Cleared all the colo stages today but won't farm Chinjao for now. Is he essential in any teams? For 50 stamina and the possibility of Ideo as a sub boss I'll skip the farming for now.
With all the tomes I got I already max socket my Striker Law though.
Mind posting your team?
fuji x2
raid doflamingo (only raid version works)
shiki (alternatively you can use caesar)
diamante (MVP)
psy marco /legend marco
sockets: lv 3 bind, lv 3 despair, lv 5 heal,lv 1 CD red.,lv 2 (i think?) orbs..only really needed is anti despair lv 3 if you want this to be shanks-able
other things: doffy ship, the 2 fujitora and raid doffy have +200 CC on hp and atk, o idea if it's relevant.
stage 1-2: stall on a single girl on stage 1 until you have around 16k hp or you are sure to have all the specials ready by the second turn of stage 3
stage 3
dagama version: just activate diamante and kill dagama on turn one with the orbs you've farmed on the previous stages, this version is really easy since diamante should kill every goon by turn 2
kyros version: simple blunt force, be wary not to bring him down 30% since he nukes you, farm the orbs when he puts the damage limit shield and then burst in the following 2 turns...use marco when necessary (either after 1 or two hits depending on rcv orbs). this stage it's easy enough but i don't know if it's harder if you bring caesar instead of shiki,which in turn makes easier the..
ideo version: this is where diamante shines. the main problem with this stage was those 2 pesky goons that despair you and make everything harder than it should be,but that's where diamante works his magic. Those guys have 2 barriers of 13 hits and guess waht,you have exactly 26 hits available on your team (that's why you bring raid doffy,legend has 4 hits insetad of 5). just attack with a 4+4+5 combo the right one and then with another 4+4+5 hits the left one,and boom,diamante special kills them and no more despair!
if you did your homework and are over 15500 hp just tank the first hit from ideo, then use marco if you are under 5700, otherwise you can tank another hit. Second turn kill the giant and then focus on ideo. According to the damage calculator you only need one orb on doflamingo to deal more than half of ideo's health in damage. you can also tank a good amount of hits since you have so much hp so as long as you don't bring ideo under 30% (he nukes you too because why not) just try to nto do that.
stage 4: just use a fujitora and kill sai in a couple depends on how many hp you have left. 1 hit from chinjao is the minimum for this team, but you might have to restart the stage to reroll the silence if he silences the fujitora that you have not used yet, if you have enough to tank 3 hits you shouldn't need to.. but of course the main focus here should be to not bring sai under 10% because guess what? Nuke.
stage 5: as we said, you MUST have enough hp to tank an hit when chinjao attacks. If you have enough to survive two of them, you don't need to reroll if he silences your good fujitora (now i'm wondering if it's three to be sure..i always manage to get there with a good amount of hp anyway.
EDIT: yes it's 3 because he re-applies his pre emptive). anyway,when you can use the fuji spcial and let the magic happen..meanwhile farm orbs so that you are ready to burst after those 3 turns...don't attack hard since you need chinjao over 50% hp and fuji special should bring him around 51% hp without any attack needed. If you did everything right now use doflamingo,shiki/caesar, the doffy ship special and burst him to far as i know you need at least 4 matching orbs with 2 of them being the 2 fujitora to be sure to burst him down.
for shanks: t's the usual,stage 1 stall 1 time on the good barrier guy, stage 2 stall as much as possible and farm orbs so that on stage 3 you can kill lucky roux easily..stage 4 kill everything without taking damage (you can also use diamante's special if you fancy)..on shanks just stall a lot and use marco to continue stalling until the despair and silence is gone...use one fuji, let him sink for another turn,then use the second one and burst (of course you need to farm orbs between the last orb shuffle that shanks does and the moment you need to burst, it should be doable enough thanks to need at least 4 matching orbs + doffy ship special to be sure to kill him.