in case we get the same G4 sugo that JPN did. There's no guarantee Global will get the same offer, of course, but I want to be ready just in case. So I don't think going all out here is a good idea either.
My gut is to do one multi and call it done, as I can still get back into G4-range easily enough just so long as he doesn't show up in the next month or something.
Also, hey, this would be the third time I've done multipulls on a sugo where TS Nami is boosted! Still don't have her.